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George Wells Beadle Ph.D.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1958
Co-Nobelists Edward Tatum, Joshua Lederberg

Biochemical Geneticist. Discovered that genes act by regulating definite chemical events. Brought era of classical genetics to a close and launched molecular age.

"It was a time when one went to work in the morning wondering what new excitement the day would bring." - Colleague and biographer Norman H. Horowitz.


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Name: George Wells Beadle
Birth: 22 October 1903, Wahoo, NE, USA
Death: 9 June 1989, Pomona, CF, USA
Institution: California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA, USA
Award: "for their discovery that genes act by regulating definite chemical events"
Subject: genetics
Portion of cash: 1/3
Honoring George Beadle
School Teacher: Bess MacDonald, high school science teacher inspired him to go on to college. Farmer Father's opinion; farmer does not need all that education.
M.Sc. Mentor: F.D. Keim who was studying hybrid wheat, University of Nebraska, 1927
Ph.D.: R.A. Emerson, Mentor, Cornell, University. Mendelian asynopsis in Zea mays, 1931.
Colleagues: L.W. Sharp; Barbara McClintock, Nobelist 1927; Marcus Rhoades
Post Doc Mentor: Thomas H. Morgan, California Institute of Technology
Lecturer, Co-investigator, Co-Nobelist: Edward Lawrie Tatum