John C. Mather Ph.D.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006
Nobel Prize also awarded to George F. Smoot
Physicist - Astrophysics, Instrumentation. COBE, Blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
"For years I had successfully repelled all challenges to my concentration on one overwhelming responsibility. Now, it was done, and I switched my attention to ..."
6 Most Important Publications
Publications NCBI/PubMed
Refereed Publications
Other Publications (partial list)
John C. Mather has published scientific papers primarily in Applied Optics, the Astrophysical Journal, and various conference proceedings.
6 Most Important Publications
- First publication of the CMB spectrum from COBE: J.C. Mather, E.S. Cheng, R.E., Jr., R. B. Isaacman, S.S. Meyer, R.A. Shafer, R. Weiss, E.L. Wright, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E. Dwek, S. Gulkis, M.G. Hauser, M. Janssen, T. Kelsall, P.M. Lubin, S.H. Moseley, Jr., T.L. Murdock, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, and D.T. Wilkinson, "A Preliminary Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) Satellite, Astrophysical Journal, 354, L37-L40, 1990.
- Major improvement in CMB spectrum from COBE: J.C. Mather, E.S. Cheng, D.A. Cottingham, R.E. Eplee, Jr., D.J. Fixsen, T. Hewagama, R.B. Isaacman, K.A. Jensen, S.S. Meyer, P.D. Noerdlinger, S.M. Read, R.A. Shafer, E.L. Wright, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, M.G. Hauser, T. Kelsall, S.H. Moseley, Jr., R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, R. Weiss, and D.T. Wilkinson, "Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum by the COBE FIRAS," Astrophysical Journal, 420, 439-444, 1994.
- How the CMB spectrum was calibrated: D.J. Fixsen, E.S. Cheng, D.A. Cottingham, R.E. Eplee, Jr., T. Hewagama, R.B. Isaacman, K.A. Jensen, J.C. Mather, D.L. Massa, S.S. Meyer, P.D. Noerdlinger, S.M. Read, L.P. Rosen, R.A. Shafer, A.R. Trenholme, R. Weiss, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, D.T. Wilkinson, and E.L. Wright, "Calibration of the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS) on the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Astrophysical Journal, 420, 457-473, 1994.
- What it meant: E.L. Wright, J.C. Mather, D.J. Fixsen, A. Kogut, R.A. Shafer, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, and R. Weiss, "Interpretation of the COBE FIRAS Spectrum," Astrophysical Journal, 420, 450-456, 1994.
- How it turned out: Mather, John C., "Nobel Lecture: From the Big Bang to the Nobel Prize and beyond", Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 79, Issue 4, pp. 1331-1348, 2007.
- James Webb Space Telescope: J. Gardner, et al., "The James Webb Space Telescope," Space Science Reviews, Volume 123, Number 4 / April, 2006; astro-ph/0606175
Publications NCBI/PubMed
- Politics and prophecy.
Mather JC.
Nature. 2010 Oct 14;467(7317):S9. doi: 10.1038/467S9a.
PMID: 20944624 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
- HISTORY OF SCIENCE: Science and Sputnik.
Mather JC.
Science. 2007 Oct 5;318(5847):52-3.
PMID: 17916715 [PubMed]
Refereed Publications
- J.C. Mather, M.W. Werner, and P.L. Richards, "A Search for Spectral Features in the Submillimeter Background Radiation," Ap. J., 170, L59, 1971.
- P. Thaddeus, J.C. Mather, J.H. Davis, and G.N. Blair, "Observation of the J = 1_0 Rotational Transition of Vibrationally Excited Silicon Monoxide," Ap. J. Letters, 192, L33, 1974.
- J.C. Mather, P.L. Richards, and D.P. Woody, "Balloon-Based Measurements of the Cosmic Background Radiation," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Technique MTT-22, 1046, 1974.
- D.P. Woody, N.S. Nishioka, P.L. Richards, and J.C. Mather, "Measurement of the Submillimeter Cosmic Background," Phys. Rev. Letters, 34, 1036, 1975.
- J.C. Mather, "Broadband Flared Horn with Low Sidelobes," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, AP-29, 967, 1981.
- J.C. Mather, "Bolometer Cavity Design for Efficiency," Applied Optics, 20, 3992-3, 1981.
- J.C. Mather, "Nonequilibrium Theory of Cryogenic Bolometer Noise," Applied Optics, 21, 1125, 1982.
- M.S. Miller, W.L. Eichhorn, and J.C. Mather, "Sky Input Horn for a Far Infrared Interferometer," Optics Letters, 7, 210, 1982.
- J.C. Mather, "The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Optical Engineering, 21, 769-774, 1982.
- J.C. Mather, "Bolometers: Ultimate Sensitivity, Optimization, and Amplifier Coupling," Applied Optics, 23, 584-8, 1984.
- M.G. Hauser, R.F. Silverberg, M.T. Stier, T. Kelsall, D.Y. Gezari, E. Dwek, D. Walser, J.C. Mather, and L.H. Cheung, "Submillimeter Wavelength Survey of the Galactic Plane from l = -5o to l = +62o Structure and Energetics of the Inner Disk," NASA Tech. Memorandum 86077 and Ap. J., 285, 74, 1984.
- D. McCammon, S.H. Moseley, J.C. Mather and R.F. Mushotzky, "Experimental Tests of a Single-Photon Calorimeter for X-Ray Spectroscopy," J. Appl. Phys., 56, 1263, 1984.
- S.H. Moseley, J.C. Mather, and D. McCammon, "Thermal Detectors as X-Ray Spectrometers," J. Appl. Phys., 56, 1257, 1984; NASA TM-86092.
- J.C. Mather, "Electrical Self Calibration of Non-Ideal Bolometers," Applied Optics, 23, 3181-3, 1984.
- H. Hemmati, J.C. Mather, and W.L. Eichhorn, "Submillimeter and Millimeter Wave Characterization of Absorbing Materials," Applied Optics, 24, 4489, 1985.
- J.C. Mather and D.E. Jennings, "Michelson Interferometer with Separated Inputs and Outputs, Double Pass, and Compensation," Applied Optics, 24, 3437, 1985.
- S.H. Moseley, R.L. Kelley, J.C. Mather, R.F. Mushotzky, A.E. Szymkowiak, and D. McCammon, "Thermal Detectors as Single Photon X-Ray Spectrometers," IEEE Transactions Nuclear Science, NS-32, 134, 1985, and NASA TM-86092.
- J.C. Mather, M. Toral, and H. Hemmati, "Heat Trap with Flare as Multimode Antenna," Applied Optics, 25, 2826-30, 1986.
- E. Dwek, Y. Rephaeli, and J.C. Mather, "Infrared Emission from Dust in the Coma Cluster of Galaxies," Astrophysical Journal, 350, 104, 1990. Also in NASA Ames Research Center, Interstellar Dust: Contributed Papers, p. 353, 1989.
- J.C. Mather, E.S. Cheng, R.E., Jr., R. B. Isaacman, S.S. Meyer, R.A. Shafer, R. Weiss, E.L. Wright, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E. Dwek, S. Gulkis, M.G. Hauser, M. Janssen, T. Kelsall, P.M. Lubin, S.H. Moseley, Jr., T.L. Murdock, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, and D.T. Wilkinson, "A Preliminary Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) Satellite, Astrophysical Journal, 354, L37-L40, 1990.
- G. Smoot, C. Bennett, R. Weber, J. Maruschak, R. Ratliff, M. Janssen, J. Chitwood, L. Hilliard, M. Lecha, R. Mills, R. Patschke, C. Richards, C. Backus, J. Mather, M. Hauser, R. Weiss, D. Wilkinson, S. Gulkis, N. Boggess, E. Cheng, T. Kelsall, P. Lubin, S. Meyer, H. Moseley, T. Murdock, R. Shafer, R. Silverberg, and E. Wright, "COBE Differential Microwave Radiometers: Instrument Design and Implementation," Astrophysical Journal, 360, 685-695, 1990.
- G.F. Smoot, C.L. Bennett, A. Kogut, J. Aymon, C. Backus, G. DeAmici, K. Galuk, P.D. Jackson, P. Keegstra, L. Rokke, L. Tenorio, S. Torres, S. Gulkis, M.G. Hauser, M. Janssen, J.C. Mather, R. Weiss, D.T. Wilkinson, E.L. Wright, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, T. Kelsall, P. Lubin, S. Meyer, S.H. Moseley, T.L. Murdock, R.A. Shafer, and R.F. Silverberg, "Preliminary Results from the COBE Differential Microwave Radiometers: Large-Angular-Scale Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background," Astrophysical Journal, 371, L1-L5, 1991.
- E.L. Wright, J.C. Mather, C.L. Bennett, E.S. Cheng, R.A. Shafer, D.J. Fixsen, R.E. Eplee, Jr., R.B. Isaacman, S.M. Read, N.W. Boggess, S. Gulkis, M.G. Hauser, M. Janssen, T. Kelsall, P.M. Lubin, S.S. Meyer, S.H. Moseley, Jr., T.L. Murdock, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, R. Weiss, D.T. Wilkinson, "Preliminary Spectral Observations of the Galaxy with a 7o Beam by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Astrophysical Journal, 381, 200-209, 1991.
- C.L. Bennett, G.F. Smoot, M. Janssen, S. Gulkis, A. Kogut, G. Hinshaw, C. Backus, M.G. Hauser, J.C. Mather, L. Rokke, L. Tenorio, R. Weiss, D.T. Wilkinson, E.L. Wright, G. DeAmici, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, P.D. Jackson, P. Keegstra, T. Kelsall, R. Kummerer, C. Lineweaver, S.H. Moseley, T.L. Murdock, J. Santana, R.A. Shafer, R.F. Silverberg, "COBE Differential Microwave Radiometers (DMR): Calibration Techniques," Astrophysical Journal, 391, 466-482, 1992.
- N.W. Boggess, J.C. Mather, R. Weiss, C.L. Bennett, E.S. Cheng, S. Gulkis, M.G. Hauser, M.A. Janssen, T. Kelsall, P.M. Lubin, S.S. Meyer, S.H. Moseley, T.L. Murdock, R.A. Shafer, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, D.T. Wilkinson, E.L. Wright, "The COBE Mission: Its Design and Performance Two Years After Launch," Astrophysical Journal, 397, 420, 1992.
- G.F. Smoot, C.L. Bennett, A. Kogut, E.L. Wright, J. Aymon, M.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, G. DeAmici, S. Gulkis, M.G. Hauser, G. Hinshaw, C. Lineweaver, K. Loewenstein, P.D. Jackson, M. Janssen, E. Kaita, T. Kelsall, P. Keegstra, P. Lubin, J.C. Mather, S.S. Meyer, S.H. Moseley, T.L. Murdock, L. Rokke, R.F. Silverberg, L. Tenorio, R. Weiss, D.T. Wilkinson, "Structure in the COBE DMR First Year Maps," Astrophysical Journal Letters, 396, L1-L5, 1992.
- C.L. Bennett, G.F. Smoot, G. Hinshaw, E.L. Wright, A. Kogut, G. DeAmici, S.S. Meyer, R. Weiss, D.T. Wilkinson, S. Gulkis, M. Janssen, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, M.G. Hauser, T. Kelsall, J.C. Mather, S.H. Moseley, T.L. Murdock, and R.F. Silverberg, "Preliminary Separation of Galactic and Cosmic Microwave Emission of the COBE-DMR," Astrophysical Journal Letters, 396, L7-L12, 1992.
- E.L. Wright, S.S. Meyer, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, M.G. Hauser, A. Kogut, C. Lineweaver, J.C. Mather, G.F. Smoot, R. Weiss, S. Gulkis, G. Hinshaw, M. Janssen, T. Kelsall, P.M. Lubin, S.H. Moseley, T.L. Murdock, R.A. Shafer, R.F. Silverberg, and D.T. Wilkinson, "Interpretation of the CMB Anisotropy Detected by the COBE DMR," Astrophysical Journal Letters, 396, L13-L18, 1992.
- A. Kogut, G.F. Smoot, C.L. Bennett, E.L. Wright, J. Aymon, G. DeAmici, G. Hinshaw, P.D. Jackson, E. Kaita, P. Keegstra, C. Lineweaver, K. Loewenstein, L. Rokke, L. Tenorio, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, S. Gulkis, M.G. Hauser, M.A. Janssen, T. Kelsall, J.C. Mather, S. Meyer, S.H. Moseley, T.L. Murdock, R.A. Shafer, R.F. Silverberg, R. Weiss, and D.T. Wilkinson, "COBE Differential Microwave Radiometers: DMR Preliminary Systematic Error Analysis," Astrophysical Journal Letters, 401, 1, 1992.
- A. Kogut, C. Lineweaver, G.F. Smoot, C.L. Bennett, A. Banday, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, G. De Amici, D.J. Fixsen, G. Hinshaw, P.D. Jackson, M. Janssen, P. Keegstra, K. Loewenstein, P. Lubin, J.C. Mather, L. Tenorio, R. Weiss, D.T. Wilkinson, and E.L. Wright, "Dipole Anisotropy in the COBE Differential Microwave Radiometers First-Year Sky Maps," Astrophysical Journal, 419, 1-6, 1993.
- J.C. Mather, E.S. Cheng, D.A. Cottingham, R.E. Eplee, Jr., D.J. Fixsen, T. Hewagama, R.B. Isaacman, K.A. Jensen, S.S. Meyer, P.D. Noerdlinger, S.M. Read, R.A. Shafer, E.L. Wright, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, M.G. Hauser, T. Kelsall, S.H. Moseley, Jr., R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, R. Weiss, and D.T. Wilkinson, "Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum by the COBE FIRAS," Astrophysical Journal, 420, 439-444, 1994.
- D.J. Fixsen, E.S. Cheng, D.A. Cottingham, R.E. Eplee, Jr., R.B. Isaacman, J.C. Mather, S.S. Meyer, P.D. Noerdlinger, R.A. Shafer, R. Weiss, E.L. Wright, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, T. Kelsall, S.H. Moseley, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, and D.T. Wilkinson, "Cosmic Microwave Background Dipole Spectrum Measured by the COBE FIRAS," Astrophysical Journal, 420, 445-449, 1994.
- E.L. Wright, J.C. Mather, D.J. Fixsen, A. Kogut, R.A. Shafer, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, and R. Weiss, "Interpretation of the COBE FIRAS Spectrum," Astrophysical Journal, 420, 450-456, 1994.
- D.J. Fixsen, E.S. Cheng, D.A. Cottingham, R.E. Eplee, Jr., T. Hewagama, R.B. Isaacman, K.A. Jensen, J.C. Mather, D.L. Massa, S.S. Meyer, P.D. Noerdlinger, S.M. Read, L.P. Rosen, R.A. Shafer, A.R. Trenholme, R. Weiss, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, D.T. Wilkinson, and E.L. Wright, "Calibration of the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS) on the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Astrophysical Journal, 420, 457-473, 1994.
- C.L. Bennett, A. Kogut, G. Hinshaw, A.J. Banday, E.L. Wright, K. Gorski, D.T. Wilkinson, R. Weiss, G.F Smoot, S.S. Meyer, J.C. Mather, P. Lubin, K. Loewenstein, C. Lineweaver, P. Keegstra, E. Kaita, P.D. Jackson, and E.S. Cheng, "Cosmic Temperature Fluctuations from Two Years of COBE DMR Observations," Astrophysical Journal, 436, 423-442, 1994.
- M. Buehler, E. Umlauf, and J.C. Mather, "Noise of a Bolometer with Vanishing Self-Heating," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 346, 225-229, 1994.
- J.C. Mather, "Infrared Measurements from the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Infrared Physics, 35, 331-336, 1994.
- C.L. Bennett, D.J. Fixsen, G. Hinshaw, J.C. Mather, S.H. Moseley, E.L. Wright, R.E. Eplee, Jr., J. Gales, T. Hewagama, R.B. Isaacman, R.A. Shafer, and K. Turpie, "Morphology of the Interstellar Cooling Lines Detected by COBE," Astrophysical Journal, 434, 587-598, 1994.
- W.T. Reach, E. Dwek, D.J. Fixsen, T. Hewagama, J.C. Mather, R.A. Shafer, A.J. Banday, C.L. Bennett, E.S. Cheng, R.E. Eplee, Jr., D. Leisawitz, P.M. Lubin, S.M. Read, F.G.D. Shuman, G.F. Smoot, T.J. Sodroski, and E.L. Wright, "Far-Infrared Spectral Observations of the Galaxy by COBE," Astrophysical Journal 451, 188-199, 1995.
- A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, S. Odenwald, M.G. Hauser, "Clustering of the Diffuse Infrared Light from the COBE DIRBE maps, I. C (O) and limits on the near-IR background," Astrophysical Journal, 470, 681, 1996
- D.J. Fixsen, E.S. Cheng, J.M. Gales, J.C. Mather, R.A. Shafer, and E.L. Wright, "The Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum from the Full COBE FIRAS Data Set," Astrophysical Journal, 473, 576, 1996.
- R.A. Shafer, J.C. Mather, D.J. Fixsen, K.A. Jensen, W.T. Reach, E. Dwek, and E.S. Cheng, "The Far Infrared Background as Measured by COBE FIRAS I: Limits from Dark Sky Measurements," Astrophysical Journal, 470, 681, 1996.
- A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, S. Odenwald, "Clustering of the Diffuse Infrared Light from the COBE DIRBE maps." II. An all-sky survey of C(0), Astrophysical Journal, 473L, 9, 1996
- Gor'kavyi, Nikolai N., Ozernoy, Leonid M., and Mather, John C., "A New Approach to Dynamical Evolution of Interplanetary Dust," Astrophysical Journal, 474, 496, 1997
- Fixsen, D.J., Hinshaw, G., Bennett, C.L., and Mather, J.C. "The Spectrum of the CMB Anisotropy from the Combined COBE FIRAS and DMR Observations," ApJ, 486, 623, 1997
- Fixsen, D.J., Weiland, J.L., Brodd, S., Hauser, M.G., Kelsall, T., Leisawitz, D.T., Mather, J.C., Jensen, K.A., Shafer, R.A., and Silverberg, R.F., "The Comparison of the FIRAS and DIRBE Calibrations," ApJ, 490, 482, 1997
- Nikolai N. Gor'kavyi, Leonid M. Ozernoy, John C. Mather, and Tanya Taidakova, "Quasi-Stationary States Of Dust Flows Under Poynting-Robertson Drag: New Analytical And Numerical Solutions," ApJ, vol 488, 268, 1997
- G. Mark Cushman, J.C. Mather, D. J. Fixsen, "Demonstration of low temperature radiative cooler for future space missions," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 (12), 4596-4599, 1997
- A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, and S. Odenwald, "Clustering of the Diffuse Infrared Light from the COBE DIRBE maps. III. Power spectrum analysis and possible detection of cosmic infrared background fluctuations," Ap. J. submitted 5/98. Astro-ph 9908304
- M.G. Hauser, R.G. Arendt, T. Kelsall, E. Dwek, N. Odegard, J.L. Weiland, H.T. Freudenreich, W.T. Reach, R.F. Silverberg, S.H. Moseley, Y.C. Pei, P. Lubin, J.C. Mather, R.A. Shafer, G.F. Smoot, R. Weiss, D.T. Wilkinson, E.L. Wright, "The COBE Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment Search for the Cosmic Infrared Background: I. Limits and Detections", ApJ, 508, 25, 1998.
- D.J. Fixsen, E. Dwek, J.C. Mather, C.L. Bennett, R.A. Shafer, "The Spectrum of the Extragalactic Far Infrared Background from the COBE FIRAS Observations," ApJ, 508, 123, 1998
- N. Gor'kavyi, L. Ozernoy, J. Mather, T. Taidakova, "Structure of the Zodiacal Cloud: New Analytical and Numerical Solutions," Earth Planets. Space 50, 539-544, 1998.
- J.C. Mather, D.J. Fixsen, R.A. Shafer, C. Mosier, D.T. Wilkinson, "Calibrator Design for the COBE Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS)," ApJ, 512, 511-520, 1998.
- Fixsen, D.J., Bennett, C.L., and Mather, J.C., "The COBE-FIRAS observations of Galactic Lines," ApJ, 526, 207-214, 1999,
- E. Dwek, R. G. Arendt, M. G. Hauser, D. Fixsen, T. Kelsall, D. Leisawitz, Y. C. Pei, E. L. Wright, J. C., Mather, S. H. Moseley, N. Odegard, R. Shafer, R. F. Silverberg, J. L. Weiland, "The COBE Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment Search for the Cosmic Infrared Background: IV. Cosmological Implications," ApJ, 508, 106, 1998.
- Leonid M. Ozernoy, Nick N. Gorkavyi, John C. Mather, and Tanya A. Taidakova, "Signatures of Exo-Solar Planets in Dust Debris Disks," ApJ Letts., 2000, L147-L151.
- D.J. Fixsen, J.D. Offenberg, R.J. Hanisch, J.C. Mather, et al., "Cosmic Ray Rejection and Readout Efficiency for Large-Area Arrays", PASP, 112, 1350 (2000)
- Leisawitz, David; Mather, John C.; Harvey Moseley, S., Jr.; Zhang, Xiaolei, "The Submillimeter Probe of the Evolution of Cosmic Structure (SPECS)," Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 269/270, p. 563-567 (1999).
- Nick N. Gorkavyi, Leonid M. Ozernoy, Tanya Taidakova, John C. Mather, "Distribution of dust from Kuiper belt objects," Submitted to Planetary Space Sciences, 6/00. astro-ph/0006435
- J. D. Offenberg, D. J. Fixsen, B. J. Rauscher, W. J. Forrest, R. J. Hanisch, J. C. Mather, M. E. McKelvey, R. E. McMurray, Jr, M. A. Nieto-Santisteban, J. L. Pipher, R. Sengupta, and H. S. Stockman, "Validation of Up-the-Ramp Sampling with Cosmic Ray Rejection on IR Detectors," PASP 113, 240O (2001). astro-ph/0008271
- A. Kashlinsky, S. Odenwald, J. Mather, M. F. Skrutskie, & R. Cutri, "Detection of small scale fluctuations in the near-IR cosmic infrared background from long exposure 2MASS fields", ApJL, 579, Issue 2, pp. L53-L57, 2002.
- S. Odenwald, A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, M. Skrutskie, R. Cutri, "Analysis of the diffuse near-IR emission from 2MASS deep integration data: foregrounds vs. the cosmic infrared background," ApJ, 583, Issue 2, pp. 535-550, 2003.
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., "Comet and asteroid hazard to the terrestrial planets," Advances in Space Research, 33, Issue 9, p. 1524-1533, 2003. (
- J.D. Offenberg, D.J. Fixsen, J.C. Mather, "Up-the-Ramp Sampling with Cosmic Ray Rejection with Limited Memory," PASP, 117:94-103, 2005 January
- Daniel F. Lester, Harold W. Yorke, John C. Mather, "Does the Lunar Surface Still Offer Value As a Site for Astronomical Observatories?" Space Policy, May 2004
- Fixsen, D. J., Mather, J. C., "The Spectral Results of the Far-Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer Instrument on COBE," ApJ, 581, Issue 2, pp. 817-822, 2002.
- Ipatov, Sergei I., Mather, John C., "Migration of Trans-Neptunian Objects to the Terrestrial Planets," Earth, Moon, and Planets, v. 92, Issue 1, p. 89-98 (2003).
- Ipatov, S. I., Mather, J. C., "Migration of Small Bodies and Dust to Near-Earth Space," astro-ph/0411004, 2004. Advances in Space Research (Proceedings of COSPAR-2004), Volume 37, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 126-137., initial version on
- Benford, D., Amato, M., Mather, J., Moseley, S.H. Jr., and Leisawitz, D., "Mission Concept for the Single Aperture Far-Infrared (SAFIR) Observatory," Astrophysics and Space Science, 294, 177-212, 2004.
- Ipatov, S.I, Mather, J.C., and Taylor, P., Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences, 1017, 66-80, 2004.
- Ipatov, S.I, and Mather, J.C., Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences, 1017, 46-65, 2004.
- A. Kashlinsky, R. G. Arendt, J. Mather, S. H. Moseley, "Tracing the first stars with fluctuations of the cosmic infrared background", Nature, 438, 45-50, 2005.
- S.I. Ipatov, A.S. Kutyrev, G.J. Madsen, J.C. Mather, S.H. Moseley, R.J. Reynolds, "Dynamical Zodiacal Cloud Models Constrained by High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Zodiacal Light," AJ, 2006, submitted; astro-ph/0608141
- J. Gardner, et al., "The James Webb Space Telescope," Space Science Reviews, Volume 123, Number 4 / April, 2006; astro-ph/0606175 ,
- A. Kashlinsky, R. G. Arendt, J. Mather, S. H. Moseley, "New measurements of cosmic infrared background fluctuations from early epochs", ApJL, 654, pp. L5-L8, 2007
- A. Kashlinsky, R. G. Arendt, J. Mather, S. H. Moseley, "On the nature of the sources of the cosmic infrared background". ApJL, 654, pp. L1-L4, 2007
- Kashlinsky, A.; Arendt, R. G.; Mather, J.; Moseley, S. H., "Demonstrating the Negligible Contribution of Optical HST ACS Galaxies to Source-subtracted Cosmic Infrared Background Fluctuations in Deep Spitzer IRAC Images," ApJL, 666, L1-L4, 2007.
- Mather, John C., "Nobel Lecture: From the Big Bang to the Nobel Prize and beyond", Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 79, Issue 4, pp. 1331-1348, 2007.
- Sergei I. Ipatov, Alexander S. Kutyrev, Greg J. Madsen, John C. Mather, S. Harvey Moseley, Ronald J. Reynolds, Dynamical Zodiacal Cloud Models Constrained by High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Zodiacal Light, Icarus, Vol 194/2 pp 769-788, 2008.
- John C. Mather and Gary F Hinshaw (2008) Cosmic background explorer. Scholarpedia, 3(3):4732
- Mather, J., "From the Big Bang to the Nobel Prize and the James Webb Space Telescope," Il Nuovo Cimento, accepted, 2008. Conference proceedings for "A Century of Cosmology: Past, Present, and Future", Venice, Italy, August 27-31, 2007.
- Richard G. Arendt, A. Kashlinsky, S. H. Moseley, J. Mather, "Cosmic Infrared Background Fluctuations in Deep Spitzer IRAC Images: Data Processing and Analysis", 2010, ApJS, 186, 10.
- Wright, Edward L., et al., "The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE): Mission Description and Initial On-orbit Performance," The Astronomical Journal, 2010, 140 1868,
- Kashlinsky, A.; Arendt, R. G.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Fazio, G. G.; Mather, J.; Moseley, S. H., "New measurements of the cosmic infrared background fluctuations in deep Spitzer/IRAC survey data and their cosmological implications," ApJ, 2012, 753. 63.
- Cappeluti, N., Kashlinsky, A, Arendt, R.G., Comastri, A, Fazio, G.G., Finoguenova, A., Hasinger, G., Mather, J.C., Miyaji, T., Moseley, S. H., "Cross-correlating cosmic IR and X-ray background fluctuations: evidence of significant black hole populations among the CIB sources," accepted 4/8/13; astro-ph.
Other Publications (partial list)
- J.C. Mather, M.W. Werner, and P.L. Richards, "A Search for Spectral Features in the Submillimeter Background Radiation," Mem. Soc. Roy. des Sciences de Liege, 6e serie, III, 607, 1972.
- J.C. Mather, "Far Infrared Spectrometry of the Cosmic Background Radiation," Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 1974.
- J.C. Mather, P. Thaddeus, R. Weiss, D. Muehlner, D.T. Wilkinson, M.G. Hauser, "Cosmological Background Radiation Satellite," NASA/Goddard Proposal, 1974.
- J.C. Mather, "Infrared and Millimeter Wave Techniques for the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite," Proc. SPIE (Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers), 105, 44, 1977.
- J.C. Mather, "COBE - Explorer of the Primeval Explosion," Astronautics and Aeronautics, 16, 60, 1978.
- R.F. Silverberg, M.G. Hauser, J.C. Mather, D.Y. Gezari, T. Kelsall, and L. Cheung, "A 1.2 M Balloon-Borne Telescope for a Submillimeter Wave Sky Survey," Instrumentation in Astronomy III, conf Jan 29, 1979, SPIE, p. 149-154, 1979.
- J.C. Mather and T. Kelsall, "The Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite," Physica Scripta, 21, 671, 1980.
- J.C. Mather, "The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Proc. SPIE, 280, #3, 1981.
- J. C. Mather, "Observing the Primeval Explosion with the Cosmic Background Explorer," New Scientist, p. 48, 1986.
- J.C. Mather, "Cosmic Background Explorer Observes the Primeval Explosion," NASA color glossy brochure, 1986.
- G.G. Fazio, D.G. Koch, G.J. Melnick, R.M. Tresch-Fienberg, S.P. Willner, D.Y. Gezari, G. Lamb, P. Shu, G. Chin, R. Silverberg, J.C. Mather, W. Hoffmann, N.J. Woolf, J. Pipher, W. Forrest, C.R. McCreight, "Wide Field and Diffraction Limited Array Camera for SIRTF," Proceedings SPIE 619, paper 6; also published in 689, paper 34, 1986.
- J.C. Mather, "Capabilities of the Cosmic Background Explorer," Proceedings of 13th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore and Teaneck, NJ, p. 232, 1987.
- G. Lamb, P. Shu, J.C. Mather, A. Ervin, J. Bowser, "IRAC Test Report, Gallium Doped Silicon Band II," NASA Technical Memorandum 87813, 1987.
- J.C. Mather, "Cosmic Background Explorer Observes the Primeval Explosion (revised)," NASA color glossy brochure, 1988.
- J.C. Mather and M. Horosko (ed), "Simple Do-it-yourself Dance Floor" in Health column, Dance Magazine, p. 72, Feb 1988.
- E. Dwek, Y. Rephaeli, and J.C. Mather, "Infrared Emission from Dust in the Coma Cluster of Galaxies," NASA Ames Research Center, Interstellar Dust: Contributed Papers, p. 353, 1989.
- J.C. Mather, M.G. Hauser, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, R.E. Eplee, Jr., H.T. Freudenreich, R.B. Isaacman, T. Kelsall, C.M. Lisse, S.H. Moseley, Jr., R.A. Shafer, R.F. Silverberg, W.J. Spiesman, and J.L. Weiland, "Early Results from the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 123 on Space Astronomy, Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond, April 1990 at NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, Yoji Kondo, Ed., Kluwer (Boston) 9 (1990). Also published in Proceedings of the 29th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium: From Ground-based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy, Liege, Belgium, ESA SP-314 (1990). Also published in Basic Space Science for the Benefit of Developing Countries, Proc. UN/ESA Workshop, Bangalore, India, AIP Conference Proc. 245, 266, 1992, AIDC, Colchester, VT.
- J.C. Mather, M.G. Hauser, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, R.E. Eplee, Jr., H.T. Freudenreich, R.B. Isaacman, T. Kelsall, S. Gulkis, "Early Results from the Cosmic Background Explorer", Proc. COSPAR conf, The Hague (1990), Adv. Space Research, 11, 181-191, 1991.
- J.C. Mather, "Cosmology from the Moon," Astrophysics from the Moon, Workshop Proceedings, Feb 5-7, 1990; American Institute of Physics, p. 264-267, 1990.
- J.C. Mather, "Early Results from the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS)," Proceedings of the After The First Three Minutes Conference at the University of Maryland, 1990, eds. S.S. Holt, C.L. Bennett, & V. Trimble, (New York: AIP Conf. Proc 222), 43-52, 1991.
- Richard A. White and John C. Mather, "Databases from Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Databases & On-line Data in Astronomy. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. M.A. Albrecht and D. Egret, (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 171, pp. 30-34, 1991.
- R.A. Shafer, J.C. Mather, S. Alexander, D.B. Bouler, W.H. Daffer, R.E. Eplee, Jr., D.J. Fixsen, J.M. Gales, N.G. Gonzales, D.P. Iascone, R.B. Isaacman, J. Krise, S.E. Macwan, D.L. Massa, J.G. Mengel, S.M. Read, L.P. Rosen, C. Scott, F.G. Shuman, M.A. Taylor, A.R. Trenholme, N.Y. Wang, D.A. Wynne, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 36, 1398, 1991.
- E.S. Cheng, J.C. Mather, R.A. Shafer, D.J. Fixsen, R.E. Eplee, Jr., R.B. Isaacman, S. Read, S.S. Meyer, and R. Weiss, BAAS, 23, 896, 1991.
- E.S. Cheng, J.C. Mather, R. Shafer, S. Meyer, R. Weiss, E.L. Wright, R. Eplee, R. Isaacman, and G. Smoot, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, 971, 1990.
- E.L. Wright, E.S. Cheng, E. Dwek, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, J.C. Mather, R.A. Shafer, M.G. Hauser, T. Kelsall, S.H. Moseley, Jr., R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, R.E. Eplee, R.B. Isaacman, S.S. Meyer, R. Weiss, S.G. Gulkis, M. Janssen, P.M. Lubin, T.L. Murdock, and D.T. Wilkinson, BAAS, 222, 874, 1990.
- J.C. Mather, "Observation and Interpretation of the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum," Highlights of Astronomy, vol. 9,p. 275, proceedings of IAU General Assembly, Buenos Aires, 1991. Kluwer: Dordrecht, 1992.
- J.C. Mather, "NASA Looks at the Beginning of Time," published in Spanish by University of Cordoba, Argentina, 1992, and by Kagaku (Science) in Japanese, 1992.
- J.C. Mather, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, M.G. Hauser, G.F. Smoot, E.L. Wright, "Recent Results from COBE," p 151, General Relativity and Gravitation 1992, conf Cordoba, Argentina, 6/28-7/4/92, Institute of Physics, London, 1993.
- C.L. Bennett, J.C. Mather, N.W. Boggess, M.G. Hauser, G.F. Smoot, E.L. Wright, "Recent Results from COBE," Third Grand Teton Summer School on the Evolution of Galaxies and Their Environment, H. Thronson and M. Shull, eds., Kluwer 1993.
- C.L. Bennett, J.C. Mather, N.W. Boggess, M.G. Hauser, G.F. Smoot, E.L. Wright, "Scientific Results from COBE," IAU/COSPAR Conference Proceedings, 9/92, Washington, DC, Adv. Sp. Research 13, 409-423, 1993, Kluwer.
- J.C. Mather, M.G. Hauser, C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, T. Kelsall, S.H. Moseley, Jr., T.L. Murdock, R.A. Shafer, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, R. Weiss, and E.L. Wright, "Recent Results from COBE," proc conf Unified Symmetry in the Small and in the Large, Coral Gables, January 1993, Nova Scientific, Commack, NY, 1994.
- C.L. Bennett, N.W. Boggess, E.S. Cheng, M.G. Hauser, T. Kelsall, J.C. Mather, S.H. Moseley, Jr., T.L. Murdock, R.A. Shafer, R.F. Silverberg, G.F. Smoot, R. Weiss, and E.L. Wright, "Scientific Results from the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)," Proc. National Academy of Sciences USA 90, 4766-4773, 1993.
- J.C. Mather, "NASA's COBE Looks Back at the Big Bang," Aerospace America (AIAA), 31, #1, 26-30, 1993.
- J.C. Mather, "The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) Mission," COBE Preprint 93-10, Proc. SPIE, vol 2019, pp. 146-157, conf. on Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing, in San Diego, CA, 11-16 July 1993, (SPIE: Bellingham, WA).
- J.C. Mather, D.J. Fixsen, and R.A. Shafer, "Design for the COBE Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS), COBE Preprint 93-10, Proc. SPIE, vol 2019, pp. 168-179, conf. on Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing, in San Diego, CA, 11-16 July 1993, (SPIE: Bellingham, WA).
- J.C. Mather, "El Proyecto COBE: Logros y Perspectivas," in Cosmologia Astrofisica, J A. Gonzalo, J.L. Sanchez Gomez, and M.A. Alario, Eds., pp. 61-96, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1995. Proceedings of Summer School at El Escorial, August 1993.
- J.C. Mather, "Recent Results from the Cosmic Background Explorer," Frontiers of Space and Ground-Based Astronomy, pp.105-112, Kluwer Academic Publishers, W. Wamsteker, M.S. Longair, and Y. Kondo, eds., 1994.
- G.F. Smoot and J.C. Mather, "Results from the Cosmic Background Explorer," IAU Highlights of Astronomy, Kluwer: Dordrecht, 1994.
- J.C. Mather, "The Color of the Big Bang" (De Kleur van de oerknal), in Dutch, Zenit magazine, p. 328, August 1994.
- J.C. Mather, "Microwave Background: Observations", pp. 169-190, in Extragalactic Background Radiation, D. Calzetti, M. Livio, and P. Madau, eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1995.
- J.C. Mather, "The Big Bang and the Infrared Sky as seen by COBE," in Currents in High Energy Astrophysics, conference in Erice, Sicily, May 1994, M. Shapiro, R. Silberberg, and J. Wefel, eds, pp. 235-254. Kluwer: Dordrecht. Also in current topics in Astrofundamental Physics: The Early Universe, pp.257-276, N. Sanchez, Ed., Kluwer: Dordrecht, 1995.
- N. Gorkavyi, L. Ozernoy, and J.C. Mather, "A New Approach to Gravitational Scattering in the problem of Dynamical Evolution of Interplanetary Dust," IAU Colloquium 150, poster paper, August 1995.
- J.C. Mather, "COBE Observations of the Big Bang", in " Birth of the Universe," F. Occhionero, ed., Springer Verlag, NY, 1995, ISBN 3-540-60024-8.
- J.C. Mather, "Measurement and Implications of the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum," IAU symposium 168, Kluwer: Dordrecht, pp. 17-30, 1996.
- J.C. Mather, "Future Cosmic Microwave and Infrared Background Measurements," IAU symposium 168 in "Examining the Big Bang and Diffuse Background Radiations," M. Kafatos and Y. Kondo, eds, Kluwer: Dordrecht, pp 419-422, 1996.
- J.C. Mather and C.A. Beichman, "EGBIRT and DESIRE: Measuring the CIBR at 3 AU," AIP Conf Proc 348, "Unveiling the Cosmic Infrared Background," E. Dwek, Ed., AIP: NY, pp. 271-277, 1996.
- A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, S. Odenwald, and M.G. Hauser, "Clustering of DIRBE Light and IR Background," in "Unveiling the Cosmic Infrared Background," AIP Conf. Proc. 348, E. Dwek, Ed., AIP: NY, pp 115-121, 1996.
- A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, S. Odenwald, and M.G. Hauser, "Clustering of Diffuse Infrared Background Light," in "Cosmological Constant and Evolution of the Universe," eds. Sato, K., Suinohara, T., Sugiyama, N., Universal Academy Press, Inc., Tokyo., pp.73-78., 1996.
- J.C. Mather, "The FIRAS Instrument on COBE," in book on Fourier Transform Interferometry, Prasad Polavarapu, ed., John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
- J.C. Mather, "The Interstellar Medium as Observed by COBE," in "New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa", David L. Block and J. Mayo Greenberg, eds., Astrophysics and Space Science Library, vol. 209, pp. 34-49, Kluwer, 1996.
- J.C. Mather, review of "3 K: The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, by R.B. Partridge", Physics Today, 49, 7, 62, 1996.
- J.C. Mather, "Observing the Big Bang," Milne Society Lecture, Nov. 1995, in "The Universe Unfolding," Oxford University Press, 1998.
- J.C. Mather, "Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST)," in "Infrared Space Interferometry: Astrophysics & the Study of Earth-Like Planets," T. DeGraauw, Ed., Kluwer: Dordrecht, 227-232, 1997.
- John C. Mather, Pierre Y. Bely, and Peter Stockman, "The Next Generation Space Telescope, NGST", ASP Conference Series, IRTS Conference, Nov. 11-14, 1996, Tokyo, H. Okuda, T. Matsumoto, T. Roellig, eds.
- R. A. Shafer and J. C. Mather, "The Far-Infrared Cosmic Background and Foregrounds: Constraints, Correlations, and Caveats from the Analysis of COBE FIRAS Data," ASP Conference Series, IRTS Conference, Nov. 11-14, 1996, Tokyo, H. Okuda, T. Matsumoto, T. Roellig, eds.
- A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, and S. Odenwald, " Limits on the cosmic infrared background from clustering in COBE/DIRBE maps," ASP Conference Series, IRTS Conference, Nov. 11-14, 1996, Tokyo, H. Okuda, T. Matsumoto, T. Roellig, eds.
- John C. Mather, Bernard D. Seery, Pierre Y. Bely, and H.S. Stockman, "The Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) - Scientific Requirements," in Proc. Space Technology and Applications International Forum CONF-970115, M.S. El-Genk, ed., 1997.
- John C. Mather, Pierre Y. Bely, Peter Stockman, and Harley Thronson, "NGST Capabilities for Planet and Planet Formation Studies", Planets Beyond the Solar System and the Next Generation of Space Missions, Space Telescope Science Institute, Oct. 18, 1996, ASP Conference Series, v. 119, p. 245, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, David Soderblom, Ed., 1997.
- A. Kashlinsky, J.C. Mather, and S. Odenwald, "Clustering in COBE/DIRBE maps and the cosmic infrared background," in The Nature of Elliptical Galaxies; 2nd Stromlo Symposium. ASP Conference Series; Vol. 116; 1997; ed. M. Arnaboldi; G. S. Da Costa; and P. Saha (1997), p.561
- Denis Burgarella, John Mather, H. V. Stockman, and Veronique Buat, "The Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST)," Proc. of Conf "Extragalactic Astronomy in the Infrared (32nd. Rencontres de Moriond)," 15-22 March 1997, Les Arcs
- H.S. Stockman, Massimo Stiavelli, and Myungshin Im, John C. Mather, "The NGST Science Mission," Proc. of Conf. "Science with the Next Generation Space Telescope," Goddard Space Flight Center, April 7-9, 1997; E.P. Smith and A. Koratkar, eds. ASP Conference Proceedings, v. 133, 1997.
- John C. Mather, Eric P. Smith, Bernard D. Seery, Pierre Y. Bely, Massimo Stiavelli, and H.S. Stockman, and Richard Burg, "NGST Capabilities and Design Concepts, " Proc. of Conf. "Science with the Next Generation Space Telescope," Goddard Space Flight Center, April 7-9, 1997; E.P. Smith and A. Koratkar, eds. ASP Conference Proceedings, v. 133, 1997.
- H.S. (Peter) Stockman, Pierre Bely, Dan Coulter, Keith Kalinowski, Mike Krim, Charles Lillie, Michael Margulis, John Mather, Michael Mesarch, Lloyd Purves, Bernie Seery, Patricia Pengra, Lorie Keesey, "Next Generation Space Telescope: Visiting a Time when Galaxies were Young," 1997, report, Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA)
- John C. Mather, Eric P. Smith, Bernard D. Seery, Pierre Y. Bely, Massimo Stiavelli, and H.S. Stockman, and Richard Burg, "Redshifted UV Astronomy with the Next Generation Space Telescope," in "The Ultraviolet Universe at Low and High Redshift: Probing the Progress of Galaxy Evolution," eds. W. H. Waller, M. N. Fanelli, J. E. Hollis, & A. C. Danks (New York: AIP Press), 1997, pp. 467-477.
- Smith, E. P.; Mather, J. C.; Bely, P.; Koratkar, A.; Stiavelli, M.; Stockman, H. S.," The Next Generation Space Telescope Design Reference Mission," in The Ultraviolet Universe at Low and High Redshift: Probing the Progress of Galaxy Evolution: College Park, MD May 1997. Edited by William H. Waller [et al.]. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1997. Also AIP Conference Proceedings, v.408., p.478
- Mather, John C., Seery, Bernard D., Bely, Pierre Y., "Next Generation Space Telescope," Proc. SPIE 2807, 98, 1996
- John C. Mather, Pierre Y. Bely, Richard Burg, Bernard D. Seery, Eric P. Smith, Massimo Stiavelli, and H.S. Stockman, "The Next Generation Space Telescope: Building from the HST", conf. Proc 11, The Hubble Deep Field, Space Telescope Science Institute, 1998, 280. Cambridge University Press.
- H.S. Stockman and John C. Mather, "The Next Generation Space Telescope: Beyond the Hubble Deep Field, conf. Proc 11, The Hubble Deep Field, Space Telescope Science Institute, 1998, 290. Cambridge University Press.
- N. Gor'kavyi, L. Ozernoy, J. Mather, T. Taidakova, "Structure of the Zodiacal Cloud: New Analytical and Numerical Solutions," IAU Symposium, Kobe, Japan, Sept. 1997.
- Stockman, H. S.; Mather, J.," NGST: Seeing the First Stars and Galaxies Form," in Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift, Proceedings of IAU Symposium #186, held at Kyoto, Japan, 26-30 August, 1997. Edited by J. E. Barnes, and D. B. Sanders. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1999, p.493
- John C. Mather, Eric P. Smith, Hervey S. Stockman, "Scientific Metrics for the Next Generation Space Telescope," SPIE conference paper 3356-02, Kona, Hawaii, March 1998.
- Eric P. Smith, John C. Mather, H. S. Stockman, P. Y. Bely, M. Stiavelli, R. Burg, "The Next Generation Space Telescope Design Reference Mission," SPIE conference paper 3356-03, Kona, Hawaii, March 1998.
- Bernard D. Seery, John C. Mather, Eric P. Smith, Pierre Y. Bely, Massimo Stiavelli, H.S. Stockman, and Richard Burg, "NGST Capabilities and Design Concepts," SPIE conference paper 3356-01, Kona, Hawaii, March 1998.
- John C. Mather, Bernard D. Seery, Hervey S. Stockman, and Pierre Y. Bely, "The Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) - Science And Technology," Conf. on FIRST (Far IR Space Telescope), Grenoble, France, April 1997.
- H.S. Stockman and John C. Mather, "The Next Generation Space Telescope: Beyond the Hubble Deep Field," conf. proc, The Hubble Deep Field, Space Telescope Science Institute, 1997. Cambridge University Press.
- H.S. Stockman, D. Fixsen, R. Hanisch, J.C. Mather, M. Nieto-Santisteban, J.D. Offenberg, R. Sengupta, S. Stallcup, "Cosmic Ray Rejection and Image Processing Aboard The Next Generation Space Telescope," in "NGST - Science Drivers & Technical Challenges", 34th Liege Astrophysics Colloquium, eds. Benvenuti, P. et al, ESA SP-429, astro-ph/9808051.
- Bernard D. Seery, Eric P. Smith, John C. Mather, "NASA's Next Generation Space Telescope: Visiting a Time When Galaxies Were Young," in "NGST - Science Drivers & Technical Challenges", 34th Liege Astrophysics Colloquium, eds. Benvenuti, P. et al, ESA SP-429, astro-ph/9808053
- Leisawitz, David; Mather, John C.; Moseley, S. Harvey, Jr.; Dwek, Eli; Feinberg, Lee; Hacking, Perry; Harwit, Martin; Mundy, Lee G.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Neufeld, David; Spergel, David; Wright, Edward L., The Submillimeter Probe of the Evolution of Cosmic Structure (SPECS), in "The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium," Proceedings of the 3rd Cologne-Zermatt Symposium, held in Zermatt, September 22-25, 1998, Eds.: V. Ossenkopf, J. Stutzki, and G. Winnewisser, GCA-Verlag Herdecke, ISBN 3-928973-95-9, 08/1999
- John C. Mather, S. Harvey Moseley, Jr., David Leisawitz, Eli Dwek, Perry Hacking, Martin Harwit, Lee G. Mundy, Richard F. Mushotzky, David Neufeld, David Spergel, Edward L. Wright, "The Submillimeter Frontier: A Space Science Imperative," astro-ph/9812454, submitted to Revs. Sci. Instr.
- John C. Mather, "So We've Lost the Mission," in "Our Universe: The Thrill of Extragalactic Exploration," Alan Stern, Ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001.
- H. S. Stockman and J. C. Mather, "The NGST Science Mission," in ASP Conf. Procs. 195, "Imaging the Universe in Three Dimensions," W. van Breugel and J. Bland-Hawthorn, Eds., 2000. p.415
- Mather, John C., "Super photon counters," Nature 401, p 654-655, 1999.
- J. Mather, "NGST Science Instruments and Process," Proc. of Conf. "NGST Science and Technology Exposition," Hyannis, Sept. 13-16, 1999; E.P. Smith, ed. ASP Conference Proceedings, v. TBD, 2000.
- N. Gor'kavyi, L. Ozernoy, J.C. Mather, and T. Taidakova, "The NGST and the Zodiacal Emission in the Solar System," Proc. of Conf. "NGST Science and Technology Exposition," Hyannis, Sept. 13-16, 1999; E.P. Smith, ed. ASP Conference Proceedings, v. TBD, 2000.
- J.C. Mather & E.P. Smith, "Next Generation Space Telescope and Future Missions," Proc. Of Conf. "The Universe as seen by ISO," Paris, 1998 (ESA SP-427, March 1999)
- Smith, Eric P.; Mather, John C., "The Golden Age for Near-IR Astronomy," After the Dark Ages: When Galaxies were Young (the Universe at 2 < z < 5). 9th Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Maryland held 12-14 October 1998. College Park, Maryland. Edited by S. Holt and E. Smith. American Institute of Physics Press, 1999, p. 403, pub 05/1999
- Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Robert J. Hanisch, Joel D. Offenberg, Dale J. Fixsen, Ratnabali Sengupta, John C. Mather, "On-Board Supercomputing for NGST and NASA's Remote Exploration and Experimentation Project," ADASS IX 99 Hawaii Conference, ASP Conf. Procs
- Offenberg, Joel D.; Sengupta, Ratnabali; Fixsen, Dale J.; Stockman, Peter; Nieto-Santisteban, Maria; Stallcup, Scott; Hanisch, Robert; Mather, John C., "Cosmic Ray Rejection with NGST," Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 172. Ed. David M. Mehringer, Raymond L. Plante, and Douglas A. Roberts. (1999), p. 141. .
- David Leisawitz, John C. Mather, William Langer, S. Harvey Moseley, Jr., Lee G. Mundy, Mark Swain, Harold W. Yorke, and Xiaolei Zhang, "Far-Infrared/Submillimeter Interferometry: A Space Frontier," in conf /. Proc. "Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array," Associated Universities, Inc., held October 6-8, 1999 at Carnegie Institution of Washington, A. Wootten, ed.
- John Mather and H.S. Stockman, "Next Generation Space Telescope," SPIE conference paper 4013-87, Munich, Germany, March 2000.
- Michael Shao, William Danchi, Michael DiPirro, Mark Dragovan, Lee D., Michael Hagopian, William D. Langer, Charles R. Lawrence, Peter R. Lawson, David T. Leisawitz, John C. Mather, Samuel H. Moseley, Mark R. Swain, Harold W. Yorke, Xiaolei Zhang, "Space-based interferometric telescopes for the far infrared," SPIE conference paper 4006-91, Munich, Germany, March 2000.
- David Leisawitz, William Danchi, Michael DiPirro, Lee D. Feinberg, Dan Gezari, Michael Hagopian, William D. Langer, John C. Mather, S. Harvey Moseley, Jr., Michael Shao, Robert F. Silverberg, Johannes Staguhn, Mark R. Swain, Harold W. Yorke, and Xiaolei Zhang, "Scientific motivation and technology requirements for the SPIRIT and SPECS far-infrared/submillimeter space interferometers," SPIE conference paper 4013-1, Munich, Germany, March 2000.
- Nick N. Gorkavyi, Leonid M. Ozernoy, John C. Mather, Sara R. Heap, " Orbital Motion of Resonant Clumps in Dusty Circumstellar Disks as a Signature of an Embedded Planet," in "Disks, Planetesimals, and Planets", conf. in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain (Jan. 24-28, 2000). Eds. F. Garzon et al., ASP Conf. Series (in press). astro-ph/0005347
- John C. Mather, David Leisawitz, and the Far-IR Interferometric Mission Study Working Group, "The SPIRIT and SPECS Far-Infrared/Submillimeter Interferometry Missions," H2L2 Conference Proceedings, Tokyo, April 17-18, 2000. ISAS Report Special Edition (SP No. 14). Mid- and Far-infrared Astronomy and Future Space Missions (ed. T. Matsumoto & H. Shibai)
- John C. Mather and H. S. Stockman, "The Next Generation Space Telescope," H2L2 Conference Proceedings, Tokyo, April 17-18, 2000. ISAS Report Special Edition (SP No. 14). Mid- and Far-infrared Astronomy and Future Space Missions (ed. T. Matsumoto & H. Shibai)
- Fixsen, D. J., Hanisch, R. J., Mather, J. C., Nieto-Santisteban, M. A., Offenberg, J. D., Sengupta, R. & Stockman, H.S., in press, "Cosmic Ray Rejection and Data Compression for NGST", Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems IX, ASP Conference Series.
- Nieto-Santisteban, M.A., Fixsen, D.J., Offenberg, J.D., Hanisch, R.J., Stockman, H.S., 1999, "Data Compression for NGST", Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems VIII, ASP Conference Series, v.172, pp.137-140.
- Windhorst, R., Bernstein, R., Collins, N., Plait, P., Woodgate, B., Mather, J., Madau, P., & Shaver, P., "Closing in on the Hydrogen Reionization Edge at z<7.2 with Deep STIS/CCD Parallels," 2001, in ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop on "Deep Fields", Eds. S. Cristiani, A. Renzini, & R. E. Williams (Berlin: Springer Verlag), p. 357-361
- Mather, J.C., "Complementarity of NGST, ALMA, and far IR space observatories," Second Workshop on New Concepts for Far-IR/Submillimeter Space Astronomy, University of Maryland, March 7-8, 2002, to be published, PASP, D. Benford, Ed.
- Nick Gorkavyi (NRC/NAS & NASA/GSFC), Sara Heap (NASA/GSFC), Leonid Ozernoy (GMU), Tanya Taidakova (CCS), John Mather (NASA/GSFC), "Indicator of Exo-Solar Planet(s) in the Circumstellar Disk Around Beta Pictoris," in "Planetary Systems in the Universe: Observation, Formation, and Evolution" (A.J. Penny, P. Artymowicz, and S.S. Russell, eds.). Proc. IAU Symp. No. 202, ASP Conference Series, vol. xxx, (2001); astro-ph/0012470
- Leisawitz, D.; Armstrong, T.; Benford, D.; Blain, A.; Danchi, K. Borne W.; Evans, N.; Gardner, J.; Gezari, D.; Harwit, M.; Kashlinsky, A.; Langer, W.; Lawrence, C.; Lawson, P.; Lester, D.; Mather, J.; Moseley, S. H.; Mundy, L.; Rieke, G.; Rinehart, S.; Shao, M.; Silverberg, R.; Spergel, D.; Staguhn, J.; Swain, M.; Traub, W.; Unwin, S.; Wright, E.; Yorke, H., "Probing the Invisible Universe: The Case for Far-IR/Submillimeter Interferometry," "mission white paper" to NASA's SEU Roadmap Committee, astro-ph/0202085.
- Zhang, Xiaolei; Feinberg, Lee; Leisawitz, Dave; Leviton, Douglas B.; Martino, Anthony J.; Mather, John C., "The Wide Field Imaging Interferometry Testbed," IEEE Aerospace Conference 2001, astro-ph/0109247
- Mather, John C., "Starting a UV Mission: Building from NGST Technology," Hubble Science Legacy conference, Chicago, April 2-5, 2002, to be published, ASP Conference Proceedings, Chris Blades, Ed.
- S.I. Ipatov J.C. Mather, "Comets decoupling from Jupiter," JENAM 2002 - The Unsolved Universe: Challenges for the Future, 2-7 September 2002, Porto - Portugal
- The Galactic Exoplanet Survey Telescope (GEST), D. P. Bennett, J. Bally, I. Bond, E. Cheng, K. Cook, D. Deming, P. Garnavich, K. Griest, D. Jewitt, N. Kaiser, T. Lauer, J. Lunine, G. Luppino, J. Mather, D. Minniti, S. Peale, S. Rhie, J. Rhodes, J. Schneider, G. Sonneborn, R. Stevenson, C. Stubbs, D. Tenerelli, N. Woolf, and P. Yock, Proc. SPIE 4854-45, Waikoloa, Hawaii Sept. 22, 2002
- NGST science update (Invited Paper), H. S. Stockman, J. C. Mather, E. P. Smith, L. Petro, R. de Jong, Proc. SPIE 4850-18, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Sept. 22, 2002
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to a near-Earth space. Abstracts of workshop "From here to Pluto-Charon: The new horizons Pluto-Kuiper Belt mission" (20-21 May, 2002, Boulder, Colorado, USA).
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Orbital evolution of Jupiter-family comets. Abstracts of the 200th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (2-6 June 2002, Albuquerque, NM, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 34, n 2, p. 783.
- Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., Decoupling comets from Jupiter, Abstracts of JENAM 2002 "The Unsolved Universe: Challenges for the Future" (2-7 September 2002, Porto, Portugal),
- Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., Migration of comets to near-Earth orbits, Abstracts of the 34th annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of AAS (6-11 October 2002, Birmingham, USA). The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 2002, v. 34, N 3,
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Comet and asteroid hazard to the terrestrial planets. Abstracts of 34th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) at the 2nd World Space Congress (10-19 October 2002, Houston, Texas, USA) (ID Nr: COSPAR02-A-00845), CD-ROM.
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., "Migration of Jupiter-family comets and resonant asteroids to a near-Earth space," Abstracts of the international conference "New trends in astrodynamics and applications" (20-22 January 2003, University of Maryland, College Park, USA), submitted. Paper will be submitted before December 15.
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of trans-Neptunian objects to a near-Earth space. Abstracts of workshop "From here to Pluto-Charon: The new horizons Pluto-Kuiper Belt mission" (20-21 May, 2002, Boulder, Colorado, USA).
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Orbital evolution of Jupiter-family comets. Abstracts of the 200th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (2-6 June 2002, Albuquerque, NM, USA), The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, v. 34, n 2, p. 783.
- Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., Decoupling comets from Jupiter, Abstracts of JENAM 2002 "The Unsolved Universe: Challenges for the Future" (2-7 September 2002, Porto, Portugal),
- Ipatov, S.I., Mather, J.C., Migration of comets to near-Earth orbits, Abstracts of the 34th annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of AAS (6-11 October 2002, Birmingham, USA). The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 2002, v. 34, N 3,
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Comet and asteroid hazard to the terrestrial planets. Abstracts of 34th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) at the 2nd World Space Congress (10-19 October 2002, Houston, Texas, USA) (ID Nr: COSPAR02-A-00845), CD-ROM.
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Migration of Jupiter-family comets and resonant asteroids to a near-Earth space, Abstracts of the international conference "New trends in astrodynamics and applications" (20-22 January 2003, University of Maryland, College Park, USA).
- Ipatov, S.I. and Mather, J.C., Comet and asteroid hazard to the terrestrial planets, Advances in space research, submitted
- "IR Space Telescopes and Instruments." Edited by John C. Mather. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4850, 2003.
- "Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes" John C. Mather, editor. 21-25 June 2004. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5487.
- D. Leisawitz D.J. Benford A. Kashlinsky C.R. J.C. S.H. Moseley S.A. R.F. Silverberg H.W. Yorke, "Prospecting for Heavy Elements with Future Far-IR/Submillimeter Observatories," Tetons meeting, 2003, ASP Conference Proceedings, TBD
- John C. Mather, "The James Webb Space Telescope and Future IR Space Telescopes," AIAA Conference Proceedings, San Diego, CA Oct. 2004
- "The Microlensing Planet Finder: Completing the Census of Extrasolar Planets in the Milky Way," D. P. Bennett, I. Bond, E. Cheng, S. Friedman, P. Garnavich, B. Gaudi, R. Gilliland, A. Gould, M. Greenhouse, K. Griest, R. Kimble, J. Lunine, J. Mather, D. Minniti, M. Niedner, B. Paczynski, S. Peale, B. Rauscher, M. Rich, K. Sahu, D. Tenerelli, A. Udalski, N. Woolf, and P. Yock, in Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5487.
- "Migration of Small Bodies and Dust to the Terrestrial Planets," Ipatov, S. I.; Mather, J. C., astro-ph/0411005. Submitted to Proc. of the IAU Colloquium N 197 "Dynamics of populations of planetary systems" (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 31 August - 4 September, 2004)
- "Migration of Dust Particles to the Terrestrial Planets," Ipatov, S. I.; Mather, J. C. Workshop on Dust in Planetary Systems (ESA SP-643). 26-30 September 2005, Kauai, Hawaii. Published 1/2007.
- "New Observations and Models of the Kinematics of the Zodiacal Dust Cloud," Madsen, G. J., Reynolds, R.J., Ipatov, S.I., Kutyrev, A.S., Mather, J.C., and Moseley, S.H. Workshop on Dust in Planetary Systems (ESA SP-643). 26-30 September 2005, Kauai, Hawaii. Published 1/2007.
- Rud Moe, John Mather, Dan Lester, Brenda Ward, and Brian Derkowski, "Application of In-space Capabilities to a Large Infrared Telescope for Astronomy-SAFIR", AIAA 1st Space Exploration Conference, 2/2005.
- Mather, John C., "Cosmic Microwave Background and the Era of Precision Cosmology," chapter in book "Galileian Interviews on Modern Cosmology", Springer, 2008, Mauro D'Onofrio and Carlo Burigana, eds.
- "From the Big Bang to the Nobel Prize and on to the James Webb Space Telescope," John Mather, lecture 9/10/2007 for the Space Studies Board series "The Next 50 Years", to be published, National Academy of Sciences, 2008.
- "A Kilometer-Baseline Far-Infrared/Submillimeter Interferometer in Space," The SPECS Consortium (Martin Harwit et al.), in: "NASA Space Science Vision Missions," Marc S. Allen, Editor, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, volume 224, Pages 301 - 326, 2008.
- Fixsen, D. J.; Greenhouse, M. A.; MacKenty, J. W.; Mather, J. C., "Spectroscopy using the Hadamard Transform", Proc. SPIE, vol. 7249, 2009
- Bennett, David, et al., A Census of Exoplanets in Orbits Beyond 0.5 AU via Space-based Microlensing, White Paper for the Astro2010 PSF Science Frontier Panel.
- Cooray, A., et al., A New Era in Extragalactic Background Light Measurements: White Paper for the Astro2010 PSF Science Frontier Panel
- Dodelson, S., et al., The Origin of the Universe as Revealed Through the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background, White Paper for the Astro2010 PSF Science Frontier Panel.
- Meixner, M., et al., Stellar Populations with JWST: the Beginning and the End, White Paper for the Astro2010 PSF Science Frontier Panel
- Page, L., Hanany, S., Meyer, S., et al., Observing the Evolution of the Universe, White Paper for the Astro2010 PSF Science Frontier Panel
- Rieke, G., et al., Planetary Systems and Star Formation with JWST, White Paper for the Astro2010 PSF Science Frontier Panel
- Stiavelli, M., et al., First Light and Reionization : open questions in the post-JWST era, White Paper for the Astro2010 PSF Science Frontier Panel
- Windhorst, R., et al, Galaxies Across Cosmic Time with JWST, White Paper for the Astro2010 PSF Science Frontier Panel
- Michael Wood-Vasey and Regina Schulte-Ladbeck et al., Educating the Next Generation of Leading Scientists:Turning Ideas into Action, State of the Profession Position Paper, submitted to the Astro2010 Decadal Survey;
- Elvis, M., et al., "A Vigorous Explorer Program", Position Paper, submitted to the Astro2010 Decadal Survey,
- Mather, John, review of "Finding the Big Bang" by P. James E. Peebles, Lyman A. Page Jr., and R. Bruce Partridge, in Physics Today, 2010
- Mather, John, "The History of Cosmology and its Many Surprises," in proceedings of EURESIS meeting, San Marino, 2009, submitted.
- Mather, John, "The James Webb Space Telescope Mission, " in proceedings of First Stars and Galaxies conference, Austin, TX, March 8-11, 2010,
- Bennett, David, et al., "Completing the Census of Exoplanets with the Microlensing Planet Finder (MPF)", submitted to NAS Decadal Survey, 2010,
- Quinn, Helen, et al., "A Framework For K-12 Science Education", National Academies Press, 2012,
- Mather, John, short article for Chalonge conference, 2012,
- Mather, John, article for Bridges conference, 2012, Towson University,
- Mather, John, public correspondence with Minnie Mao, Lindau Nobel meeting web site,
- Mather, John, Page, Lyman, and Hinshaw, Gary, CMB chapter for PSSS book, submitted 2012, (published 2013)
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