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Gregory Breit

Gregory Breit

The National Medal of Science - physical Sciences 1967

Prize "For pioneering contributions to the theoretical understanding of nuclear structure and particle dynamics, for highly significant work in atomic and ionospheric physics, and for the inspiration he has given to several generations of American physicists." Presented by President Johnson at a White House ceremony on February 13, 1967


A Biographical Memoir by Mcallister Hull , National Academy of Sciences, 29 pages, 32 pages total.

Photo Wikipedia

Name: Gregary Breit
Birth: 14 July, 1899
Death: 13 September, 1981
Award: Mathematics and Computer Science
National Medal of Science:
: Yale University, New Haven,Connecticut USA
Title: Professor of Physics
Citation: "For pioneering contributions to the theoretical understanding of nuclear structure and particle dynamics, for highly significant work in atomic and ionospheric physics, and for the inspiration he has given to several generations of American physicists." Presented by President Johnson at a White House ceremony on February 13, 1967