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Sully Prudhomme

Sully Prudhomme

The Nobel Prize in Literature 1901

French Poet, lawyer. French Parnassian school group. Wrote elegantly in classic style. Interest in science & philosophy. Eye disease ended studying engineering.

Medal, Cash and Charity

“I think of my young colleagues who do not have the means to have their first poems printed. I am going to reserve a sum [the one I received for the Nobel Prize] that will allow them to have their first notebooks of poems printed. I have already received a large number of requests whose fulfillment would absorb the entire prize.”

René François Armand “Sully” Prudhomme. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Name: Sully Prudhomme
Birth: 16 March 1839, Paris, France
Death: 7 September 1907, Châtenay, France
Residence at the time of the award: France
Citation: "in special recognition of his poetic composition, which gives evidence of lofty idealism, artistic perfection and a rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect"
Medal, Cash & Charity