The short profiles in this list have been written to help you organize your reading. They have been abridged to 50 words. "Inessential" words have been intentionally omitted in order to keep the length of this page as short as possible. The profiles are also found in the blue boxes in the individual laureate's pages. Thank you for your consideration.
Image Public Domain
The Nobel Peace Prize 2022
Co-nobelists: Ales Bialiatski and Memorial [organization]
Ukrainian human rights organization. Founded by nine human rights leaders in different countries of former Soviet Union. Chair: Ukrainian woman attorney Oleksandra Matviichuk. Pressure Ukrainian government to make the country more democratic.
"Ordinary people do have far more influence than they think they do." - Oleksandra Matviichuk
Photo Mariusz Kubik, Wikipedia
The Nobel Peace Prize 2022
Co-nobelists: Memorial, Center for Civil Liberties
Prize motivation: Human rights and pro-democracy activist. In Eastern Europe called, 'A beacon of light.' In prison when Nobel Prize announced.
"I keep peace in my soul, growing it like a flower. I pray that reality does not force me to dig up a long-buried axe to defend the truth."
Photo: Annie Ernaux at the L'orma editore stand at the Turin International Book Fair 2017.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2022
French writer, autobiographical novelist. Prize awarded "for the courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers the roots, estrangements and collective restraints of personal memory."
Photo Abdulrazak Gurnah, in a conversation on the "Blue Couch" as part of "Leipzig still reads". Location: Congress Hall at the Zoo. Amrei-Marie, Wiki
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2021
Tanzanian-born British novelist and academic. Prize awarded "for his uncompromising & compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism & the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents."
"Respect yourself and others will come to respect you. That is the meaning of honour."
Painting Tim Tompkins -
The Nobel Peace Prize 2021
Co-Nobelist: Dmitry Andreyevich Muratov
Journalist, Filipino & American. Co-founder & CEO of Rappler, a Filipino online news website. Detailed the weaponization of social media & exposed government corruption & human rights violations in Philippines. Investigative reporter in Southeast Asia.
"Where we spend our time determines what we accomplish and at what we become good."
Photo: "Wild + Team Agency - UNI Salzburg" St. Gallen Peter Stojanovic. Wikipedia."
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2019
Austrian-born writer, playwright, novelist, poet, essayist and screenwriter. Prize awarded "for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience."
" … take advantage of your days of good health.
Photo: Aga Machaj, Wiki
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018
Co-nobelist: Frances H. Arnold, George P. Smith
"for the directed evolution of enzymes"
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018
Nobel co-recipients George P. Smith, Sir Gregory P. Winter
"for the directed evolution of enzymes"
Photo Bengt Nyman, Wiki.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018
Nobel co-recipients: Frances H. Arnold, Sir Gregory P. Winter
"for the phage display of peptides and antibodies."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018
Nobel co-recipient Tasuku Honjo
Cancer Immunologist. Discovered cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation. Pioneer. Place breaks/check points on inhibitory immune cells to attack cancer cells -
curative. Interest: How T cells work. First Nobel Prize for cancer therapy. Family history of cancer. Modest.
"Motivation of scientists: to know what nobody else knows."
Photo: Harald Krichel, Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2018
Polish novelist, essayist, poetess, screenwriter, advocate for civil liberties and animal rights, clinical psychologist.
"A novel should tell a story, be a pleasure to read and at the same time it should be thought-provoking, even a bit instructive."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016
Award: "for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015
Nobel co-recipient: William C. Campbell, Tu Youyou
Award: "for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015
Nobel co-recipients: Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich
"for mechanistic studies of DNA repair."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2014
Co-nobelist: Malala Yousafzai
Prize motivation: "for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education."
Photo: © Nobel Foundation
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2013
Nobel co-recipients Lars Peter Hansen, Robert J. Shiller
Economist. Empirical analysis of asset prices. Influenced development of index funds. Father of modern finance. Idea is 'how do you measure risk?' Windsurfing, golf, opera.
In University of Chicago - Economics. Environment so productive. "We have good people, you need that; very interactive environment; people help one another out a lot. I couldn't do what I did without the help of my professors, colleagues and students. Everybody contributes to everybody else."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013
Nobel co-recipients: James E. Rothman, Thomas C. Südhof
Award: "for their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells."
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 2007 USA
Nobel co-recipient Brian K. Kobilka
Physician- Cardiologist, Scientist. G-protein-coupled receptors;
approximately half of all medicines used today use this kind of receptor.
"Strong family history of coronary artery disease ... at age 50 I had quadruple bypass surgery [1994]. I minimize my risk factors with daily physical exercise, a vegetarian diet and appropriate medications".
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012
Nobel co-recipient Shinya Yamanaka
Developmental Biologist. Mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent. Hobbies: Outdoor sports, mountaineering, travelling, but not theatre, music, reading.
At age15, damning school report: …he will not listen, but will insist in doing his work his own way…has ideas of becoming a Scientist…waste of time for him and teachers.
`Know Thyself
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012
Nobel co-recipient: Sir John B. Gurdon
Award: "for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent."
Photo: Jon Styer/Eastern Mennonite University/Wikipedia Commons
Nobel Peace Prize 2011
Nobel Co-recipients Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Tawakkol Karman
Liberian peace activist, social worker, women's rights advocate. Brought together Christian and Muslim women in a nonviolent movement that played a pivotal role in ending Liberia's civil war. Founder, Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa.
"Went from being an angry, broke, virtually homeless, 25-year-old mother to listening to the voice of God."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2011
Co-nobelists: Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee
Prize motivation: "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2011
Co-nobelists: Leymah Gbowee, Tawakkol Karman
Prize motivation: "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work."
Photo: Holger Motzkau/Wikimedia Commons
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010
Nobel co-recipients Ei-ichi Negishizz, Akira Suzuki
Physical organic chemist. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction. Sole author - 7 consecutive papers. Heck reaction: important concept, tool for organic and medicinal chemists; fuorescence labeling of DNA bases - sequencing DNA/Genome. Thinner computer screens in future. "Great art in test tube."
Growing orchids in early teens lead to passion for chemistry.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010
Nobel Co recipients Richard F. Heck, Akira Suzuki
Organic Chemist. Inventor of organozinc variant of the palladium catalyzed cross-coupling reaction. Read voraciously including "how to …" publications. Dreamt of Nobel half century prior to being awarded prize. Upon arriving in US and discovering Nobelists visiting UPenn, realized that being awarded the Nobel could happen to anybody including himself.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010
Nobel Co recipients Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi
Organic chemist. Inventor of boron version of palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction. Investigated stereochemistry of hydroboration reaction. Suzuki reaction kept evolving. Became interested in organic chemistry after reading textbook.
"There were difficult and joyful periods. Memories of tough, trying experiences tend to fade with time. Now I think mainly about fun things."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2009
US President, Attorney, Democrat. Award: 'Extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy, cooperation between peoples.'
Prevented Iran acquiring nuclear weapon. Reopened relations with Cuba. Saved auto industry. Deal: slow climate change. Obamacare. Voter registration drive. African American. Orator
"Our actions matter, can bend history in direction of justice."
"Yes we can!"
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009
Co-nobelists: Oliver E. Williamson
Award "for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons."
Photo: Courtesy Dr.Williamson
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009
Nobel co-recipient Elinor Ostrom
Economist and Founding Editor of the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization. His book, The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, Relational Contracting, is said to be the most frequently cited work in social science research.
National Medal of Science - Mathematics and Computer Science 2009
Mathematician. Algebraic geometry, Vision and Pattern Theory. Pure and Applied math. History and Philosophy of math, Math education. Sailing.
"Research enterprise depends on the free dissemination of scholarly material.
Photo: LN, NIMH
National Medal of Science - Behaviorial and Social Science 2009
Cognitive neuroscientist, Business Administrator. Brain/behavior relationships in humans, nonhuman primates. Identified ... areas in cerebral cortex essential for perception and memory: cortico-limbic circuit responsible for memory of facts and events; cortico-striatal circuit responsible for learning of different types of habits and motor skills.
"Perseverance is built into the trait of curiosity, a scientist's motivation. If you're sufficiently curious, you're willing to continue despite failures and obstacles. It's so easy to give up."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2009
Nobel co-recipients: Carol W. Greider, Jack W. Szostak
Award: "for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2009
Nobel co-recipients: Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider
Award: "for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase."
Photo David Dobkin, Painting Tim Tompkins
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2009
Co-nobelist: Willard S. Boyle, George E. Smith
Prize motivation: "for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication."
Photo Prolineserver, Wiki.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2009
Co-nobelists: Charles K. Kao, George E. Smith
Prize motivation: "for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit - the CCD sensor."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009
Nobel co-recipients: Thomas A. Steitz, Ada E. Yonath
"for studies of the structure and function of the ribosome."
Photo: US Government/Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2008
Prize: "for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity."
Photo: Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2009
Nobel Co-recipients: Charles K. Kao, Willard S. Boyle
Applied physicist. Co-inventor of imaging semiconductor circuit, the charge-coupled device (CCD sensor) which has become an electronic eye in almost all areas of photography.
His interest was Applied Mathematics. Mathematics Professor was dismissed.
So he became a physicist - Applied not Theoretical because he was interested in hands-on work.
Photo: Courtesy Dr. Michael I. Posner. Upon receiving Carty award 2012.
National Medal of Science - Behaviorial and Social Science 2008
Psychologist. Cognitive neuroscience - attention, early brain development, changes in brain systems with learning; developmental disorders; brain injury. Posner cueing task. Founding Director, Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2008
Nobel co-recipients: Harald zur Hausen, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
Prize: "for their discovery of human immunodeficiency virus."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2008
Nobel co-recipients: Harald zur Hausen, Luc Montagnier
Award: "for their discovery of human immunodeficiency virus."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2008
Peace broker. Peacefully ended conflicts worldwide. Namibia's independence from South Africa following war. Yugoslavia - end to the war in Kosovo. Indonesia - Aceh Peace Accord following war.
Founded Crisis Management Initiative.
"Peace is question of will. All conflicts can be settled. No excuses for allowing them to become eternal."
Photo: © Nobel Foundation
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007
Nobel prize also awarded to Sir Martin J. Evans and Oliver Smithies
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 2001
Molecular Geneticist. Introduced specific gene modifications in mice by using embryonic stem cells. Gene Targeting, Homeobox Genes, Development, Behavior.
Mother incarcerated as political prisoner, Germany. "At age 4½, I set off on my own, living in streets, orphanages; joining gangs of homeless children; generally hungry. Vivid recollections, brutal beyond description."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007
Nobel co-recipients: Mario R. Capecchi, Oliver Smithies
Prize: "for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007
Nobel co-recipients: Mario R. Capecchi, Sir Martin J. Evans
Award: "for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2007
"for his studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006
Nobel Prize also awarded to George F. Smoot
Physicist - Astrophysics, Instrumentation. COBE, Blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
"For years I had successfully repelled all challenges to my concentration on one overwhelming responsibility. Now, it was done, and I switched my attention to ..."
Photo Nomo Michael Hoefner, Wiki.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006
Co-nobelist: John C. Mather
Prize motivation: "for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation."
Photo: Courtesy Nina Fedoroff. Credit: Douglas Mills, New York Times
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 2006
Plant Molecular Biologist. Geneticist. First to clone and characterize maize transposons. Founding director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences. Interests: Education, Public Policy.
"It's as much wanting to succeed as it is to using your brains. I've seen very bright people fall out of the system".
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2006
"for his studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2005
Joint awardee: International Atomic Energy Agency
Attorney, Egyptian Diplomat. 'Prevent military use of nuclear energy, ensure nuclear energy used safely for peace.' Worked in UN. Director General, IAEA. IAEA:
'to accelerate, enlarge atomic energy contribution to peace, health, prosperity throughout world.’
"Durable peace is not a single achievement, but an environment, a process and a commitment."
Photo: Courtesy Dr. Robert J. Aumann
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2005
Nobel co-recipient Thomas C. Schelling
Mathematician. Game Theory. Interest: Talmud.
"Science is exploration for the sake of exploration."
Photo: US Govt./Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2005
Co-nobelists: Robert J. Aumann
Prize: "for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis."
Photo: Courtesy Dr. Gordon Bower
National Medal of Science - Behavior and Social Science 2005
"Psychologist, Cognitive-Social. Human memory, mnemonic devices, retrieval strategies, recording strategies, category learning. Cognitive processes, emotion, imagery, language and reading comprehension as they relate to memory. Mathematical Models, Computer Simulation of Memory, Behavior Modification."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005
Co Nobelists: J. Robin Warren
Award: "for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005
Nobel co-recipient: Barry J. Marshall
Award: "for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease."
Photo Markus Possel, Wiki.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2005
Co-nobelists: Roy J. Glauber, John L. Hall
Prize motivation: "for their contributions to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, including the optical frequency comb technique."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2005
Nobel co-recipients: Yves Chauvin, Richard R. Schrock
"for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2003
Nobel Co-recipient Sir Peter Mansfield
The President's National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1987
The National Medal of Technology and Innovation 1988
Chemist. Magnetic resonance imaging.
"Every great idea in history has the red stamp of rejection on its face. If you scratch any innovation's surface, you'll find the scars: they've been roughed up and thrashed around by the masses and the leading minds before they made it into your life."
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2002
Nobel co-recipient Daniel Kahneman
Electrical Engineer, Experimental Economist. Founder, International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics; Founder Economic Science Institute at Chapman University.
"... If I am ever reborn, I hope to be a madman yet again ..."
Photo: Courtesy Evelyn M. Witkin
National Medal of Science - Biological Science 2002
Zoologist - Molecular Geneticist. E. coli. DNA mutagenesis and DNA repair. Interests: Science education in public schools; Connections between contemporary Victorians poet Robert Browning and Charles Darwin.
Essentially same grant from 1956 until retirement in 1991.
The Nobel Peace Prize 2002
USA president. Nuclear physicist. Peanut farmer. Devout Christian. Egypt-Israel peace agreement. Carter Center promoting human rights.
Ceased neutron bomb development. Protested Soviets invading Afghanistan. Panama Canal treaty. Established Departments of Energy, Education. Mental Health Systems Act. Housing. Jimmy Carter smile!
“We must adjust to changing times while holding unchanging principles.”
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002
Nobel co-recipients: Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz
Award: "for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death'."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002
Nobel co-recipients: John B. Fenn, Koichi Tanaka
"for his development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution."
Photo: Courtesy Dr.Wolfgang Ketterle
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2001
Nobel co-recipients Eric A. Cornell, Carl E. Wieman
Physicist - Atomic Physics. Hobbies: Running, Bicycling.
"...the quest for pure knowledge and the pursuit of goals which are only vaguely defined and change as the research progresses... I didn't anticipate that the best was still to come".
Photo © Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons). Painting Tim Tompkins -
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2001
Co-nobelists:George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence
Prize: "for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information."
Photo: Courtesy Dr. George F. Bass
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 2001
Archeologist. Father of underwater archaeology. Excavated shipwrecks of Bronze Age, Classical Age, Byzantine. Founded Institute of Nautical Archaeology. Findings throw new light into beginning of free enterprise system, dating Homer's Odyssey, chronologies of Egyptian dynasties, Helladic cultures; histories of technology, economics, music, art, religion.
"The greatest thrill comes from the library, when you can understand something about what you've found, when it all comes together and it means something."
Photo: Courtesy Gene Elden Likens
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 2001
Zoologist. Ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, acid rain, human impacts on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Linked fossil fuel combustion to acid rain. Founder, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2001
Nobel co-recipients: Leland Hartwell, Tim Hunt
Award: "for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2001
"The Arab Spring reminds me of the decolonisation process where one country gets independence, and everybody else wants it.
"I am a stubborn optimist: I was born an optimist and will remain an optimist.
"The Lord had the wonderful advantage of being able to work alone." - Kofi Annan
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001
Nobel co-recipients: Ryoji Noyori, Barry Sharpless
"for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2000
President, S. Korea, ‘Sunshine Politician’. ‘Democracy, human rights in South Korea, East Asia; peace, reconciliation with North Korea.’ Assassination attempts. Jailed. Exiled in US.
“King is son of heaven. Heaven sent him to serve people with just rule. If he unjust, oppresses people, people have right to dispose of him.”
Photo Texas Instruments. Painting Tim Tompkins
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2000
Co-nobelists Zhores Alferov, Herbert Kroemer
Prize: "for his part in the invention of the integrated circuit.
Photo: Courtesy Nancy C. Andreasen
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 2000
Psychiatrist, Litterateur. Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, Genomics, Neuroimaging, Neuroscience of Creativity, Schizophrenia. Writes books to educate laity and reduce stigma. Founding Chair, Neuroscience Section, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Creative people tend to be very persistent, even when confronted with skepticism or rejection.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2000
Nobel co-recipients: Arvid Carlsson, Eric Kandel
Prize: "for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2000
Co Nobelists: Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard
Award: "for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system."
Photo: Gerardus ''t Hooft
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1999
Nobel Prize also awarded to Martinus J.G. Veltman
Theoretical Physicist - Particle Physics. For PH.D Thesis work in 1971, Nobel Prize awarded in 1999.
"A man who knows everything," my answer at age 8 yrs, regarding what I'd like to become when I grow up. I meant "scientist", someone who unravels the secrets of the fundamental Laws of Nature.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1999
Award: "for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell."
Photo: Courtesy Dr.Louis Ignarro
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1998
Nobel co-recipients: Robert F. Furchgott and Ferid Murad
Molecular & Medical Pharmacologist
While testifying before Congress in 2000, Ignarro remarked: "Only in America could the son of an uneducated carpenter receive the Nobel Prize in Medicine."
Photo: Dan Bahcall, Wiki
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1998
Award "For his fundamental contributions to areas of modern astrophysics ranging from solar neutrino physics to the structure of the Milky Way Galaxy to cosmology, and for his leadership of the astronomical community, especially his tireless advocacy of the Hubble Space Telescope."
Photo: Wikipedia
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1998
Award: "For his leading contributions to understanding the composition, structure, and dynamics of Earth and Earth-like planets, and his influence on the advancement of Earth sciences over the past three decades nationally and internationally."
Photo: J.A. Jzburovich SUNY Downstate Med Ctr. Wiki.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1998
Nobel co-recipients: Louis J. Ignarro, Ferid Murad
Prize: "for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1998
Nobel co-recipients: Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro
Prize: "for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system."
Photo Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998
The National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1988
Award: "for his development of the density-functional theory"
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1997
Nobel co-recipients Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Physicist. Development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. Think about physics intuitively. Open, lively discussion of physics problems. Do physics at frontiers competitively with openness, humanity, cooperation. Excellent teacher. Religious.
"No prize can compare in importance to family and friends I count as my greatest treasures".
National Medal of Technology and Innovation 1997
One of two Fathers of the Internet. TCP/IP protocols. Internet
Architecture. Chief Internet Evangelist, Google. Interplanetary Internet.
Living Legend.
"Brilliant, indescribably enthusiastic, humorous, happy, treats people
extremely well. It would be nice to go to work every day and work with
people like Vint Cerf." – R.V. Nagaveni, Founder, Ganga Library.
Photo: Courtesy Dr. Shing-Tung Yau
National Medal of Science - Mathematics and Computer Science 1997
Mathematician. Differential geometry, Differential equations, General relativity. Calabi-Yau manifolds. Miyaoka-Yau inequality. Founder: Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Morningside Center of Mathematics at Academia Sinica; Center of Mathematical Sciences at Zhejiang University; Tsinghua Mathematical Sciences Center, China. Adviser more than 50 doctoral students.
Family fled mainland China and Communist takeover when he was an infant. Leader of street gang and often skipped school.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1997
Nobel co-recipient: International Campaign to Ban Landmines ,
"for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines."
Drawing: Ami Mowris
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1996
Co-nobelist: James A. Mirrlees
Economist, Mathematician. 'Fundamental contributions to economic theory of incentives under asymmetric information.' Solve real world problems. Interests: efficiency of public services, irrational budget accounting, excessive concern with inflation, insufficient attention to wasteful unemployment, macroeconomic stabilization, ethics, philosophy, world peace.
Rip van Winkle award for deep, uninterrupted concentration while attending seminars.
Photo Jose Fernando Real. Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins
The Nobel Peace Prize 1996
Co-nobelists: José Ramos-Horta
“Nations will proclaim his wisdom; the assembly will celebrate his praises. If he lives long, his name will be more glorious than a thousand others, and if he dies, that will satisfy him just as well”
(Wisdom 39, 10-11)
“… it expresses with deep significance the memory of the man we remember this day whose esteemed Peace Prize bears his name. Today, 10th December, we celebrate the centennial anniversary of the death of
a wise benefactor of humanity, a peace worker, Alfred Nobel.” - Nobel Lecture, Nobel foundation.
Photo: US Govt/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1995
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1983
Nobel co-recipient Martin L. Perl
Award: "for the detection of the neutrino"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1995
Nobel co-recipients: Edward B. Lewis, Eric F. Wieschaus
Award: "for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development."
Drawing: Ami Mowris
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1994
Co-Nobelists: John F. Nash Jr., Reinhard Selten
Economist. Contributed to developing game theory. Hungarian-American.
Drawing: Harry James
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1994
Co-nobelist Bertram N. Brockhouse
Prize "for the development of the neutron diffraction technique"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1994
Nobel co-recipient: Alfred G. Gilman
Award: "for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells."
Photo: Michael Fogel/Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1993
Co-nobelists: Douglass C. North
Award: "for having renewed research in economic history by applying economic theory and quantitative methods in order to explain economic and institutional change"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1993
Co-Nobelist F.W. de Klerk
Award: "for work regarding peaceful termination of apartheid regime and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa."
Nelson Mandela's Nobel co-recipient was President Frederik Willem de Klerk who released him from prison. They had agreed to transitioning to majority rule peacefully.
"It always seems impossible until it's done."
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1992
Award: "for having extended the domain of microeconomic analysis to a wide range of human behaviour and interaction, including nonmarket behaviour"
Gordimer at the Göteborg Book Fair, 2010. Photo: Bengt Oberger.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1991
Writer, illustrated consequences of apartheid. For fifty years the 'Geiger Counter of Apartheid.
"My answer is: Recognize yourself in others"." A child understands fear, and the hurt and hate it brings". "Time is change; we measure its passing by how much things alter".
The Nobel Peace Prize 1991
Prize motivation: "for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights."
Photo: Yosemite Climbing Assoc/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1990
Co-nobelist Jerome I. Friedman, Richard E. Taylor
Award: "for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics"
Photo: Elias .J. Corey at Harvard. Creator: Trvthchem personal photo. 19 Nov 2007. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1990
Organic Chemist - Interested in application of organic chemistry to human health. His groups have achieved a multitude of total syntheses of complex molecules. Originator of retrosynthetic analysis. Recognized as "Most Cited Author in Chemistry" by American Chemical Society in 2002.
"Organic chemistry was especially fascinating with its intrinsic beauty and its great relevance to human health."
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1990
Co-nobelists: Merton H. Miller, William F. Sharpe
Award "for their pioneering work in the theory of financial economics"
Photo: Larry D. Moore/Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1990
Co-nobelists: Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller
Award "for their pioneering work in the theory of financial economics"
Photo: Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1990
Co-nobelists: Harry M. Markowitz, William F. Sharpe
Award "for their pioneering work in the theory of financial economics"
The National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1990
Prize "For his pioneering studies of protein conformation and devotion to the scientific enterprise of this Nation."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1990
Nobel co-recipient: E. Donnall Thomas
"for their discoveries concerning organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1990
Nobel co-recipient: Joseph E. Murray
Award: "for their discoveries concerning organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease."
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1989
Nobel Prize shared by J. Michael Bishop
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 2001
Physician, Scientist, Litterateur. Cellular origin of retroviral oncogenes. Co-founder, Public Library of Science Journals. Initiated doubling NIH budget. Interests: cycling, rowing.
'Unflappable Varmus'
The Nobel Peace Prize 1989
Religious and Political Leader of Tibet
Head of nonviolent opposition to China's occupation of Tibet.
"Human happiness and human satisfaction must ultimately come from within oneself."
Photo: Wikipedia Commons
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1989
Award: "for his clarification of the probability theory foundations of econometrics and his analyses of simultaneous economic structures"
Photo Sigismund von Dobschutz. Painting Tim Tompkins
Nobel Prize in Physics 1988
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1988 USA
Nobel Prize shared with Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz
Physicist, Cosmologist, Astrophysicist. Hobbies: Playing the Flute, Tennis, Mountaineering, Sailing.
To Ganga Library founder on 3 Aug 2014, "I have used your questions to me as an incentive to prepare a list of my publications".
Drawing: Harry James
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1988
Co-Nobelist: Leon M. Lederman, Jack Steinberger
Award: "for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino"
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1988
Co-Nobelists: Sir James W. Black, George H. Hitchings
National Medal of Science - Chemistry 1991
Chemist, Pharmacologist. Discovered principles for drug treatment; developed drugs - anticancer, immunosuppressive, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-gout, anti-malarial. Purines.
"I was a child with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. My beloved grandfather died of cancer when I was 15. I was highly motivated to discover a cure for this terrible disease".
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1988
Co Nobelists Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion
Chemist, Pharmacologist. Discovered principles for drug treatment; developed drugs - anticancer, immunosuppressive, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-gout, anti-malarial. Purines. 6-mercaptopurine, Imuran,
allopurinol, pyramethamine, trimethoprim, Acyclovir.
"My greatest satisfaction … save lives, relieve suffering. At baptism, my father dedicated my life to service of mankind. Very proud … able to fulfill his hopes."
Photo: Wikipedia
National Medal of Science - Chemistry 1988
Prize: "For pioneering studies of the complex relationships between the molecular structures and physical properties of polymers, for a distinguished record of leadership in the combined disciplines of science and engineering, and for distinguished service to government and education."
Photo: Wikipedia
The National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1988
Prize: "For seminal work on nuclear molecules, for development of tandem accelerators and semi-conductor detectors for charged particles, for his contributions to particle-gamma correlation studies, and for his role in founding the field of precision heavy-ion physics."
Photo: Wikipedia
The National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1988
Prize: "For his highly original research in the field of physiology and for his manifold contributions to the advance of science and its institution in the service of society."
Photo German Federal Archives, Wiki.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1987
Nobel co-recepients Donald J. Cram, Charles J. Pedersen
Chemist. Interests: Supramolecular chemistry, Self-assembly and self-organization, Constitutional dynamic chemistry; Music, Philosophy.
Founding director, 'Chemistry, a European Journal'. Gave starting impetus to other European journals, rare manifestation of European spirit and supranationality bridging historical divides!
President, International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development, helping chemists in developing countries.
Drawing by Ami Mowris
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1987
Co-Nobelists: Jean-Marie Lehn, Charles J. Pedersen
The President's National Medal of Science - Chemistry 1993
Organic Chemist. Development, use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity. Taught himself solid geometry from book, winning scholarship. High emotional intelligence.
When word "research" entered my vocabulary, it had magic ring, suggesting search for new phenomena. Chemical research became my god, and conducting it, my act of prayer.
Photo: Courtesy Michael H. Freedman
National Medal of Science - Mathematics and Computer Science 1987
American mathematician. Proof of Poincare Conjecture in dimension four. One of the greatest achievements in mathematics in this century. Fields Medal, 1986.
Photo: Atlas Network/Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1986
Award: "for his development of the contractual and constitutional bases for the theory of economic and political decision-making"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1986
Nobel co-recipients: Stanley Cohen
Prize: "for their discoveries of growth factors."
Photo: Wikipedia
The National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1986
Prize: "For his wise contributions to national science and technology policy, and for his studies of solid state plasmas."
The President's National Medal of Science Physical Sciences 1986
"For the first measurement of the magnetic moment and spin of free elect rons and positrons."
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1985
Award: "for his pioneering analyses of saving and of financial markets"
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1984
Award: "for his development of methodology for chemical synthesis on a solid matrix"
Drawing: Harry James
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1983
Co-Nobelist: William A. Fowler
Award: "for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1983
The President's National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1970
Cytogeneticist. Mobile genetic elements, 1948. Nobel after 35 years. Skilled experimentalist, master cytological detail interpreter, brilliant theoretician. Solo labor, no technical help. Friendly fellow scientists. Discriminated as woman.
"Tacit assumptions - substance of dogma - served as barrier to effective communication. My understanding of phenomenon was too radical for time."
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1983
Award: "for having incorporated new analytical methods into economic theory and for his rigorous reformulation of the theory of general equilibrium"
The President's National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1983
Prize: "For his pioneering research in molecular virology, including identification of the immunizing protein, and his collaborative role in the use of gene splicing to produce the first effective protein vaccine for use in animals or humans."
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1982
The President's National Medal of Science - Behavior and Social Science 1987
Economist - industrial organization. 'Seminal studies of industrial structures; functioning of markets; causes, effects of public regulation.' Great teacher. Writings easy to admire, joy to read, impossible to imitate. Interest: many areas of economics; history of economics. Very Humorous.
Chicago Economics Department intellectual ferment - intense intellectual atmosphere; captivated him.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1982
Co-nobelist: Alfonso García Robles
Diplomat, Innovator, Writer. Disarmament, Nuclear Weapons-Free Zones. Technology and growth in violence. Women's rights. Swedish Ambassador to India. Insightful.
"Never forget trampling down of human dignity, rights, increase in acts of violence, torture use, testifies to persistence in contempt for suffering of individual men and women."
"Down with nuclear weapons!"
Photo: Wiki
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1982
Physicist, molecular biologist, behavioral biologist (neurogeneticist). Post Pearl Harbor worked in secret wartime project studying semiconducting properties of germanium, work that foreshadowed development of transistor. Functional gene is a linear stretch of DNA with definable boundaries. Stretches of DNA are all linked to each other as adjacent pieces of chromosome.
Photo Bogaerts, Rob, Anefo, Dutch National Archives; Wikipedia.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1982
Crystallographic electron microscopy. Biologically important nucleic acid-protein complexes' structural elucidation. Viruses' 3D imaging. Zinc fingers.
"Saw Rosalind Franklin’s beautiful tobacco mosaic virus’ X-ray photographs. From then on my fate was sealed."
"Aaron could see colleagues' strengths, weaknesses in observations; inspired them to conduct more rigorous, adventurous research." - Richard Henderson.
Photo: Courtesy Dr.Roald Hoffmann
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1981
Nobel Prize also awarded to Kenichi Fukui
National Medal of Science - Chemistry 1983 USA
Chemist, Poet, Philosopher, Writer, Chemistry Teacher Text/Television.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1981
Nobel co-recipients David H. Hubel, Torsten N. Wiesel
The President's National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1989
Psychologist, Philosopher, Zoologist, Neuroanatomist. Functional specialization of cerebral hemispheres. Split-brain studies. Duality of consciousness. Mind and consciousness. High ethical standards. Authorship generosity.
Ralph Gerard, "I know of nobody else who has disposed of cherished ideas of his doctoral and postdoctoral sponsors, at that time the acknowledged leaders in their fields."
Photo: Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1981
Prize: "for his analysis of financial markets and their relations to expenditure decisions, employment, production and prices"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980
Nobel co-recipients: Jean Dausset, George D. Snell
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1990
Physician, Scientist - Immunologist, teacher, remarkable leader. Discovered genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions.
"Baruj did not always get on well with those in authority, often because he felt he could do their jobs so much better than they did …"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980
Nobel co-recipients: Baruj Benacerraf, Jean Dausset
Geneticist, Transplantation Immunologist. Genetically determined structures on cell surface that regulate immunological reactions, the major histocompatibility complex, HLA. Thesis work on linkage in mice largely determined future work. Interest: social evolution.
"In examining histocompatibility genetics as one of several potential new undertakings, I thought I saw possibilities for new openings."
Drawing Samyuktha Krishna
The Nobel Peace Prize 1980
Human Rights Leader, Architect, Sculptor. Believed in nonviolence. Fought for indigenous peoples.
"It is essential to have inner peace and the serenity of prayer to listen to the silence of God, which speaks to us, in our personal life and the history of our times,
of the power of love."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980
Nobel co-recipients: Baruj Benacerraf, George D. Snell
Award: "for their discoveries concerning genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1979
The President's National Medel of Sciences - Physical Sciences, 1969
Nobel co-recipient Georg Wittig
Organic Chemist. Development of use of boron into important reagents in organic synthesis. School, advanced several times, graduating at 12; refused further advancement, avoiding being sister's classmate.
Graduating, Depression years, future wife Sarah gave him gift, Stock's 'Hydrides of Boron and Silicon' because cheapest chemistry book! Led to Nobel Prize!
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1979
Nobel co-recipient Herbert C. Brown
Organic Chemist. Development of use of phosphorus into important reagents in organic synthesis. Wittig reaction. Mentored 300 graduate students, post-docs; provided close supervision for crucial experiments.
"Chemical research and mountaineering similar. To reach goal/summit, initiative, perseverance required. After hard work, great joy to be at goal/peak with its splendid panorama..."
The National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1979
Award: "For numerous original contributions leading to an understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of the process of biological nitrogen fixation."
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1979
Co-Nobelist: Sir Arthur Lewis
Agricultural economist. Pioneered ‘human capital’ research. Population quality, knowledge matter. Concern for poor. Keen observer of world in which he lived. Very Humorous.
"Mankind's future is not foreordained by space, energy, cropland. Will be determined by intelligent evolution of humanity. Agree with Margaret Mead: "Future of mankind is open ended.""
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1979
Co Nobelists Allan M. Cormack
Award: "for the development of computer assisted tomography."
Drawing: Richard Rappaport/Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1978
National Medal of Science - Behavioral and Social Science, 1986
Award: "for his pioneering research into the decision-making process within economic organizations"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978
Nobel co-recipients Werner Arber, Hamilton O. Smith
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1993
Physician, Molecular Biologist - Genetics. Restriction enzymes and their application to molecular genetics. Groundwork for human genome project, drug insulin. Able administrator - high signal-to-noise ratio.
"Valuable internship year in medicine with masterful clinician Robert Loeb; The glimpses of human strength and frailty that a physician sees are still with me."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978
Award: "for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics."
Photo: Dutch Nat'l Archives/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1977
The President's National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1966
Nobel co-recipients Philip W. Anderson, Sir Nevill F. Mott
Award: "for their fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems"
Photo: Courtesy Dr. Roger Guillemin
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1977
Nobel Prize also awarded to Andrew V. Schally, Rosalyn Yalow
National Medal of Science-Biological Sciences 1976 USA
Physician, Physiologist, Neuroendocrinologist. Peptide hormone production of brain. Visual Artist.
Alfred Nobel chose to associate Literature and Science in his legacy. The mission, role and responsibility to society of a scientist and an artist are the same.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1977
Nobel co-recipients: Roger Guillemin, Andrew V. Schally
Award: "for the development of radioimmunoassays of peptide hormones."
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1977
Co-nobelist: James E. Meade
Award: "for their pathbreaking contribution to the theory of international trade and international capital movements"
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1977
Co-nobelist: Bertil Ohlin
Award: "for their pathbreaking contribution to the theory of international trade and international capital movements"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1976
Co-Nobelist: Betty Williams
Role: Founder of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People)
Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan received their Nobel Prize one year later, in 1977.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1976
Co-nobelist: Mairead Corrigan
Role: Founder of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People)
Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan received their Nobel Prize one year later, in 1977.
Photo: Public Domain, Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1975
Co-Nobelists: Aage N. Bohr, Ben R. Mottelson
Award: "for the discovery of the connection between collective motion and particle motion in atomic nuclei and the development of the theory of the structure of the atomic nucleus based on this connection"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1975
Nobel Co-recipients David Baltimore, Renato Dulbecco
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1992
Virologist. Interaction between tumor viruses and genetic material of cell. DNA provirus and RNA-directed DNA synthesis. Reverse Transcriptase. Intellectually courageous. Civic minded.
How fortunate to live in a country at a time and in a social class that has enabled us to realize our potential. Not been possible for many.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1975
Co-Nobelists Renato Dulbecco, Howard M. Temin
Award: "for their discoveries concerning the interaction between tumour viruses and the genetic material of the cell."Â
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1975
Co-Nobelists Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich
Mathematician, Theoretical Physicist and Economist. Prize for theory of optimal allocation of resources. Other interest: econometrics and statistics. Hobby: writing music.
Described collaborator and friend Jacob Marschak as being able to discern both pretense and timidity!
The Nobel Peace Prize 1974
Co-nobelist: Eisaku Sato
Role: President of the Commission of Namibia, United Nations, New York, USA, President of the International Peace Bureau, Geneva, Switzerland
Photo Wikipedia
National Medal of Science Biological Sciences 1974
For fundamental chemical and biological studies establishing the basis for modern concepts of the mechanisms of protein synthesis and the genetic role of nucleic acids.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1974
National Medal of Sciences - Physical Sciences 1974
Award: "for his fundamental achievements, both theoretical and experimental, in the physical chemistry of the macromolecules"
Photo: Dick Clark Mises at English Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1974
Co-nobelist: Gunnar Myrdal
Award: "for their pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and for their penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena"
Photo: Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1974
Co-nobelist: Friedrich von Hayek
Award "for their pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and for their penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena"
Photo: Keystone/Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1973
Award: "for the development of the input-output method and for its application to important economic problems"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1973
Co-nobelist Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz
Biologist - Ornithologist. Discovered ‘organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns’. Sticklebacks fish. Bee wolf, a digger wasp, Philanthus Triangulum. Adventurous. Elder brother Jan Tinbergen is Economics Nobelist, 1969, the first year the Economics prize was awarded. Both awarded at age 66yrs.
National Medal of Science Science - Biological Sciences 1973
Plant Physiologist. Photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation. Child prodigy. Post-Sputnik national committee. Wrote four chapters on evolution of life processes in "Blue Series"
high-school biology textbook, widely translated, nationally acclaimed. Budgeted well time and circumstances. Debater, played devil's advocate with zest.
Reminded those weary of duplicating, "Repetition is the mother of learning."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1973
Nobel co-recipients: Leo Esaki, Brian D. Josephson
"for their experimental discoveries regarding tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors, respectively."
Drawing: Newton Llorente
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1972
Co-nobelist Christian Anfinsen, William H. Stein
Award: "for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule"
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1972
Co-Nobelists Christian Anfinsen, Stanford Moore
Award: "for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule"
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1972
Co-nobelists: Kenneth J. Arrow.
Award: "for their pioneering contributions to general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory"
Photo: Linda A. Cicero/Stanford News Service/Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1972, National Medal of Science - Behavioral and Social Science 2004
Co-nobelists: John R. Hicks
Award: for their pioneering contributions to general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory"
Drawing: Ami Mowris
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1971
Economist and Statistician. Interpreted economic growth in a manner which helped better understand economic and social structure.
Photo: NIH
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1970
Co-Nobelists Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler
Pharmacologist. Neurophysiologist. Mechanism for storage, release, inactivation of humoral transmitters in nerve endings. Discovered drug metabolic pathways: hydroxylation, demethylation, deamination, conjugation. Led to liver's microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes discovery. Pheochromocytoma. Carboxylmethyl transferase. Melatonin.
Ideal mentor. Infectious exhilaration in discovery. Research was genuine fun. Students came out of lab with same attitude.
Photo: Innovation & Business Architectures, Inc./Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1970
Award: "for the scientific work through which he has developed static and dynamic economic theory and actively contributed to raising the level of analysis in economic science"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1970
The President's National Medal of Science 1988 - Biological Sciences 2004
Award: "For his success in breeding semi-dwarf, disease-resistant high-yield wheat and instructing farmers in its cultivation under harsh growing conditions, thus providing a new high-quality food source for millions of people around the world."
Photo Wikipedia
The President's National Medal of Science - Mathemematics and Computer Science - 1970
Award: "For his success in breeding semi-dwarf, disease-resistant high-yield wheat and instructing farmers in its cultivation under harsh growing conditions, thus providing a new high-quality food source for millions of people around the world."
Photo: Dutch National Archives/Wikipedia
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969
Co-nobelist Ragnar Frisch
Award: "for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1969
Co-Nobilists Max Delbrück, Salvador E. Luria
Geneticist, Virologist. Viruses' replication mechanism, genetic structure. "Nothing more satisfying than developing method; ideas come and go, methods last." Superb editor. Remembered: chemical basis of heredity.
Nobel Awards bring happiness not only to recipients, colleagues, friends, but to strangers! Humans love ceremonies that honor truth, justice. Thank God for sentiment.
Photo: Wikipedia
The Nobel Peace Prize 1969
'The only tripartite U.N. agency, since 1919 the ILO brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member States, to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men.'
Photo Dr. Ernst Peter Fischer Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1969
Co-Nobelists Alfred D. Hershey, Salvador E. Luria
Award: "for their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses"
Drawing: Newton Llorente
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1968
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1968
Award: "for the discovery of the reciprocal relations bearing his name, which are fundamental for the thermodynamics of irreversible processes"
Photo: Wikipedia
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1968
Prize: "For his leadership in advancing our understanding of the mechanisms by which chemical reactions take place, and for his success in training younger teachers and researchers."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1968
Award: "for his decisive contributions to elementary particle physics, in particular the discovery of a large number of resonance states, made possible through his development of the technique of using hydrogen bubble chamber and data analysis"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
Nobel co-recipients: H. Gobind Khorana, Marshall W. Nirenberg
Organic Chemist. 'Interpreted genetic code and its function in protein synthesis' First chemical synthesis of penicillin. Research: amino acids, peptides, protein biosynthesis. Discovered and isolated tRNA [transfer RNA] - alanine transfer RNA.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
National Medal of Sciences - Biological Sciences 1978
Co-Nobelists: Robert W. Holley, Marshall W. Nirenberg
Organic Chemist, Biochemist. 'Genetic code interpretation, function in protein synthesis. Pioneered synthesizing biologically active gene, determine codon triplets'
nucleotides order. Unraveled genetic code, how nucleic acids form proteins. Pioneered genetic engineering. Multidisciplinary work.
"Wife brought sense of purpose. In foreign country, I felt out of place everywhere, at home nowhere."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1968
Jurist, Judge, Humanitarian, Internationalist. Father of the Declaration of Human Rights.
"As a child I was filled with passionate admiration for acts of civic courage I had seen performed by an elderly military doctor, who was a friend of my family." - René Cassin
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1967
Nobel co-recipients Ragnar Granit, George Wald
Physician, Biophysicist. Physiological and chemical visual processes in eye.
"Vision itself is a dynamic process. There is little in the world that stands still, at least not as imaged in our retinas, for our eyes are always moving. The visual system is almost exclusively organized to detect change and motion."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1967
Co-Nobalists Ragnar Granit, Keffer Hartline
Zoologist. Visual physiologist. Visual pigment molecules are protein bound to derivative of vitamin A. Excellent teacher. Political actions part of biologist: one who is concerned with life.
“Selig Hecht was great teacher, physiologist. After leaving his laboratory, I felt his presence. What I did, said, wrote, was addressed to him.â€
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1967
Award: "for his contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars"
Photo: Wiki
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1967
Prize: "For outstanding contributions to geophysics which have immeasurably increased our understanding of the composition and the processes of the interior of the earth."
Photo Wikipedia
The National Medal of Science - physical Sciences 1967
Prize "For pioneering contributions to the theoretical understanding of nuclear structure and particle dynamics, for highly significant work in atomic and ionospheric physics, and for the inspiration he has given to several generations of American physicists." Presented by President Johnson at a White House ceremony on February 13, 1967
Photo Wikipedia
The President's National Medal of Science Biological Sciences 1967
"For highly original experimental and theoretical investigations of the electrical properties of biological membranes that have led to a deep understanding of the functioning of nerves."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1966
Co-Nobelist Charles B. Huggins
Physician, Pathologist, Scientist. Tumor-inducing Rous Sarcoma Virus, tumor filtrate transplantability. Nobel 50 yrs after discovery. Blood transfusion, world's first blood bank, Rous-Turner solution. Accurate editing, content, style. Experiments: extreme clarity. Equanimity, warmth. Many old are young to life.
"Uneducated men can be as great-hearted, lovable as those who know much."
Drawing: Newton Llorente
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1966
Award: "for his fundamental work concerning chemical bonds and the electronic structure of molecules by the molecular orbital method"
Photo Wikipedia
The National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1966
Prize: "For outstanding original contributions involving unique biological approaches to the control of insect vectors responsible for diseases of humans, domesticated animals and plants."
Photo Wikipedia
The National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1966
Prize: "By watching and studying maps he discovered the cylone-making waves of the air and the climate-controlling changes of the sea."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1965
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1964
Award: "for his outstanding achievements in the art of organic synthesis"
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1964
Nobel co-recipients: Charles H. Townes, Aleksandr M. Prokhorov
Award: "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle."
Photo: public domain/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1965
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1964
Nobel co-recipients Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Richard P. Feynman
Award: "for their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics, with deep-ploughing consequences for the physics of elementary particles"
Photo: Wikipedia
National Medal of Science - Chemistry 1964
Prize: "For superb contributions [to chemistry] as a scientist, teacher and imaginatinve leader in furthering the constructive interaction of academic and industrial scientists."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1964
Award: The Nobel Peace Prize 1964 was awarded to Martin Luther King Jr."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1963
Co-Nobelists: Eugene Wigner, J. Hans D. Jensen
Award: "for their discoveries concerning nuclear shell structure"
Emblem of the International Committee of the Red Cross with the official acronym CICR in French ("Comité international de la Croix-Rouge" [1]) and Spanish ("Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja").
The Nobel Peace Prize 1917, 1944, 1963
The Prize in 1963 was awarded jointly with the League of Red Cross Societies
In innumerable countries, neutral, impartial, independent. Worldwide, help people affected by conflict, armed violence; promote rules of war -
International humanitarian law. Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocols protect civilians, define parameters - what is acceptable and unacceptable on battlefield and beyond.
"All civilians should be protected and respected. It's the law."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1963
The President's National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1968
Nobel co-recipients Maria Goeppert Mayer, J. Hans D. Jensen
Award: "for his contributions to the theory of the atomic nucleus and the elementary particles, particularly through the discovery and application of fundamental symmetry principles"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962
The President's National Medal of Sciences - Biological Sciences 1997
Co-Nobelists Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins
Zoologist. 'Discovered molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.'
Very generous with subordinates regarding authorship of articles.
"Good science is difficult. We must believe strongly in our ideas."
The Nobel Prize in Physics, 1961
Nobel co-recipient Rudolf Mössbauer
National Medal of Science - Physical Science 1986
Nuclear and particle physicist. Discoverer of sodium iodide scintillation counters. Carried out electron scattering from atomic nuclei, revealing structure of nuclei and nucleons. Original proposer of two-mile SLAC linear accelerator. Pioneer of gamma-ray astronomy, using EGRET detector aboard the Compton observatory. Research in laser fusion, applications of physics to medicine.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1961
Nobel co-recipient: Robert Hofstadter
"for his researches concerning the resonance absorption of gamma radiation and his discovery in this connection of the effect which bears his name."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1961
Physicist, Communication engineer. Psychophysiology of hearing. Physical mechanism of stimulation within cochlea, a frequency analyzer. Accidental selection of science field. Technically skillful, elegant experimental design. He nuisance to autopsy room, mechanical workshops.
"Found inner ear beautiful under stereoscopic microscope. It was pleasure of beauty that made me stick to ear."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1959
Nobel co-recipient Servero Ochoa
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1979
Physician, Scientist. Discovered mechanisms in biological synthesis of RNA and DNA - basis of discovery of recombinant DNA which helped ignite biotechnology revolution. Founder, DNAX Institute.
"With more scientists struggling for grants in an era of tight budgets, nobody is going to propose doing anything that is bold or creative."
Photo: Public Domain/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1959
Co-Nobelist: Emilio Segrè
Award: "for their discovery of the antiproton"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1958
Nobel co-recipients George Beadle, Edward Tatum
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1989
Geneticist. Genetic recombination and organization of genetic material of bacteria. Artificial intelligence. NASA seeking life on Mars. Fastest rate possible for growth of bacterial cell and why. Nobel Prize at age 33.
At Nobel Banquet, "Pride is humbled as humility is exalted in the dignity and splendor of this occasion."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1958
Co-Nobelists Edward Tatum, Joshua Lederberg
Biochemical Geneticist. Discovered that genes act by regulating definite chemical events. Brought era of classical genetics to a close and launched molecular age.
"It was a time when one went to work in the morning wondering what new excitement the day would bring." - Colleague and biographer Norman H. Horowitz.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1958
Co-Nobelists George Beadle, Joshua Lederberg
Geneticist, Microbiologist, Biochemist. Genes act by regulating definite chemical events. Changed from Drosophila to Neurospora. Nurtured younger scientists. Generous spirit, scientific vision.
"Ability to balance critical scientific objectivity, personal ambition, interdependence on others-some scientists take lifetime to learn-was ingrained in Tatum from beginning." - Mentee, Biographer Joshua Lederberg.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1956
Co-Nobelists André F. Cournand, Werner Forssmann
Physician, gentle clinician, cardiovascular physiologist. "Discoveries concerning heart catheterization, pathological changes in circulatory system." Diagnosing congenital heart diseases; chronic cardiac, pulmonary diseases; traumatic shock.
"Man's potentiality, or these days his survival, will depend on his conscience, more specifically, ability of leaders and followers to change character, into more merciful beings."
Photo: Public Domain/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956
Co-Nobelists: William B. Shockley, Walter H. Brattain
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1972
Co-Nobelist: Leon Cooper, John Robert Schrieffer
Award 1956: "for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect"
Award 1972: "for their jointly developed theory of superconductivity, usually called the BSC-theory"
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956
Co-Nobelists: William B. Shockley, John Bardeen
Award: "for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect"
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956
Nobel co-recipients John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain
Award: "for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1956
Co-nobelists Werner Forssmann, Dickinson W. Richards
Physician. Discovered heart catheterization. Used contrast material to show in X-rays. Studied pulmonary circulation – flow, pressure and volume.
“...happiness stems from the appreciation of a task, from what is asked of man and not from the satisfaction of his material appetites.”
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1955
Award: "for his work on biochemically important sulphur compounds, especially for the first synthesis of a polypeptide hormone"
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1955
Co-Nobelist: Willis E. Lamb
Award: for his precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron"
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1955
Co-Nobelist: Polykarp Kusch
Award: "for his discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum"
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1954
The Nobel Peace Prize 1962
National Medal of Sciences - Physical Sciences 1974
Award: "for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances."
Also awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1962. As of Sept. 2019, only four persons and two organizations have been awarded the Nobel Prize multiple times.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1954
Co-Nobelists Thomas H. Weller, Frederick C. Robbins
Virologist, Bacteriologist. Discovered ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in tissue culture. Cytopathic effect. Interferon, Viral Oncogenesis. Tissue culture enabled identifying hundreds of viruses, vaccine development.
Memorial to Advisor Zinsser: animated spontaneous conversation - literature, politics. Voltaire seemed around corner; Laurence Sterne upon the stair. Laboratory became way of life.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1954
Co- Nobelists John F. Enders, Frederick C. Robbins
Physician, Virologist, Parasitologist. Discovered ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in tissue culture. Isolated many viruses, parasites; developed diagnostic tests. Isolated German measles in son. Tissue culture enabled identifying hundreds of viruses, vaccine development.
Nobel Committee Sven Gard: tissue cultures will do for virology what Koch accomplished by culture media.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1954
Co-Nobelists John F. Enders, Thomas H. Weller
Physician, Virologist. Discovered ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in tissue culture. Investigated infectious hepatitis, typhus fever, Q fever, mumps, herpes simplex and vaccinia. Supervised diagnostic virus laboratory. Educator, Science Statesperson. Interest: International health. Tissue culture enabled identifying hundreds of viruses, vaccine development.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1953
Co-Nobelist Hans Krebs
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1966
Physician, Biochemist. Discovered co-enzyme A, its importance for intermediary metabolism. Identified serine phosphate as constituent of phosphoproteins which contain phosphate. CMP represents metabolically active carbamyl donor.
Liljestrand, Science Academy: …Regarding fundamental discoveries laymen ask for immediate practical application. Counter question of Benjamin Franklin: Of what use is a new-born baby?
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1953
Co-Nobelists Fritz Lipmann
Physician, Biochemist. Discovered citric acid cycle in which nutrients are converted to chemical energy molecules which are converted to ATP used in chemical processes. Krebs-Henseleit cycle.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1953
Delegate U.N., ex-Secretary of State and of Defense, General President American Red Cross, Originator of "Marshall Plan"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1952
Ukrainian-born American Microbiologist, Biochemist. Isolated several antibiotics including Streptomycin for Tuberculosis and Neomycin. Proceeds earned from patents funded Waksman Institute of Microbiology and Waksman Foundation for Microbiology.
"The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them. Ecclesiasticus, XXXVIII , 4"
Photo: Public Domain/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1952
Nobel co-recipient: E. M. Purcell
Award: "for their development of new methods for nuclear magnetic precision measurements and discoveries in connection therewith"
Photo: public domain/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1952
Nobel co-recipient Felix Bloch
Award: "for their development of new methods for nuclear magnetic precision measurements and discoveries in connection therewith"
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951
National Medal of Science - Chemistry 1991
Nobel co-recipient: Edwin M. McMillan
Nuclear Chemist. Transuranium - Plutonium. Isotopes identification. Actinide concept. Atomic Bomb. Peaceful use of atomic energy. Advisor to 10 US Presidents. Swedish ancestry. Journal since age 8 yrs. Hiking.
Franck Report: "I had joined a committee of scientists who advocated the use of the atomic bomb for demonstration purposes. We hoped the enemy would see the destructive power of this weapon and immediately surrender. In June, 1945, we attempted to deliver our plan, the Franck Report, to President Truman. I don't know if he ever saw our work..."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1951
Nobel co-recipient: John Cockcroft
"for their pioneer work on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1990
Nobel co-recipient: Glenn T. Seaborg
Award: "for their discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1950
Nobel Co-recipients Tadeus Reichstein, Phillip S.Hench
Chemist. Adrenal cortex hormones including cortisone: structure, biological effects. Thyroid hormone thyroxine: isolated. Glutathione: crystallized, established structure.
What physiologic processes are modified by cortisone and how this influence is exerted are matters still locked within this hormone. Said Shakespeare's soothsayer, "In Nature's infinite book of secrecy a little I can read."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1950
Role: Acting Mediator in Palestine, 1948, Director, division of Trusteeship, U.N., Professor, Harvard University Cambridge, MA
Drawing: Newton Llorente
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1949
Award: "for his contributions in the field of chemical thermodynamics, particularly concerning the behaviour of substances at extremely low temperatures"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1949
Role: Alimentary Politician, Physician, President, National Peace Council and World Union of Peace Organizations, Prominent organizer and Director, General Food and Agricultural Organization
'Missing Laureate' 1948 [Nobel Peace Prize]
Hero to innumerable peace activists including Nobelists: Martin Luther King Jr., Pérez Esquivel, Dalai Lama, Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela.
1948, Nobel Committee diplomatically declared, "no suitable living candidate".
Geir Lundestad, Secretary, Norwegian Nobel Committee, 2006: Gandhi could do without Nobel, whether Nobel committee can do without Gandhi is the question.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947
Co-nobelists Gerty Cori, Bernardo Houssay
Award: "for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947
Co-nobelists Carl Cori, Bernardo Houssay
Award: "for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1946
Geneticist. Production of mutations by X-ray irradiation.
"Do you consider it possible to discover a cosmic ray which - applied to humanity - would cause a mutation making it peace-loving and suited to happy relationships? You'll be awarded another Medicine and many Peace Nobels!" - Sigurd Curman, Banquet Speech
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1946
Co-Nobelists James B. Sumner, Wendell M. Stanley
Award: "for their preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in a pure form"
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1946
co-nobelists John H. Northrop, Wendell M. Stanley
Award: "for his discovery that enzymes can be crystallized"
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1946
Award: "for the invention of an apparatus to produce extremely high pressures, and for the discoveries he made therewith in the field of high pressure physics
The Nobel Peace Prize 1946
Nobel co-recipient: John R. Mott
Role: Formerly Professor of History and Sociology, Honorary International President, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1945
Co-Nobelists: Ernst B. Chain, Sir Howard Florey
Physician - Bacteriologist, Immunologist. While researching Influenza virus, made ground breaking discovery: penicillin, by not neglecting chance observation - mould contaminating culture plate. WWI caused interest in Antiseptics. WWII, production cost was immaterial. Destiny.
Lone worker gets idea; details developed by team, but prime idea is due to enterprise, thought, perception of an individual.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1944
Nobel co-recipient Herbert S. Gasser
Physician, Physiologist. Single nerve fibers highly differentiated functions. Cathode-ray oscillograph study of nerve action potentials. Circulatory system electrophysiology. Recording sphygmomanometer. Auriculo-ventricular bundle functions. Pulse pressure influence on kidney secretion, orthostatic albuminuria. Sound production in arteries. Metabolism with shortened intestines. Traumatic shock.
Career "fraught with series of fortunate circumstances, fortunate decisions."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1944
Award: "for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1944
Co-Nobelist Joseph Erlanger
Physician, Electrophysiologist, Pharmacologist. Discovered differentiated functions of single nerve fibers. Two types of nerve fibers with different thicknesses; thicker fibers convey nerve impulses fast.
Two times for working on a problem - before anyone has thought of it and after everyone else has left it - result: innovator or finalist.
Photo: public domain/Wikipedia
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1943
Award: "for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1939
Award: "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1937
Co-nobelist George Paget Thomson
Award: "for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals"
Drawing: Newton Llorente
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1966
Award: "for his contributions to our knowledge of molecular structure through his investigations on dipole moments and on the diffraction of X-rays and electrons in gases"
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1936
Co-Nobelist Victor F. Hess
Award: "for his discovery of the positron."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1936
Role: Foreign Minister, Mediator in a conflict between Paraguay and Bolivia, President of the Assembly of the League of Nations
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1934
National Medal of Science - Physical Sciences 1964
Award: "for his discovery of heavy hydrogen"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934
Co-nobelists George H. Whipple, William P. Murphy
Award: "for their discoveries concerning liver therapy in cases of anaemia"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934
Co-Nobalists George R. Minot, William P. Murphy
Physician; Pathologist. Pernicious anaemia liver therapy. Whipple Disease. Intestinal parasites. Blackwater fever. WWII, Chloroform anesthesia induced liver necrosis. Liver regeneration. Tuberculosis. Pancreatitis. Used Nobelists Joliot Curie’s, Fermi’s, E.O. Lawrence’s radioactive isotopes; discovered iron metabolism; protein metabolism, distribution, functions. Bile constituents. Red cell stroma.
Gentle. Quiet. Wanted to be remembered as teacher.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1934
Role: ex-Foreign Secretary, President, Disarmament Conference in 1932
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1933
Zoologist, Geneticist. Chromosome role in heredity, sex determination. Drosophila. Genes stored in chromosomes in nuclei. Epigenetics. Combination rule. Limited number of combination groups. Crossing-over rule. Linear arrangement of genes in chromosomes.
Didn’t attend Nobel award ceremony, because in Caltech, busy establishing new physiology group and with future of biochemistry, genetics.
Photo George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress), Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins
The Nobel Peace Prize 1933
Role: Member, Commission Exécutive de la Société des Nations (Executive Committee of the League of Nations and of National Peace Council), Writer
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1932
Award: "for his discoveries and investigations in surface chemistry"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1931
Co-Nobelists: Nicholas Murray Butler
Role: International President, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Sociologist
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1930
Physician - Anatomic Pathologist, Father of Immunology. ABO Blood Groups, Rh Typing. Paroxysmal Haemoglobinuria. Polio. Spirochaetes. Chemistry into service of serology. Meticulous observation, description, understanding in many fields.
Rigorously demanding of himself. Energetic. By nature somewhat pessimistic, preferred to live away from people.
Characteristic of him - died pipette in hand.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1930
Atomic Physicist. Molecular Diffraction of Light. Raman Effect. Structure, optical behaviour of iridescent substances. Acoustics, violin.
Raman lost Nobel Prize money to fraudulent financer. Meeting fraudster years later, he said: You deserve Nobel Prize for your cunning in duping Nobel Laureate!
Playful comment: Unfortunately Economics Nobel instituted later in 1969!
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1929
Nobel co-recipient: Sir Frederick Hopkins
Award: "for his discovery of the antineuritic vitamin."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1927
Co-nobelist C.T.R. Wilson
Award: "for his discovery of the effect named after him"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1927
Nobel co-recipient Ferdinand Buisson
Historian. Member, German Parliament. Professor, Berlin University
"…Kant found the only assurance for peace in the idea that war would become so terrible and unbearable that human beings, even though they remain as morally weak as they now are, would be forced to work together for peace…"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1927
Nobel co-recipient: Ludwig Quidde
Role: Formerly Professor, Sorbonne University, Paris, Founder and President, Ligue des Droits de l'Homme (League for Human Rights)
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1927
Philosopher, Essayist wrote in French. Rich and vitalizing ideas and brilliant skill in presentation. President, Commission for Intellectual Cooperation of League of Nations.
Philosophical system demonstrating Nobel's idea of acknowledging with his Prizes, not human deeds but new ideas revealed through select personalities. Regain for man's consciousness the divine gift of intuition and to put reason in its proper place: serving and controlling ideas.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1926
Italian writer. Idealistically inspired writings picture life with clarity. With depth and sympathy deal with human problems in general. Criticize moral norms and social values, but not criticize people who are victims of circumstances. Pet crow.
Constant faith in humankind and in God
The Nobel Peace Prize 1926
Nobel Co-recipient: Gustav Stresemann
Role: Foreign Minister, Part-originator of Locarno Pact and Briand-Kellogg Pact
Drawing: Newton Llorente
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1925
Co-nobelist Gustav Hertz
Award: "for their discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom"
George Bernard Shaw Photo Wikimedia Commons
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1925
Award: "for his work which is marked by both idealism and humanity, its stimulating satire often being infused with a singular poetic beauty."
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.â€
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1924
Physician, Physiologist. Discovered electrocardiogram [EKG/ECG] mechanism. It was known that heart generates weak electrical current varying in health, heart disease. Invented galvanometer recording these currents. Named electrical waves P, Q, R, S, T. [P petite; next letters in alphabet]. Interests: Physics, Acoustics, Asthma, Optics, Physical activity. Great concentration. Generous, Kind.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1923
Award: "for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1922
Nobel Co-recipient Archibald V. Hill
Physician. Energy conversions in muscle. Fine experimenter, Physiological Chemist.
Science should know no national barriers and prejudices. Scientists should pour oil smoothing real wisdom and rational self-reflection in agitated waves of national passions of people. This ethos of objectivity causes mutual understanding among nations. Consider all Nobel Prizes, 'Peace' Prizes.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1922
Spanish dramatist. In happy manner he continued the illustrious traditions of the Spanish drama. Chiefly writer of comedies of manners and of one-act farces. Upon pediatrician father, at death, leaving comfortable income, he abandoned law studies.
"You meet the warrior when in battle but it is not until victory that you meet the gentleman".
The Nobel Peace Prize 1922
Zoologist - Neuroscientist, Polar Explorer, Oceanographer, Humanitarian. 'Nansen Passports' for stateless refugees. Despite Russia then being suspect in Western nations, relief for 7,000,000 to 22,000,000 Russians dying of famine.
Ministered to refugees - methods became classic: custodial care, repatriation, rehabilitation, resettlement, emigration, integration.
Love of mankind is politics in practice.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1921
Novelist, storyteller; almost all genres. Nobility of style, profound human sympathy, true Gallic temperament. Historical fiction evokes past civilizations with great charm, deep insight.
Post-World War I. At Nobel ceremony Frenchman France turned to Nobelist, German Nernst, exchanged a long and cordial handshake with him - a profoundly symbolic gesture.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1920
Norwegian writer. In youth, poverty stricken. Little formal education. Leader of Neo-Romantic revolt. Promoted individualism. Exciting description of nature.
"I sat looking at her with rapt attention. What a wonderful pleasure to be sitting in a human dwelling again, and talk with a lively young girl instead of with myself!"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1919
Role: Founder of the League of Nations, President of United States of America
Woodrow Wilson received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1920.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1916
Swedish Poet, Writer. New era in Swedish literature. Perspectives to inner life. Love for ancestral hearth and for home of one's birth most strongly links man to life.
"O Man, you will become wise only when you reach the summit of the evening-cool heights where all the earth is beheld"
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1914
Award: "in recognition of his accurate determinations of the atomic weight of a large number of chemical elements"
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1913
Indian Poet, Bangali, English. All literary genres. Voice of India's Spiritual Heritage. Social reformer. Promoted gender equality, empowerment of women. Indian National Movement participant. Mahathma Gandhi was his devoted friend. Founder, school in Shantiniketan. Author, National Anthem of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.
"Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1913
Lawyer, Socialist, Parliamentarian, Peace Activist. International Peace Bureau. Internationalism, "An Intellectual Parliament" for Humanity. Cofounder, Institut international de bibliographie. Education. Women's rights. Labor. Cultural achievements.
When Germany invaded Belgium, 1914, "Peoples will be as before, the sheep sent to the slaughterhouses or to the meadows as it pleases the shepherds."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1911
Nobel Co-recipient Tobias Asser
Publisher, Philosopher. Founder, Die Friedenswarte (peace publication). Permanent Court of Arbitration, Netherlands. Collaborator, Nobelist Bertha von Suttner. Propaganda for peace: war was proof of validity of pacifistic analysis of world politics.
War is not in itself a condition so much as the symptom of a condition, that of international anarchy.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1911
Nobel co-recipient: Alfred Fried
Role: Cabinet Minister, Initiator of the Conferences on International Private Law at the Hague, Lawyer
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1911
Belgian writer in French. Lawyer. Many-sided literary activities. Dramatic works distinguished by a wealth of imagination. Poetic fancy. Reveals deep inspiration. Appeals to readers' own feelings, stimulates their imaginations.
When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1910
German writer: drama, poetry, prose. World-renowned short stories. Idealism. Consummate artistry permeated with idealism. Philology. Doctorate for dissertation on the refrain in Provençal poetry. Nobleman.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1909
Author. Lofty idealism, vivid imagination. Described peasant life, Nordic nature accompanied by ethical strength, deep religious feeling. Respect for Nature, Women's Causes. 1914, became member of the Swedish Academy which awards Nobel Prize for Literature.
"Nothing on earth can make up for the loss of one who has loved you."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1909
Physician, Surgeon. Award: “Thyroid physiology, pathology, surgery.†Lister’s principles. Relatively bloodless surgical field. “Kocher incisionâ€. Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage: hoarseness; tetany,
hypoparathyroidism. Myxedema: thyroid transplantation, tissue extracts injection, oral therapy.
Brain: damage, increased intra-cranial pressure, trepanation. Abdominal surgery. “Kocher mobilizationâ€. Orthopedics: hereditary malformations, fracture. Hernia. Incision selection. Epilepsy. Osteomyelitis. Statistics.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1908
Nobel Co-recipient Fredrik Bajer
Parliamentarian, writer. Founder, Swedish Peace and Arbitration League. Inspiring orator.
Without peace there is no freedom, individual or national. War and hostilities are a form of slavery. Under such conditions, laws are silent. Without peace there is nothing truly human. Peace is harmony. Harmony is the highest ideal of life.
Photo: Library of Congress
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1908
Writer, Philosopher.
Idealism raises our life to greatness above the hubbub of everyday life by representation of eternal truths; in midst of our dark situation it can strengthen our belief in reason of life. Only faith can enable us to cope with enormous obstacles, fill us with confidence of success.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1908
Nobel Co-recipient Paul Ehrlich
Ukrainian Zoologist. Theory of cellular immunity. Father of Natural immunity. Research: Comparative embryology, Phagocytosis, Anthrax, Rabies.
Weak eyesight, heart troubles, difficulties in University lead to pessimism. Twice attempted suicide. Discovery of phagocytosis completely changed his outlook on life; abandoned his pessimistic philosophy and determined to find further proof of hypothesis.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1908
Nobel co-recipient Ilya Mechnikov
Physician, Scientist. Immunologist, Hematology pioneer. Founded Chemotherapy. Classified stains.
Stained tissues, blood cell granules, tubercle bacillus. Standardized sera. Idea: Drugs’ chemical constitution related to action, affinity for cells against which directed.
"Schwann established cell as biological unit. Concept of cell is axis around which whole modern science of life revolves"
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1907
Physician. "protozoa cause diseases." Malarial parasite discovery received with skepticism. Sleeping sickness. Trypanosomes in different animals, countries. 1914-1918 concern: troops’ health.
“After vain attempt to detect parasite in air, water, soil; cultivate in varied media, I became convinced: microbe was already present outside human body as parasite, probably of mosquitoes.â€
The Nobel Peace Prize 1907
Nobel Co-recipient Ernesto Teodoro Moneta
'Oracle of International Law'. Practical Promoter of Peace. Teacher, judge, diplomat. International: private law, transport, military aviation, naval affairs, commercial paper used in international transactions.
Jurists, journalists can pave way for reform of nefarious practices, influencing nation to give up barbaric measures which its government has been unwilling to renounce.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1907
Co Nobelists: Louis Renault
Award: President, Lombard League of Peace
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1907
Award: "for their discoveries concerning nuclear shell structure"
Photo: Wikiphedia
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1906
Nobel Co-recipient Ernesto Teodoro Moneta
Poet, Senator. Wrote poetry as child. Excellent translator, literary historian, orator. Conducted research in every phase of literature and eloquently expressed his findings. Poetry inspired compatriots in war for Italian independence, enjoyed immense popularity at home and abroad. Greatest Italian literary figure in the latter part of the nineteenth century.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1906
President, USA. International Peace Arbitrator, various treaties. Vigorous, businesslike. "We abhor bully, oppressor, in private or public life". Conservationist, protected 230,000,000 acres of public land.
After camping in Yosemite National Park, "It was like lying in a great solemn cathedral, far vaster and more beautiful than any built by man."
The Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry 1906
Chemist - inorganic. Isolated fluorine. Moissan's electric furnace. Blue perchromic acid formula, crystallized chromic acid. Uncovered silicon carbide, other carbides, borides, silicides. Theorized:
from molten iron crystallize carbon under pressure, obtain synthetic diamonds. Meticulous, patient. Articulate lecturer.
“Scientific research is search for truth. Only after discovery, applicability can be considered.â€
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1906
Co-nobelist: Camillo Golgi
Physician, Anatomist, Pathologist, Artist. Discovered nervous system structure. Stained nerve cells with silver nitrate.
Proved nerve cell’s independence, impulse travels from one cell to another by synapse. Barber’s, Shoemaker’s apprentice.
“Oh comforting solitude, how favorable thou art to original thought!â€
“Outstanding work results from immense zeal applied to great idea.â€Â
The Nobel Peace Prize 1905
Generalissimo, Peace Movement. Author, 'Lay Down Your Arms'. Permanent International Peace Bureau. Vigorously opposed militaristic traditions. Eternal truth: happiness created, developed in peace. Eternal right: individual's right to live.
"Inform me, convince me, and then I will do something great for the movement", Alfred Nobel said to Bertha von Suttner."
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1904
"for his investigations of the densities of the most important gases and for his discovery of argon in connection with these studies."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1903
Physician. Founder, phototherapy in dermatology. Lupus vulgaris treatment. Researched salt. Despite having Niemann-Pick disease,
strong willed, persevering.
Denmark early education - Rector: "Niels is a very nice boy. His gifts are small; he’s devoid of energy." Cause: fagging for older pupils. Moved to Iceland school;
succeeded despite not knowing language.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903
Physicist, Physical Chemist. Electrolytic theory of dissociation
“Humanity stands ... before a great problem of finding new raw materials, new sources of energy that shall never become exhausted. In the meantime, we must not waste what we have,
but must leave as much as possible for coming generations.†- Arrhenius.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1904
Award: "in recognition of his work on the physiology of digestion, through which knowledge on vital aspects of the subject has been transformed and enlarged."
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1904
Inorganic, Organic, Physical chemist. Outstanding experimentalist. Discovered inert gaseous elements in air, determined their place in periodic system. Discovered argon, helium, krypton, neon, xenon.
Molecular weights in liquid state. Stoichiometry, thermodynamics. Helium in radium emanations.
"Noblest exercise of mind within doors, and most befitting a person of quality, is study."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1903
Co-founder, Inter-Parliamentary Union. Secretary, International Arbitration League. British Parliamentarian. World organizing. Prevent war. Founder, Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners.
Upon entering into treaties of arbitration, the disputants would have time for reflection, for while arbitrators were deliberating, passions of contending parties would cool and chances of war greatly diminished.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1902
Nobel co-recipient Albert Gobat
Permanent International Peace Bureau [1910 Nobel Peace Prize]. Nobelist Passy's description: "exactitude, firmness." History Demonstrates War's Futility. Predicted, 1901: Despite modern weapons' destructiveness, wars will ebb, flow. Alfred Nobel's Contemporary.
Nobel Chairperson Løvland, "You Swiss, with your sense of life's realities, have special gift for taking ideas from realm of dreams and turning them into realities."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1902
Physician. Mosquitoes’ malarial parasites life-cycle. Mathematical models for epidemiology. Malaria prevention. Contributed to pure, applied mathematics.
'My microscope was worn out, screws rusted with sweat from hands, forehead; remaining eye-piece cracked; invaluable oil-immersion lens remained good.'
'Dingy military hospital, cracked microscope, medicine bottles - only laboratory and apparatus I possessed.'
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902
Sugar, purine syntheses. Produced phenylhydrazine. Artificial sugars. Purines from caffeine.
Businessman father, “Emil too stupid to be business man; better be a student.†Sent him to study chemistry.
“Sciences aren’t abstract constructions, but result of human endeavor; they are connected with personalities and fates of dedicated researchers who developed them.â€
Painting Tim Tompkins -
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1901
Physician. Serum therapy, especially against diphtheria. Tuberculosis.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1901
Prize motivation: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1901
Nobel co-recipient: Henry Dunant
Alfred Nobel's contemporary. Apostle of Peace, Humanitarian, Economist, Lawyer, Politician. Founder, French peace society. Free trade between independent nations promotes peace. Inspired by Nobelist Randal Cremer.
Opposed France's colonial policy. 1905 Sweden-Norway conflict, declared, '...peaceful solution will make me hundred times happier than when I received Nobel Prize...' Wish fulfilled.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1901
Nobel co-recipient: Frédéric Passy
Role: Founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, Originator Geneva Convention (Convention de Genève)
The Nobel Peace Prize 1901
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him"
René François Armand “Sully” Prudhomme. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1901
French Poet, lawyer. French Parnassian school group. Wrote elegantly in classic style. Interest in science & philosophy. Eye disease ended studying engineering.
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