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Michael I. Posner Ph.D.

National Medal of Science - Behaviorial and Social Science 2008

Psychologist. Cognitive neuroscience - attention, early brain development, changes in brain systems with learning; developmental disorders; brain injury. Posner cueing task. Founding Director, Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology.


All photos courtesy Dr. Posner

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Photo: Courtesy Dr. Michael I. Posner. Upon receiving Carty award 2012.

Name: Michael I. Posner
Birth: 12 September, 1936, Cincinnati, OH
Title: Professor Emeritus Dept. of Psychology
Affiliation: Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, USA
Citation: "For his innovative application of technology to the understanding of brain function, his incisive and accurate modeling of functional tasks, and his development of methodological and conceptual tools to help understand the mind and the development of brain networks of attention." Presented by President Barack H. Obama in the East Room of the White House on October 7, 2009.
'Fifty Years a Duck'
Copyrights: Dr Posner has not registered his work.
Thesis advisor:Paul M. Fitts
History of 'Neuroscience'
Educational: Neuroscience of Attention. GoCognitive
Bearing Laureate's Name: Posner Cueing Task

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