The Nobel Prize in Physics 1999
Nobel Prize also awarded to Martinus J.G. Veltman
Theoretical Physicist - Particle Physics. For PH.D Thesis work in 1971, Nobel Prize awarded in 1999.
"A man who knows everything," my answer at age 8 yrs, regarding what I'd like to become when I grow up. I meant "scientist", someone who unravels the secrets of the fundamental Laws of Nature.
With my parents in The Hague, I am holding my father's hand. Two sisters, Ita(L) and Agnes (baby), approx. 1950
The Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, at the Maliesingel 23. Two adjacent houses and one floor of a third house. Approx. 1964.
Receiving a 2nd prize at one of the first Mathematics Olympiads in the Netherlands. I am at the left, with glasses. 1963. The paper says: Mathematics clever clogs received prizes.
Coxswain in Student Rowing Association "Triton", 1965.
Defending my thesis, 1972. Sitting behind me as "paranymph", Bernard de Wit, fellow student, later colleague.
With my family in Morocco, a surprise vacation organised at the occasion of both their parents' 60th birthday, by my 2 daughters, 2006. From left to right: G.'tH, Roland van Deutekom with Ellen 't H., Chris Eisberg with Saskia 't Hooft, my wife Betteke 't Hooft-Schik.
Most recent family photo (we are 10 now) in Sicily, 2014. From left to right: Roland holding Damian Eisberg, Chris, holding granddaughter Charlotte Eisberg, G.'tH, Betteke holding Daniel v.Deutekom, Saskia(top) and Ellen holding Rowan v.Deutekom.
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Name: Gerardus 't Hooft
Birth: 5 July 1946, Den Helder, the Netherlands
Institution: Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Award: For elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics
Subject: Particle physics
Portion of cash: 1/2
Patents: t'Hooft has not patented his work.
Bearing Laureate's Name
History of Discovery
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