The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934
Co-Nobalists George R. Minot, William P. Murphy
Physician; Pathologist. Pernicious anaemia liver therapy. Whipple Disease. Intestinal parasites. Blackwater fever. WWII, Chloroform anesthesia induced liver necrosis. Liver regeneration. Tuberculosis. Pancreatitis. Used Nobelists Joliot Curie’s, Fermi’s, E.O. Lawrence’s radioactive isotopes; discovered iron metabolism; protein metabolism, distribution, functions. Bile constituents. Red cell stroma.
Gentle. Quiet. Wanted to be remembered as teacher.
George Whipple.
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Name: George Hoyt Whipple Discover Your Abilities and Aspirations!
Birth: 28 August 1878, Ashland, NH, USA
Death: 1 February 1976, Rochester, NY, USA
M.D. Johns Hopkins University, 1905
Institution: University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA
Award: "for their discoveries concerning liver therapy in cases of anaemia"
Subject: hematology
Portion of Cash: 1/3
Honoring George Whipple
Nobel Prize Medal
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