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Alfred Nobel

Painting Tim Tompkins - PaintHistory.com

Alfred Nobel

Chemist, Inventor, Awesome Administrator, Social Reformer.

"It could and should soon come to pass that all states pledge themselves collectively to attack an aggressor. That would make war impossible, and would force even the most brutal and unreasonable Power to appeal to a court of arbitration, or else keep quiet."



Photo Johannes Jansson. Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins PaintHistory.com

Martti Ahtisaari

The Nobel Peace Prize 2008

Peace broker. Peacefully ended conflicts worldwide. Namibia's independence from South Africa following war. Yugoslavia - end to the war in Kosovo. Indonesia - Aceh Peace Accord following war. Founded Crisis Management Initiative.

"Peace is question of will. All conflicts can be settled. No excuses for allowing them to become eternal."



Drawing: Ami Mowris

William S. Vickrey Ph.D.

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1996
Co-nobelist: James A. Mirrlees

Economist, Mathematician. 'Fundamental contributions to economic theory of incentives under asymmetric information.' Solve real world problems. Interests: efficiency of public services, irrational budget accounting, excessive concern with inflation, insufficient attention to wasteful unemployment, macroeconomic stabilization, ethics, philosophy, world peace.

Rip van Winkle award for deep, uninterrupted concentration while attending seminars.



Photo Courtesy Vinton Cerf. Painting Tim Tompkins - PaintHistory.com

Vinton Cerf Ph.D.

National Medal of Technology and Innovation 1997

One of two Fathers of the Internet. TCP/IP protocols. Internet Architecture. Chief Internet Evangelist, Google. Interplanetary Internet. Living Legend.

"Brilliant, indescribably enthusiastic, humorous, happy, treats people extremely well. It would be nice to go to work every day and work with people like Vint Cerf." – R.V. Nagaveni, Founder, Ganga Library.



Photo South Africa The Good News, Wikimedia Commons. Painting Tim Tompkins PaintHistory.com

Nelson Mandela

The Nobel Peace Prize 1993
Co-Nobelist F.W. de Klerk

Award: "for work regarding peaceful termination of apartheid regime and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa."

Nelson Mandela's Nobel co-recipient was President Frederik Willem de Klerk who released him from prison. They had agreed to transitioning to majority rule peacefully.

"It always seems impossible until it's done."



Photo Free Gaza movement, Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins PaintHistory.com

Mairead Corrigan

The Nobel Peace Prize 1976
Co-Nobelist: Betty Williams

Role: Founder of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People)
Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan received their Nobel Prize one year later, in 1977.



Photo Kingkongphoto & www.celebrity-photos.com, Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins PaintHistory.com

Betty Williams

The Nobel Peace Prize 1976
Co-nobelist: Mairead Corrigan

Role: Founder of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People)
Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan received their Nobel Prize one year later, in 1977.



Photo Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins - PaintHistory.com

George H. Whipple M.D.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934
Co-Nobalists George R. Minot, William P. Murphy

Physician; Pathologist. Pernicious anaemia liver therapy. Whipple Disease. Intestinal parasites. Blackwater fever. WWII, Chloroform anesthesia induced liver necrosis. Liver regeneration. Tuberculosis. Pancreatitis. Used Nobelists Joliot Curie’s, Fermi’s, E.O. Lawrence’s radioactive isotopes; discovered iron metabolism; protein metabolism, distribution, functions. Bile constituents. Red cell stroma.

Gentle. Quiet. Wanted to be remembered as teacher.



Painting Tim Tompkins - PaintHistory.com

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman M.A. [Physics]

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1930

Atomic Physicist. Molecular Diffraction of Light. Raman Effect. Structure, optical behaviour of iridescent substances. Acoustics, violin.

Raman lost Nobel Prize money to fraudulent financer. Meeting fraudster years later, he said: You deserve Nobel Prize for your cunning in duping Nobel Laureate!

Playful comment: Unfortunately Economics Nobel instituted later in 1969!



Photo: nobelprize.org

Henri La Fontaine

The Nobel Peace Prize 1913

Lawyer, Socialist, Parliamentarian, Peace Activist. International Peace Bureau. Internationalism, "An Intellectual Parliament" for Humanity. Cofounder, Institut international de bibliographie. Education. Women's rights. Labor. Cultural achievements.

When Germany invaded Belgium, 1914, "Peoples will be as before, the sheep sent to the slaughterhouses or to the meadows as it pleases the shepherds."



Photo: nobelprize.org

Élie Ducommun

The Nobel Peace Prize 1902
Nobel co-recipient Albert Gobat

Permanent International Peace Bureau [1910 Nobel Peace Prize]. Nobelist Passy's description: "exactitude, firmness." History Demonstrates War's Futility. Predicted, 1901: Despite modern weapons' destructiveness, wars will ebb, flow. Alfred Nobel's Contemporary.

Nobel Chairperson Løvland, "You Swiss, with your sense of life's realities, have special gift for taking ideas from realm of dreams and turning them into realities."



Photo: nobelprize.org

Frédéric Passy

The Nobel Peace Prize 1901
Nobel co-recipient: Henry Dunant

Alfred Nobel's contemporary. Apostle of Peace, Humanitarian, Economist, Lawyer, Politician. Founder, French peace society. Free trade between independent nations promotes peace. Inspired by Nobelist Randal Cremer.

Opposed France's colonial policy. 1905 Sweden-Norway conflict, declared, '...peaceful solution will make me hundred times happier than when I received Nobel Prize...' Wish fulfilled.


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