The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009
Nobel co-recipient Elinor Ostrom
Economist and Founding Editor of the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization. His book, The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, Relational Contracting, is said to be the most frequently cited work in social science research.
The Economics of Discretionary Behavior: Managerial Objectives in a Theory of the Firm, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1964; reprinted by Markham Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1967; reprinted by Eurospan Ltd., 1974; translated into Japanese and reprinted by Chikura Shobo, 1981; Chapter 4 is reprinted in Readings of Industrial Economics: Theoretical Foundations (C.K. Rowley, ed.) London, 1971.
Corporate Control and Business Behavior: An Inquiry into the Effects of Organization Form on Enterprise Behavior, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1970; translated into Japanese and reprinted by Maruzen Co., Ltd., 1974.
Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications, The Free Press, New York, 1975. Translated into Japanese and reprinted by Nippon Hyoronsha Publishing Company, 1980. Chapter 2 has been translated into Italian and reprinted in Organizzazione and Mercato (Raoul C.D. Nacamulli and Andrea Rugiadini, ed.), Bologna, 1985, pp. 161 186. Translated into Spanish (by Evangelina Nino de la Silva) and reprinted by Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1991.
The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, Relational Contracting, The Free Press, New York, 1985; translated into Spanish by Eduardo L. Suarez and reprinted by Fondo Cultura Economica, 1989; translated into Italian by Margherita Turvani, 1987; translated into German and reprinted by J.C.B. Mohr, 1990; translated into Russian by Valery Katkalo et al. and published by Lenizdat, 1995; translated into French by Regis Coeurderoy and Emmanvelle Mainant and published by InterEditions, 1994; translated into Polish and published by Polish Scientific Publishers, 1998; translated into Ukrainian and published by ARTEC, 2000.
The Mechanisms of Governance, Oxford University Press, 1996; translated into Italian by Margherita Turvani, and reprinted by Franco Angeli, 1998; translated into Chinese by Chien Wang et al. and reprinted by China Social Sciences Publishing House, 2001.
The Transaction Cost Economics Project: The Theory and Practice of the Governance of Contractual Relations. Edward Elgar, 2013.
Co editor (with Almarin Phillips) and contributor, Prices: Issues in Theory, Practice, and Public Policy, University of Pennsylvania, 1968.
Editor and contributor, Antitrust Law and Economics, Dame Publishing, Houston, 1980.
Co editor (with Masahiko Aoiki and Bo Gustafsson), The Firm as a Nexus of Treaties, Sage Publications, London, 1989.
Editor and contributor, Organization Theory: From Chester Barnard to the Present and Beyond, Oxford University Press, New York, 1990.
Editor and contributor, Industrial Organization, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., London, 1990.
Co editor (with Sidney Winter) and contributor, The Nature of the Firm, Oxford University Press, New York, 1991; translated into Russian and Ukrainian and published by A.Sk. Publishing Company, 2000.
Co editor and contributor, Transaction Cost Economics, Vols. I and II, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Brookfield, VT, 1995.
C.E. Ferguson, "A Macroeconomic Theory of Workable Competition," reviewed in Journal of Business, January 1965, 38, 118 9.
Robert E. Kuenne, ed., "Essays in Honor of Edward H. Chamberlin, Monopolistic
Competition Theory: Studies in Impact," reviewed in American Economic Review, March 1968, 58, 192 96.
Eugene M. Singer, "Antitrust Economics: Selected Legal Cases and Economic Models," reviewed in American Economic Review, December 1968, 58, 1379 80.
Wilbur G. Lewellen, "The Ownership Income of Management," reviewed in Journal of Business, January 1972, 45, 108 110.
Robert J. Larner, "Management Control and the Large Corporation," reviewed in Antitrust Bulletin, Fall 1972.
Ward D. Bowman, "Patent and Antitrust Law," reviewed in Yale Law Journal, 1974, 83, 647 661.
Kenneth J. Arrow, "The Limits of Organization," reviewed in Journal of Business, January 1975, 48, 452 54.
Peter O. Steiner, "Mergers: Motives, Effects, Policies," reviewed in Journal of Economic Literature, June 1976, 14, 506 508.
Harold F. Williamson, ed., "Evolution of International Management Structures," reviewed in The Business History Review, Winter 1975, 49, 111 12.
J.M. Montias, "The Structure of Economic Systems," reviewed in The Bell Journal of Economics, Autumn 1977, 8, 620 623.
Robert H. Bork, "The Antitrust Paradox: A Policy at War with Itself," reviewed in University of Chicago Law Review, Winter 1979, 46, 526 31.
W. Richard Scott, "Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems," reviewed in Journal of Economic Literature, June 1982, 20, 585 86.
Martin L. Weitzman, "The Share Economy: Conquering Stagflation," reviewed in Yale Law Journal, January 1986, 95, 627 37.
Arne L. Kalleberg and Ivar Berg, "Work and Industry," reviewed in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July 1988, 41, 646 47.
Ronald Coase, "The Firm, the Market, and the Law," reviewed in California Law Review, January 1989, 77, 223 31.
Wolfe, Jr., Charles, "Markets or Governments," reviewed in Journal of Economic Literature, March 1989, 27, 92 93.
Vromen, Jack J., "Economic Evolution," reviewed in Economic Journal, November 1996, 196, 1791 1793.
Demsetz, Harold, "The Economics of the Business Firm," reviewed in Journal of Economic Literature, March 1997, 35, 129 131.
Dixit, Avinash K., "The Making of Economic Policy: A Transaction Cost Politics Perspective," reviewed in Economic Journal, November 1997, 107, 1886 1887.
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Name: Oliver Eaton Williamson
Birth: 27 September, 1932, Superior, Wisconsin
Institution: University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Award: "For his analysis of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm"
Subject: Economics
Portion of cash: 1/2
Thesis: The economics of discretionary behavior: managerial objectives in a theory of the firm. Ford Foundation prize dissertation, 1967.
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