Chemist, Inventor, Awesome Administrator, Social Reformer.
"It could and should soon come to pass that all states pledge themselves collectively to attack an aggressor. That would make war impossible, and would force even the most brutal and unreasonable Power to appeal to a court of arbitration, or else keep quiet."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018
Nobel co-recipient Tasuku Honjo
Cancer Immunologist. Discovered cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation. Pioneer. Place breaks/check points on inhibitory immune cells to attack cancer cells -
curative. Interest: How T cells work. First Nobel Prize for cancer therapy. Family history of cancer. Modest.
"Motivation of scientists: to know what nobody else knows."
Photo: Holger Motzkau/Wikimedia Commons
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010
Nobel co-recipients Ei-ichi Negishizz, Akira Suzuki
Physical organic chemist. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction. Sole author - 7 consecutive papers. Heck reaction: important concept, tool for organic and medicinal chemists; fuorescence labeling of DNA bases - sequencing DNA/Genome. Thinner computer screens in future. "Great art in test tube."
Growing orchids in early teens lead to passion for chemistry.
Painting Tim Tomkins -
The Nobel Peace Prize 2002
USA president. Nuclear physicist. Peanut farmer. Devout Christian. Egypt-Israel peace agreement. Carter Center promoting human rights.
Ceased neutron bomb development. Protested Soviets invading Afghanistan. Panama Canal treaty. Established Departments of Energy, Education. Mental Health Systems Act. Housing. Jimmy Carter smile!
“We must adjust to changing times while holding unchanging principles.”
National Medal of Technology and Innovation 1997
One of two Fathers of the Internet. TCP/IP protocols. Internet
Architecture. Chief Internet Evangelist, Google. Interplanetary Internet.
Living Legend.
"Brilliant, indescribably enthusiastic, humorous, happy, treats people
extremely well. It would be nice to go to work every day and work with
people like Vint Cerf." – R.V. Nagaveni, Founder, Ganga Library.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1988
Co-Nobelists: Sir James W. Black, George H. Hitchings
National Medal of Science - Chemistry 1991
Chemist, Pharmacologist. Discovered principles for drug treatment; developed drugs - anticancer, immunosuppressive, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-gout, anti-malarial. Purines.
"I was a child with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. My beloved grandfather died of cancer when I was 15. I was highly motivated to discover a cure for this terrible disease".
Photo: Courtesy Michael H. Freedman
National Medal of Science - Mathematics and Computer Science 1987
American mathematician. Proof of Poincare Conjecture in dimension four. One of the greatest achievements in mathematics in this century. Fields Medal, 1986.
Photo: Wiki
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1982
Physicist, molecular biologist, behavioral biologist (neurogeneticist). Post Pearl Harbor worked in secret wartime project studying semiconducting properties of germanium, work that foreshadowed development of transistor. Functional gene is a linear stretch of DNA with definable boundaries. Stretches of DNA are all linked to each other as adjacent pieces of chromosome.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978
Nobel co-recipients Werner Arber, Hamilton O. Smith
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1993
Physician, Molecular Biologist - Genetics. Restriction enzymes and their application to molecular genetics. Groundwork for human genome project, drug insulin. Able administrator - high signal-to-noise ratio.
"Valuable internship year in medicine with masterful clinician Robert Loeb; The glimpses of human strength and frailty that a physician sees are still with me."
The Nobel Peace Prize 1976
Co-nobelist: Mairead Corrigan
Role: Founder of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People)
Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan received their Nobel Prize one year later, in 1977.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1973
Co-nobelist Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz
Biologist - Ornithologist. Discovered ‘organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns’. Sticklebacks fish. Bee wolf, a digger wasp, Philanthus Triangulum. Adventurous. Elder brother Jan Tinbergen is Economics Nobelist, 1969, the first year the Economics prize was awarded. Both awarded at age 66yrs.
National Medal of Science Science - Biological Sciences 1973
Plant Physiologist. Photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation. Child prodigy. Post-Sputnik national committee. Wrote four chapters on evolution of life processes in "Blue Series"
high-school biology textbook, widely translated, nationally acclaimed. Budgeted well time and circumstances. Debater, played devil's advocate with zest.
Reminded those weary of duplicating, "Repetition is the mother of learning."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
Nobel co-recipients: H. Gobind Khorana, Marshall W. Nirenberg
Organic Chemist. 'Interpreted genetic code and its function in protein synthesis' First chemical synthesis of penicillin. Research: amino acids, peptides, protein biosynthesis. Discovered and isolated tRNA [transfer RNA] - alanine transfer RNA.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
National Medal of Sciences - Biological Sciences 1978
Co-Nobelists: Robert W. Holley, Marshall W. Nirenberg
Organic Chemist, Biochemist. 'Genetic code interpretation, function in protein synthesis. Pioneered synthesizing biologically active gene, determine codon triplets'
nucleotides order. Unraveled genetic code, how nucleic acids form proteins. Pioneered genetic engineering. Multidisciplinary work.
"Wife brought sense of purpose. In foreign country, I felt out of place everywhere, at home nowhere."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962
The President's National Medal of Sciences - Biological Sciences 1997
Co-Nobelists Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins
Zoologist. 'Discovered molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.'
Very generous with subordinates regarding authorship of articles.
"Good science is difficult. We must believe strongly in our ideas."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1958
Co-Nobelists Edward Tatum, Joshua Lederberg
Biochemical Geneticist. Discovered that genes act by regulating definite chemical events. Brought era of classical genetics to a close and launched molecular age.
"It was a time when one went to work in the morning wondering what new excitement the day would bring." - Colleague and biographer Norman H. Horowitz.
Painting Tim Tompkins -
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1953
Co-Nobelist Hans Krebs
National Medal of Science - Biological Sciences 1966
Physician, Biochemist. Discovered co-enzyme A, its importance for intermediary metabolism. Identified serine phosphate as constituent of phosphoproteins which contain phosphate. CMP represents metabolically active carbamyl donor.
Liljestrand, Science Academy: …Regarding fundamental discoveries laymen ask for immediate practical application. Counter question of Benjamin Franklin: Of what use is a new-born baby?
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1933
Zoologist, Geneticist. Chromosome role in heredity, sex determination. Drosophila. Genes stored in chromosomes in nuclei. Epigenetics. Combination rule. Limited number of combination groups. Crossing-over rule. Linear arrangement of genes in chromosomes.
Didn’t attend Nobel award ceremony, because in Caltech, busy establishing new physiology group and with future of biochemistry, genetics.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1904
Inorganic, Organic, Physical chemist. Outstanding experimentalist. Discovered inert gaseous elements in air, determined their place in periodic system. Discovered argon, helium, krypton, neon, xenon.
Molecular weights in liquid state. Stoichiometry, thermodynamics. Helium in radium emanations.
"Noblest exercise of mind within doors, and most befitting a person of quality, is study."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1902
Physician. Mosquitoes’ malarial parasites life-cycle. Mathematical models for epidemiology. Malaria prevention. Contributed to pure, applied mathematics.
'My microscope was worn out, screws rusted with sweat from hands, forehead; remaining eye-piece cracked; invaluable oil-immersion lens remained good.'
'Dingy military hospital, cracked microscope, medicine bottles - only laboratory and apparatus I possessed.'
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1904
Inorganic, Organic, Physical chemist. Outstanding experimentalist. Discovered inert gaseous elements in air, determined their place in periodic system. Discovered argon, helium, krypton, neon, xenon.
Molecular weights in liquid state. Stoichiometry, thermodynamics. Helium in radium emanations.
"Noblest exercise of mind within doors, and most befitting a person of quality, is study."
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