Michael I. Posner Ph.D.
National Medal of Science - Behaviorial and Social Science 2008
Psychologist. Cognitive neuroscience - attention, early brain development, changes in brain systems with learning; developmental disorders; brain injury. Posner cueing task. Founding Director, Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology.
Honors and Awards
National Service
1957 University of Washington, Seattle, B.S. Physics
1959 University of Washington, Seattle, M.S. Psychology
1962 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ph.D., Psychology
1957-59 Associate Research Engineer, Boeing Airplane Company
1959-60 USPHS Predoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan
1960-61 Teaching Fellow, University of Michigan
1962-65 Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin
1965-68 Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Oregon
1968- Professor of Psychology, University of Oregon (EMERITUS 2000)
1969-70 Director of Office of Scientific and Scholarly Research, Univ. of
1968-69 NSF Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Applied Psychol Unit, Cambridge,
1974-75 Visiting Professor, Yale University
1976 (Fall) Visiting Professor, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
1979 (Jan.-June) Visiting Professor, Cornell Medical College - Rockefeller University
1979-1985 Director, Neuropsychology Laboratory, Good Samaritan Hospital
1985 Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota
1985-1989 Professor of Neuropsychology and Psychology, Department of
Neurology Neurosurgery, Washington University, St. Louis
1989-1995 Director, Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of
1995-98 Head Dept of Psychology, University of Oregon
1997-2000 Distinguished Professor, College of Arts and Science, Univ. of Oregon
1998-2002 Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of
Cornell University, New York Founding Director, Sackler Institute
2002 Adjunct Professor, Weill Medical College
2003-2010 Faculty Coordinator Brain, Biology and Machine Initiative University
of Oregon
Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin (1962-1965)
Associate Professor of Psychology. University of Oregon (1965-1968)
Professor of Psychology, University of Oregon (1968-EMERITUS 2000-present) Professor of Neuropsychology and Psychology, Department of Neurology Neurosurgery, Washington University, St. Louis (1985-1989)
Director, Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Oregon (1989-1996) Head, Department of Psychology, University of Oregon (1995-1998)
Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Well) Medical College of Cornell University, New York Pounding Director, Sadder Institute (1998-2002)
Adjunct Professor, Weill Medical College (2002)
Honors and Awards:
- Donald G. Marquis Award, University of Michigan, 1961-62, "For the most
distinguished dissertation"
- American Institute for Research, Dissertation award in the area of Learning, Perception
and Motivation, 1962
- Paul M. Fitts Award, Human Factors Society (for contributions to training of Human
Factors Specialists)
- Member: Oregon, Western and American Psychological Association (Fellow, Division
3): AAAS (Fellow 1976):
Psychonomics Society (Governing Board, 1973-79), Cognitive Science Society;
Neuroscience Society, American Psychological Society
- Editor, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1974-
- Ersted Award for distinguished teaching, University of Oregon, 1975
- 3rd Paul M. Fitts Lecturer, University of Michigan, Fall, 1976
- Sir F.C. Bartlett Lecturer, University of Oxford, July, 1979
- John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, 1979-1980
- A.P.A. Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, 1980
- Elected to U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 1981
- NRSA Senior postdoctoral fellowship, 1982-84
- Association Lecture International Attention and Performance Society, 1982
- Elected Chair Section J (Psychology) American Association for the Advancement of
Science - Term February, 1987-February, 1988
- Fellow American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1986
- Distinguished Foreign Lecturer British Psychology Society. Cognitive Section,
September, 1986
- 8th McKinnon Lecture, University of Missouri, Department of Psychology, April, 1987
- Harold Schlossberg Lecture, Brown University, Department of Psychology, May, 1987
- Presidential Symposium Neuroscience Society, November, 1987
- Howard Crosby Warren Medal of the Society of Experimental Psychologists, 1988
- Member, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science, 1988
- Hilgard Visiting Professor, Stanford University, May, 1988
- 2nd Quad 4 lecture, University of New Mexico, October 1988
- Invited Lecturer, Congress on Cerebral Blood Flow, Bologna, Italy, May, 1989
- Invited Lecturer, Experimental Psychology Society, Cambridge University, July, 1989
- Howard Vollum award for exceptional achievement of a member of the scientific and
technical community of the Pacific Northwest, 1989
- Invited Paper, Decade of the Brain Conference, Institute of Medicine, July, 1990
- Invited Plenary Lecture 25th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels,
Belgium,July 1992, with M.K. Rothbart
- Nijmegen Lectures - Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland,
December 1992.
- Invited Visitor Norway Symposium on Psychopathology, February, 1993
- Distinguished Scientific Lecture American Psychological Association, May, 1992
- Organizer Cognitve Neuroscience Symposium International Union of Physiological
Sciences. Glasgow Scotland, July, 1993.
- Invited Presidential Address - Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Nov. 1993
- James McKeen Cattell Fellow 1993-94
- Scientist of the Year Award, Oregon Academy of Sciences, 1995
- McDonnell-Pew Lecture-European Society for Psychology and Philosophy, 1995
- Phi Beta Kappa Lecturer, 1995-96
- Dedication Lecturer - Welcome Trust Center for Brain Imaging University of London,
April, 1996.
- William James Book Award, 1996 American Psychological Association for the book
Images of Mind.
- Donald Broadbent Lecture - European Cognitive Psychology Society, Wurzburg
Germany, September, 1996.
- Dana Foundation Award for pioneering research in medicine (neuroscience) 1996
- John T. McGovern Medal and Lecture American Assoc. for the Advancement of
Science, February, 1998
- Walker-Ames Visiting Professor, University of Washington, April, 1998
- Lanier Lecturer, University of Illinois, April, 1998
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, University of Padova, Italy, 1998
- Karl Lashley Award, American Philosophical Society (joint with M. E. Raichle),
November, 1998
- Elliot Lecture, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, February,1999
- W.R. Jeffry Lecture UCLA, February, 1999
- Distinguished Lecturer, Ben Gurion University, November-December, 1999
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, University of Granada, Spain, November, 1999
- Pasarow Foundation Award in Medical Research (Neuropsychiatry) with M.E. Raichle,
June, 2000
- Hebb Lecture, Dalhousie University, March, 2000
- Salmon Lecture, NY Academy of Medicine, December, 2000
- De Lange Lecture, University of Houston, March, 2001
- Centennary Lecture on Attention, British Psychology Society, April, 2001
- Grawemeyer Award for psychology contribution /w/ Raichle & Petersen
- Honorary Degree University of Nottingham, July 2002
- Honorary Degree University of Paris, Dec 2002
- Presidential Symposium Amercan. Psychologial Association, 2003
- Fyssen Foundation International Prize for studies of Human Consciousnes, 2004
- George A. Miller Lecture, Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2004
- American College of Psychoanalysis Laughlin Distinguished Citizen Award and
Honorary Membership, 2004
- Patricia Goldman Rakic Award NARSAD [with M.E. Raichle], 20*Plenary lecture
Psychonomics Society Nov. 2005
- Plenary lecture Society for Judgment and Decision Making Nov 2005
*Arthur Lecture American Museum of Natural History March 2007
* Honorary Doctoral Degree Ben Gurion University Beer Sheva Israel 2007
* Honorary Doctoral Degree Vrie University of Brussels Nov. 2007
* First Mattie Dogan Prize in Psychology 2008
* First Paul B. Baltes lecture International Congress of Psychology 2008
* 7th Paul M. Fitts Lecture, Univ of Mich. Sept. 2008
* Honorary Doctor of Science Univ. of Mich. May 2009
* Nat'l Medal of Science, Oct 2009
* Honorary Doctoral Degree University of Buenos Aires March 2010
* Japanese Psychological Assoc. Guest Lecture Sept. 2010
* Founders Day Lecture Brain Center Delhi India Dec. 2010
* Honorary Degree Florida Atlantic University Dec 2011
* J.J. Carty award for contribution to science National Academy April 2012
* Keynote Address Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Hong Kong July 2013
* Plenary Address Cognitive Science in the Millenium Beijing July 2013
* Election to British Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences
National Service:
- National Research Council Committee on Human Factors, 1982-83
- National Research Council Committee on Enhancement of Human Performance, 1985-
- National Research Council Subcommittee on Learning and Memory of Committee on
Research Opportunities in the Social and Behavioral Science, 1985
- National Research Council Subcommittee on Neurobiology and Behavior of the
Committee on Research Opportunities in Biology
- McArthur Foundation Committee of Scientific Advisers to the Health Program, 1986-
- Reviews of Program of Psychology Departments:
Rochester University, 1983
University of California at Santa Cruz, 1983
McGill University, 1984
Northwestern University, 1985
University of Minnesota, 1986
University of Iowa, 1988
UCSD (Cognitive Science), 1994
Chair, visiting committee Harvard University Psychology Dept., 1995-98
Chair review committee Brown University, 1999
Vanderbilt University, 1999
U.S.C., 2000
University of California, Davis, Neuroscience Program, 2001
University of Washington, Department of Psychology, 2004
City University of NY 2011
- Surrogate Delegate Oxford University Press, 1990-1996
- Chair, James S. McDonnell Foundation Committee on Cognitive Neuroscience
- Attention and Perception, 1987-1989
- Board of Reviewing Editors, Science, 1988-1989
- Membership Chair Section 53 National Academy of Sciences, 1992-94
- Nominating Committee Society for Neuroscience, 1993
- National Research Council Committee on Early Child Pedagogy, 1998-00
- PNAS Board of Editors 2000-2002
- Monitor NRC report on polygraphy 2002
- Society for Neuroscience Lindsley Award Committee 2001-
- Board of NEA Foundation 2004-2006
- Advisory Board Life Center, University of Washington 2004-200
- Board of NEA Foundation 2004-2006
- NAS nominating committee 2008
- Member Board on Cognitive, Behavioral and Sensory Sciences NRC
- Search committee Director of Cog. and Brain Unit MRC 2010
- Board on Cognitive, Behavioral and Sensory Sciences NRC 2010-2013
- NRC Committee on Small Group Leadership 2010-2011
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