Mortimer Mishkin Ph.D.
National Medal of Science - Behaviorial and Social Science 2009
Cognitive neuroscientist, Business Administrator. Brain/behavior relationships in humans, nonhuman primates. Identified ... areas in cerebral cortex essential for perception and memory: cortico-limbic circuit responsible for memory of facts and events; cortico-striatal circuit responsible for learning of different types of habits and motor skills.
"Perseverance is built into the trait of curiosity, a scientist's motivation. If you're sufficiently curious, you're willing to continue despite failures and obstacles. It's so easy to give up."
- Rosvold, H.E. and Mishkin, M. Evaluation of the effects of prefrontal lobotomy on intelligence. Canad. J. Psychol. 4: 122-126, 1950.
- Mishkin, M. and Forgays, D.G. Word recognition as a function of retinal locus. J. Exp. Psychol. 43: 43-48, 1952.
- Pribram, K.H., Mishkin, M., Rosvold, H.E., and Kaplan, S.J. Effects on delayed-response performance of lesions of dorsolateral and ventromedial frontal cortex of baboons. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 45: 155-159, 1952.
- Mishkin, M., Rosvold, H.E., and Pribram, K.H. Effects of nembutal in baboons with frontal lesions. J. Neurophysiol. 16: 155-159, 1953.
- Mishkin, M. and Pribram, K.H. Visual discrimination performance following partial ablations of the temporal lobe: I. Ventral vs lateral. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 47: 14-20, 1954.
- Mishkin, M. Visual discrimination performance following partial ablations of the temporal lobe: II. Ventral surface vs hippocampus. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 47: 187-193, 1954.
- Teuber, H-L. and Mishkin, M. Judgment of visual and postural vertical after brain injury. J. Psychol. 38: 161-175, 1954.
- Mishkin, M. and Hall, M. Discrimination along a size continuum following ablation of the inferior temporal convexity in monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 48: 97-101, 1955.
- Pribram, K.H. and Mishkin, M. Simultaneous and successive visual discrimination by monkeys with inferotemporal lesions. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 48: 198-202, 1955.
- Mishkin, M. and Pribram, K.H. Analysis of the effects of frontal lesions in monkeys: I. Variations of delayed alternation. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 48: 492-495, 1955.
- Mishkin, M. and Pribram, K.H. Analysis of the effects of frontal lesions in monkeys: II. Variations of delayed response. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 49: 36-40, 1956.
- Pribram, K.H. and Mishkin, M. Analysis of the effects of frontal lesions in monkeys: III. Object alternation. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 49: 41-45, 1956.
- Mishkin, M. Effects of small frontal lesions on delayed alternation in monkeys. J. Neurophysiol. 20: 615-622, 1957.
- Mishkin, M. and Weiskrantz, L. Effects of delaying reward on visual discrimination performance in monkeys with frontal lesions. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 51: 276-281, 1958.
- Rosvold, H.E., Mishkin, M., and Szwarcbart, M.K. Effects of subcortical lesions in monkeys on visual-discrimination and single-alternation performance. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 51: 437-444, 1958.
- Weiskrantz, L. and Mishkin, M. Effects of temporal and frontal cortical lesions on auditory discrimination in monkeys. Brain 81: 406-414, 1958.
- Wilson, W.A. and Mishkin, M. Comparison of the effects of inferotemporal and lateral occipital lesions on visually guided behavior in monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 52: 10-18, 1959.
- Mishkin, M., Gunkel, R.D., and Rosvold, H.E. Contact occluders: A method for restricting vision in animals. Science 129: 1220-1221, 1959.
- Mishkin, M. and Weiskrantz, L. Effects of cortical lesions in monkeys on critical flicker frequency. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 52: 660-666, 1959.
- Battig, K., Rosvold, H.E., and Mishkin, M. Comparison of the effects of frontal and caudate lesions on delayed response and alternation in monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 53: 400-404, 1960.
- Brush, E.S., Mishkin, M., and Rosvold, H.E. Effects of object preferences and aversions on discrimination learning in monkeys with frontal lesions. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 54: 319-325, 1961.
- Rosvold, H.E. and Mishkin, M. Non-sensory effects of frontal lesions on discrimination learning and performance. In Delafresnaye, J.F. (ed.): Brain Mechanisms and Learning, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 555-576, 196l.
- Bsvold, H.E., Szwarcbart, M.K., Mirsky, A.F., and Mishkin, M. The effect of frontal-lobe damage on delayed-response performance in chimpanzees. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 54: 368-374, 196l.
- Robinson, B.W. and Mishkin, M. Alimentary responses evoked from forebrain structures in Macaca mulatta. Science 136: 260-262, 1962.
- Mishkin, M., Prockop, E.S., and Rosvold, H.E. One-trial object-discrimination learning in monkeys with frontal lesions. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 55: 178-181, 1962.
- Battig, K., Rosvold, H.E., and Mishkin, M. Comparison of the effects of frontal and caudate lesions on discrimination learning in monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 55: 458-463, 1962.
- Mishkin, M. A possible link between interhemispheric integration in monkeys and cerebral dominance in man. In Mountcastle, V.B. (ed.): Cerebral Dominance, Johns Hopkins, pp. 101-107, 1962.
- Ghent, L., Mishkin, M., and Teuber, H.L. Short-term memory after frontal lobe injury in man. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 55: 705-709, 1962.
- Brown, T.S., Rosvold, H.E., and Mishkin, M. Olfactory discrimination after temporal lobe lesions in monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 56: 190-195, 1963.
- Brutkowski, S., Mishkin, M., and Rosvold, H.E. Positive and inhibitory motor CRs in monkeys after ablation of orbital or dorsolateral surface of the frontal cortex. In Gutman, E. (ed): Peripheral and Central Mechanisms of Motor Functions, Liblice, Czechoslovakia, pp. 133-141, 1963.
- Butter, C.M., Mishkin, M., and Rosvold, H.E. Conditioning and extinction of a food-rewarded response after selective ablations of frontal cortex in monkeys. Exp. Neurol. 7: 65-75, 1963.
- Mishkin, M. Perseveration of central sets after frontal lesions in monkeys. In Warren, J.M. and Akert, K. (eds.): The Frontal Granular Cortex and Behavior, McGraw-Hill, pp. 219-241, 1964.
- Dorff, J.E., Mirsky, A.F., and Mishkin, M. Effects of unilateral temporal lobe removals in man on tachistoscopic recognition in the left and right visual fields. Neuropsychologia 3: 39-51, 1965.
- Kuypers, H.G.J.M., Szwarcbart, M.K., Mishkin, M., and Rosvold, H.E. Occipitotemporal corticocortical connections in the rhesus monkey. Exp. Neurol. 11: 245-262, 1965.
- Butter, C.M., Mishkin, M., and Rosvold, H.E. Stimulus generalization in monkeys with inferotemporal and lateral occipital lesions. In Mostofsky, D.J. (ed.): Stimulus Generalization, Stanford, pp. 119-133, 1965.
- Semmes, J. and Mishkin, M. Somatosensory loss in monkeys after ipsilateral cortical ablation. J. Neurophysiol. 28: 473-486, 1965.
- Semmes, J. and Mishkin, M. A search for the cortical substrate of tactual memories. In Ettlinger, G. (ed.): Functions of the Corpus Callosum, Churchill, London, pp. 60-68, 1965.
- Mishkin, M. Visual mechanisms beyond the striate cortex. In Russell, R. (ed.): Frontiers of Physiological Psychology, Academic Press, pp. 93-119, 1966.
- Lawicka, W., Mishkin, M., Kreiner, J. and Brutkowski, S. Delayed response deficit in dogs after selective ablation of the proreal gyrus. Acta Biol. Exp. 26: 309-322, 1966.
- Robinson, B.W. and Mishkin, M. Ejaculation evoked by stimulation of the preoptic area in monkey. Physiol. Behav. 1: 269-272, 1966.
- Robinson, B.W. and Mishkin, M. Alimentary responses to forebrain stimulation in monkeys. Exp. Brain Res. 4: 330-366, 1968.
- Ettlinger, G., Iwai, E., Mishkin, M., and Rosvold, H.E. Visual discrimination in the monkey following serial ablation of inferotemporal and preoccipital cortex. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 65: 110-117, 1968.
- Johnson, T.N., Rosvold, H.E., and Mishkin, M. Projections from behaviorally-defined sectors of the prefrontal cortex to the basal ganglia, septum, and diencephalon of the monkey. Exp. Neurol. 21: 20-34, 1968.
- Iwai, E. and Mishkin, M. Two visual foci in the temporal lobe of monkeys. In Yoshii, N. and Buchwald, N.A. (eds.): Neurophysiological Basis of Learning and Behavior, Osaka University Press, Osaka, Japan, pp. 1-11, 1968.
- Butter, C.M., Mishkin, M., and Mirsky, A.F. Emotional responses toward humans in monkeys with selective frontal lesions. Physiol. Behav. 3: 213-215, 1968.
- Robinson, B.W. and Mishkin, M. Penile erection evoked from forebrain structures in Macaca mulatta. Arch. Neurol. 19: 184-198, 1968.
- Semmes, J., Mishkin, M., and Cole, M. Effects of isolating sensorimotor cortex in monkeys. Cortex 4: 301-327, 1968.
- Goldman, P.S., Lodge, A., Hammer, L.R., Semmes, J., and Mishkin, M. Critical flicker frequency after unilateral temporal lobectomy in man. Neuropsychologia 6: 355-363, 1968.
- Mishkin, M., Vest, B., Waxler, M., and Rosvold, H.E. A re-examination of the effects of frontal lesions on object alternation. Neuropsychologia 7: 357-363, 1968.
- Semmes, J., Mishkin, M., and Deuel, R.K. Somesthetic discrimination learning after partial nonsensorimotor lesions in monkeys. Cortex 5: 331-350, 1969.
- Iwai, E. and Mishkin, M. Further evidence on the locus of the visual area in the temporal lobe of the monkey. Exp. Neurol. 25: 585-594, 1969.
- Goldman, P.S., Rosvold, H.E., and Mishkin, M. Evidence for behavioral impairment following prefrontal lobectomy in the infant monkey. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 70: 454-463, 1970.
- Goldman, P.S., Rosvold, H.E., and Mishkin, M. Selective sparing of function following prefrontal lobectomy in infant monkeys. Exp. Neurol. 29: 221-226, 1970.
- Iversen, S.D. and Mishkin, M. Perseverative interference in monkeys following selective lesions of the inferior prefrontal convexity. Exp. Brain. Res. 11: 376-386, 1970.
- Deuel, R.K., Mishkin, M., and Semmes, J. Interaction between the hemispheres in unimanual somesthetic learning. Exp. Neurol. 30: 123-138, 1971.
- Mishkin, M. Cortical visual areas and their interaction. In Karczmar, A.G. and Eccles, J.C. (eds.): The Brain and Human Behavior, Springer-Verlag, pp. 187-208, 1972.
- Jones, B. and Mishkin, M. Limbic lesions and the problem of stimulus-reinforcement associations. Exp. Neurol. 36: 362-377, 1972.
- Iversen, S.D. and Mishkin, M. Comparison of the effects of superior temporal and inferior prefrontal lesions on auditory and non-auditory tasks in rhesus monkeys. Brain Res. 55: 355-367, 1973.
- Rocha-Miranda, C.E., Bender, D.B., Gross, C.G., and Mishkin, M. Visual activation of neurons in inferotemporal cortex depends on striate cortex and the forebrain commissures. J. Neurophysiol. 38: 475-491, 1975.
- Mishkin, M. and Delacour, J. An analysis of short-term visual memory in the monkey. J. Exp. Psychol.: Animal Behav. Processes 1: 326-334, 1975.
- Lawicka, W., Mishkin, M., and Rosvold, H.E. Dissociation of deficits on auditory tasks following partial prefrontal lesions in monkeys. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 35: 581-607, 1975.
- Blake, L., Jarvis, C.D., and Mishkin, M. Pattern discrimination thresholds after partial inferior temporal or lateral striate lesions in the monkey. Brain Res. 120: 209-220, 1977.
- Gross, C.G. and Mishkin, M. The neural basis of stimulus equivalence across retinal translation. In Harnad, S. (ed.): Lateralization in the Nervous System, Academic Press, pp. 109-122, 1977.
- Elliott, R.C., Norris, E., Ettlinger, G., and Mishkin, M. Some factors influencing non-matching to sample in the monkey. Bull. Psychonomic Soc. 9: 395-396, 1977.
- Mishkin, M., Pohl, W., and Rosenkilde, C. Kinesthetic discrimination after prefrontal lesions in monkeys. Brain Res. 130: 163-168, 1977.
- Gross, C.G., Bender, D.B., and Mishkin, M. Contributions of the corpus callosum and the anterior commissure to visual activation of inferior temporal neurons. Brain Res. 131: 227-239, 1977.
- Deuel, R.K. and Mishkin, M. Limbic and prefrontal contributions to somesthetic learning in monkeys. Brain Res. 132: 521-536, 1977.
- Turner, B.H., Gupta, K.C., and Mishkin, M. The locus and cytoarchitecture of the projection areas of the olfactory bulb in Macaca mulatta. J. Comp. Neurol. 177: 381-396, 1978.
- Mishkin, M. and Manning, F.J. Nonspatial memory after selective prefrontal lesions in monkeys. Brain Res. 143: 313-323, 1978.
- Mishkin, M. Memory in monkeys severely impaired by combined but not by separate removal of amygdala and hippocampus. Nature 273: 297-298, 1978.
- Turner, B.H. and Mishkin, M. A reassessment of the direct projections of the olfactory bulb. Brain Res. 151: 375-380, 1978.
- Turner, B.H., Mishkin, M., and Knapp, M.E. Distribution of the anterior commissure to the amygdaloid complex in the monkey. Brain Res. 162: 331-337, 1979.
- Seacord, L., Gross, C.G., and Mishkin, M. Role of inferior temporal cortex in interhemispheric transfer. Brain Res. 167: 259-272, 1979.
- Mishkin, M. Analogous neural models for tactual and visual learning. Neuropsychologia 17: 139-151, 1979.
- Ungerleider, L.G. and Mishkin, M. The striate projection zone in the superior temporal sulcus of Macaca mulatta: Location and topographic organization. J. Comp. Neurol. 188: 347-366, 1979.,/li>
- Mishkin, M. Inferior temporal cortex and stimulus equivalence across the retina. Seitai No Kagaku 30: 436-450, 1979.
- Shinohara, M., Miyaoka, M., Sakurada, O., Jarvis, C.D., Mishkin, M., Kennedy, C., and Sokoloff, L. Mapping the primate visual system with 2-[14C]deoxyglucose. Acta Neurol. Scand., Suppl. 72 60: 14-15, 1979.
- Kennedy, C., Miyaoka, M., Suda, S., Macko, K., Jarvis, C., Mishkin, M., and Sokoloff, L. Local metabolic responses in brain accompanying motor activity. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 105: 13-17, 1980.,
- Nakamura, R.K. and Mishkin, M. Blindness in monkeys following non-visual cortical lesions. Brain Res. 188: 572-577, 1980.
- Turner, B.H., Mishkin, M., and Knapp, M. Organization of the amygdalopetal projections from modality-specific cortical association areas in the monkey. J. Comp. Neurol. 191: 515-543, 1980.
- Lewis, M., Mishkin, M., Bragin, E., Brown, R.M., Pert, C., and Pert, A. Opiate receptor gradients in monkey cerebral cortex: Correspondence with sensory processing hierarchies. Science 211: 1166-1169, 1981.
- Spiegler, B.J. and Mishkin, M. Evidence for the sequential participation of inferior temporal cortex and amygdala in the acquisition of stimulus-reward associations. Behav. Brain Res. 3: 303-3l7, 1981.
- Rosenkilde, C.E., Rosvold, H.E., and Mishkin, M. Time discrimination with positional responses after selective prefrontal lesions in monkeys. Brain Res. 210: 129-144, 1981.
- Reppert, S.M., Perlow, M.J., Ungerleider, L.G., Mishkin, M., Tamarkin, L., Orloff, D.G., Hoffman, H.J., and Klein, D.C. Effects of damage to the suprachiasmatic area of the anterior hypothalamus on the daily melatonin and cortisol rhythms in the rhesus monkey. J. Neurosci. 1: 1414-1425, 1981.
- Mishkin, M. and Aggleton, J. Multiple functional contributions of the amygdala in the monkey. In Ben Ari, Y. (ed.): The Amygdaloid Complex, Elsevier, New York, pp. 409-420, 1981.
- Mishkin, M., Spiegler, B.J., Saunders, R.C., and Malamut, B.L. An animal model of global amnesia. In Corkin, S., Davis, K.L., Growden, J.H., Usdin, E., and Wurtman, R.J. (eds.): Alzheimer's Disease: A Review of Progress, Raven Press, New York, pp. 235-247, 1982.
- Ungerleider, L.G. and Mishkin, M. Two cortical visual systems. In Ingle, D.J., Mansfield, R.J.W., and Goodale, M.A. (eds.): The Analysis of Visual Behavior, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 549-586, 1982.
- Tetsuo, M., Perlow, M.J., Mishkin, M., and Markey, S.P. Light exposure reduces and pinealectomy virtually stops urinary excretion of 6-hydroxymelatonin by rhesus monkeys. Endocrinology 110: 997-1003, 1982.
- Kennedy, C., Gillin, J.C., Mendelson, W., Suda, S., Miyaoka, M., Ito, M., Nakamura, R.K., Storch, F.I., Pettigrew, K., Mishkin, M., and Sokoloff, L. Local cerebral glucose utilization in non-rapid eye movement sleep. Nature 297: 325-327, 1982.
- Albano, J.E., Mishkin, M., Westbrook, L.E., and Wurtz, R.H. Visuomotor deficits following ablation of the monkey superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 48: 338-35l, 1982.
- Mishkin, M. A memory system in the monkey. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 298: 85-95, 1982.
- Mishkin, M., Lewis, M.E., and Ungerleider, L.G. Equivalence of parieto-preoccipital subareas for visuospatial ability in monkeys. Behav. Brain Res. 6: 4l-55, 1982.
- Mishkin, M. and Ungerleider, L.G. Contribution of striate inputs to the visuospatial functions of parieto-preoccipital cortex in monkeys. Behav. Brain Res. 6: 57-77, 1982.
- Macko, K.A., Jarvis, C.D., Kennedy, C., Miyaoka, M., Shinohara, M., Sokoloff, L., and Mishkin, M. Mapping the primate visual system with 2-[14C]deoxyglucose. Science 218: 394-397, 1982.
- Zola-Morgan, S., Squire, L.R., and Mishkin, M. The neuroanatomy of amnesia: Amygdala-hippocampus vs. temporal stem. Science 218: 1337-1339, 1982.
- Nakamura, R.K., Kennedy, C., Gillin, J.C., Suda, S., Ito, M., Storch, F.I., Mendelson, W., Sokoloff, and Mishkin, M. Hypnogenic center theory of sleep: No support from metabolic mapping in monkeys. Brain Res. 268: 372-376, 1983.
- Aggleton, J.P. and Mishkin, M. Visual recognition impairment following medial thalamic lesions in monkeys. Neuropsychologia 21: 189-197, 1983.
- Ungerleider, L.G., Galkin, T.W., and Mishkin, M. Visuotopic organization of projections from striate cortex to inferior and lateral pulvinar in rhesus monkey. J. Comp. Neurol. 217: 137-157, 1983.
- Mishkin, M., Ungerleider, L.G., and Macko, K.A. Object vision and spatial vision: Two cortical pathways. T.I.N.S. 6: 414-417, 1983.
- Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. Severe tactual memory deficits in monkeys after combined removal of the amygdala and hippocampus. Brain Res. 270: 340-344, 1983.
- Aggleton, J.P. and Mishkin, M. Memory impairments following restricted medial thalamic lesions in monkeys. Exp. Brain Res. 52: 199-209, 1983.
- Aggleton, J.P. and Mishkin, M. Projections of the amygdala to the thalamus in the cynomolgus monkey. J. Comp. Neurol. 222: 56-68, 1984.
- Ungerleider, L.G., Desimone, R., Galkin, T.W., and Mishkin, M. Subcortical projections of area MT in the macaque. J. Comp. Neurol. 223: 368-386, 1984.
- Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. Relative contributions of SII and area 5 to tactile discrimination in monkeys. Behav. Brain Res. 11: 67-83, 1984.
- Morihisa, J.M., Nakamura, R.K., Freed, W.J., Mishkin, M., and Wyatt, R. J. Adrenal medulla grafts survive and exhibit catecholamine-specific fluorescence in the primate brain. Exp. Neurol. 84: 643-653, 1984.
- Mishkin, M., Malamut, B., and Bachevalier, J. Memories and habits: Two neural systems. In Lynch, G., McGaugh, J. L., and Weinberger, N.M. (eds.): The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, The Guilford Press, NY, pp. 65-88, 1984.
- Mishkin, M. and Petri, H.L. Memories and habits: Some implications for the analysis of learning and retention. In Squire, L.R. and Butters, N. (eds.): Neuropsychology of Memory, The Guilford Press, NY, pp. 287-296, 1984.
- Malamut, B., Saunders, R.C., and Mishkin, M. Monkeys with combined amygdalo-hippocampal lesions succeed in object discrimination learning despite 24-hour intertrial intervals. Behav. Neurosci. 98: 759-769, 1984.
- Bachevalier, J.B. and Mishkin, M. An early and a late developing system for learning and retention in infant monkeys. Behav. Neurosci. 98: 770-778, 1984.
- Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. Severe tactual as well as visual memory deficits follow combined removal of the amygdala and hippocampus in monkeys. J. Neurosci. 4: 2565-2580, 1984.
- Saunders, R.C., Murray, E.A., and Mishkin, M. Further evidence that amygdala and hippocampus contribute equally to visual recognition. Neuropsychologia 22: 785-796, 1984.
- Bachevalier, J.B., Saunders, R.C., and Mishkin, M. Visual recognition in monkeys: Effects of transection of fornix. Exp. Brain Res. 57: 547-553, 1985.
- Bachevalier, J.B., Parkinson, J.K., and Mishkin, M. Visual recognition in monkeys: Effects of separate vs. combined transection of fornix and amygdalofugal pathways. Exp. Brain Res. 57: 554-561, 1985.
- Aggleton, J.P. and Mishkin, M. Mamillary-body lesions and visual recognition in monkeys. Exp. Brain Res. 58: 190-197, 1985.
- Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. Amygdalectomy impairs crossmodal association in monkeys. Science 228: 604-606, 1985.
- Macko, K.A. and Mishkin, M. Metabolic mapping of higher-order visual areas in the monkey. In Sokoloff, L. (ed.): Brain Imaging and Brain Function, Raven Press, New York, pp. 73-86, 1985.
- Aggleton, J.P. and Mishkin, M. The amygdala: sensory gateway to the emotions. In Plutchik, R. and Kellerman, H. (eds.): Emotion, Theory, Research and Experience, Vol. III Biological Foundations of Emotion. Academic Press, New York, pp. 281-299, 1986.
- Aggleton, J.P., Desimone, R., and Mishkin, M. The origin, course and termination of the hippocampo-thalamic projections in the macaque. J. Comp. Neurol. 243: 409-421, 1986.
- Aigner, T.G. and Mishkin, M. The effects of physostigmine and scopolamine on recognition memory in monkeys. Behav. Neural Biol. 45: 81-87, 1986.
- Iwai, E., Yaginuma, S., and Mishkin, M. Acquisition of discrimination learning of patterns identical in configuration in macaques (Macaca mulatta and M. fuscata). J. Comp. Psychol. 100: 30-36, 1986.
- Bachevalier, J.B. and Mishkin, M. Visual recognition impairment follows ventromedial but not dorsolateral prefrontal lesions in monkeys. Behav. Brain Res. 20: 249-261, 1986.
- Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. Visual recognition in monkeys following rhinal cortical ablations combined with either amygdalectomy or hippocampectomy. J. Neurosci. 6: 1991-2003, 1986.
- Nakamura, R.K. and Mishkin, M. Chronic blindness following lesions of nonvisual cortex in the monkey. Exp. Brain Res. 63: 173-184, 1986.
- Friedman, D.P., Murray, E.A., O'Neill, J.B., and Mishkin, M. Cortical connections of the somatosensory fields of the lateral sulcus of macaques: evidence for a cortico-limbic pathway for touch. J. Comp. Neurol. 252: 323-347, 1986.
- Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. Experimental studies of memory in monkeys. Implications for understanding human memory disorders. National Forum, 33-37, Spring 1987.
- Mishkin, M. and Appenzeller, T. The anatomy of memory. Sci. Amer. 255: 80-89, 1987.
- Aigner, T.G., Mitchell, S.J., Aggleton, J.P., DeLong, M.R., Struble, R.G., Price, D.L., Wenk, G.L., and Mishkin, M. Effects of scopolamine and physostigmine on recognition memory in monkeys with ibotenic-acid lesions of the nucleus basalis of Meynert. Psychopharmacol. 92: 292-300, 1987.
- Pons, T.P., Garraghty, P.E., Friedman, D.P., and Mishkin, M. Physiological evidence for serial processing in somatosensory cortex. Science 237: 417-420, 1987.
- Aggleton, J.P., Friedman, D.P., and Mishkin, M. A comparison between the connections of the amygdala and hippocampus with the basal forebrain in the macaque. Exp. Brain Res. 67: 556-568, 1987.
- Segraves, M.A., Goldberg, M.E., Deng, S., Bruce, C.J., Ungerleider, L.G., and Mishkin, M. The role of striate cortex in the generation of eye movements in the monkey. J. Neurosci. 7: 3040-3058, 1987.
- Presty, S.K., Bachevalier, J., Walker, L.C., Struble, R.G., Price, D.L., Mishkin, M., and Cork, L.C. Age differences in recognition memory of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Neurobiol. Aging 8: 435-440, 1987.
- Nelson, R.B., Friedman, D.P., O'Neill, J.B., Mishkin, M., and Routtenberg, A. Gradients of protein kinase C substrate phosphorylation in primate visual system peak in visual memory storage areas. Brain Res. 416: 387-392, 1987.
- Deng, S.-Y., Goldberg, M.E., Segraves, M.A., Ungerleider, L.G., and Mishkin, M. The effect of unilateral ablation of the frontal eye fields on saccadic performance in the monkey. In E.L. Keller and D.S. Zee (eds.): Adaptive Processes in Visual and Oculomotor Systems. Pergamon Press, 201-208, 1987.
- Aigner, T.G. and Mishkin, M. Improved recognition memory in monkeys following naloxone administration. Psychopharmacol. 94: 21-23, 1988.
- Phillips, R.R., Malamut, B.L., Bachevalier, J., and Mishkin, M. Dissociation of the effects of inferior temporal and limbic lesions on object discrimination learning with 24-hour intertrial intervals. Behav. Brain Res. 27: 99-107, 1988.
- Pons, T.P., Garraghty, P.E. and Mishkin, M. Lesion-induced plasticity in the second somatosensory cortex of adult macaques. Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. 85: 5279-5281, 1988.
- Pons, T.P., Garraghty, P.E. and Mishkin, M. Plasticity in nonprimary somatosensory cortex of adult monkeys. In Flohr, H. (ed.): Post-Lesion Neural Plasticity. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 511-517, 1988.
- Parkinson, J.K., Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. A selective mnemonic role for the hippocampus in monkeys: Memory for the location of objects. J. Neurosci. 8: 4159-4167, 1988.
- Bachevalier, J. and Mishkin, M. Mnemonic and neuropathological effects of occluding the posterior cerebral artery in Macaca mulatta. Neuropsychologia 27: 83-105, 1989.
- Overman, W.H., Ormsby, G. and Mishkin, M. Picture recognition vs. picture discrimination learning in monkeys with medial temporal removals. Experimental Brain Research 79: 18-24, 1990.
- Mishkin, M. and Phillips, R.R. A cortico-limbic memory path revealed through its disconnection. In Trevarthen, C. (ed.): Brain Circuits and Functions of the Mind: Festschrift for Roger Wilcott Sperry. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990.
- Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. Contributions of the amygdala and hippocampus to representational memory in monkeys. In Squire, L.R., Mishkin, M. and Shimamura, A. (eds.): Discussions in Neuroscience: Learning and Memory. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 32-33, 1990.
- Mishkin, M. Vision, memory, and the temporal lobe: Summary and perspective. In Iwai, E. and Mishkin, M. (eds.): Vision, Memory and the Temporal Lobe. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 427-436, 1990.
- Aggleton, J.P. and Mishkin, M. Visual impairments in macaques following inferior temporal lesions are exacerbated selectively by additional damage to superior temporal sulcus. Behav. Brain Res. 39: 262-274, 1990.
- Olds, J., Golski, S., McPhie, D., Olton, D., Mishkin, M. and Alkon, D. Discrimination learning alters the distribution of protein kinase C in the hippocampus of rats. J. Neurosci. 10:3707-3713, 1990.
- Bachevalier, J., Brickson, M., Hagger, C. and Mishkin, M. Age and sex differences in the effects of selective temporal lobe lesions on the formation of visual discrimination habits in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Behav. Neurosci. 104: 885-899, 1990.
- Aigner, T.G., Walker, D.L. and Mishkin, M. Comparison of the effects of scopolamine administered before and after acquisition in a test of visual recognition memory in monkeys. Behav. Neural Biol. 55: 61-67, 1991.
- Mishkin, M. Cerebral memory circuits. 1990 Yakult Int. Symp.: Perception, Cognition and Brain. Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd., Tokyo, pp. 7-15, 1991.
- Haxby, J.V., Grady, C.L., Horwitz, B., Ungerleider, L.G., Mishkin, M., Carson, R.E., Herscovitch, P., Schapiro, M.B., and Rapoport, S.I. Dissociation of object and spatial visual processing pathways in human extrastriate cortex. Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. 88: 1621-1625, 1991.
- Bachevalier, J., Landis, L., Walker, L., Brickson, M., Mishkin, M., Price, D., and Cork, L. Aged monkeys exhibit behavioral deficits indicative of widespread cerebral dysfunction. Neurobiol. Aging 12: 99-111, 1991.
- Pons, T.P., Garraghty, P.E., Ommaya, A.O., Kaas, J.H., Taub, E., and Mishkin, M. Massive cortical reorganization after sensory deafferentation in adult macaques. Science 252: 1857-1860, 1991.
- Kowalska, D.M., Bachevalier, J., and Mishkin, M. The role of the inferior prefrontal convexity in performance of delayed nonmatching-to-sample. Neuropsychologia 29: 583-600, 1991.
- Aigner, T.G., Mitchell, S.J., Aggleton, J.P., DeLong, M.R., Struble, R.G., Price, D.L., Wenk, G.L., and Mishkin, M. Transient impairment of recognition memory following ibotenic-acid lesions of the basal forebrain in monkeys. Exp. Brain Res. 86: 18-26, 1991.
- Alkon, D.L., Amaral, D.G., Bear, M.F., Black, J., Carew, T.J., Cohen, N.J., Disterhoft, J.F., Eichenbaum, H., Golski, S., Gorman, L.K., Lynch, G., McNaughton, B.L., Mishkin, M., Moyer Jr., J.R., Olds, J., Olton, D.S., Otto, T., Squire, L.R., Staubli, U., Thompson, L.T., and Wible, C. Learning and memory. Brain Res. 16: 193-220, 1991.
- Bachevalier, J., Hagger, C., and Mishkin, M. Functional maturation of the occipitotemporal pathway in infant rhesus monkeys. In Brain Work and Brain Function, Alfred Benzon Symposium 31. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, pp. 231-240, 1991.
- Mishkin, M. Ontogenetic development of cognitive memory and habit formation in rhesus monkeys. Proc. 2nd Course Internat'l. Sch. Neurosci. Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, pp. 169-179, 1991.
- Grady, C., Haxby, J. Horwitz, B., Schapiro, M. Rapoport, S., Ungerleider, L., Mishkin, M., Carson, R., and Herscovitch, P. Dissociation of object and spatial vision in human extrastriate cortex: Age-related changes in activation of regional cerebral blood flow measured with [150] water and positron emission tomography. J. Cog. Neurosci. 4: 23-34, 1992.
- Pons, T.P., Garraghty, P.E., and Mishkin, M. Serial and parallel processing of tactual information in somatosensory cortex of rhesus monkeys. J. Neurophysiol. 68: 518-527, 1992.
- Horwitz, B., Grady, C.L., Haxby, J.V., Ungerleider, L.G., Schapiro, M.B., Mishkin, M., and Rapoport, S.I. Functional associations among human posterior brain regions during object and spatial vision. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 4: 311-322, 1992.
- Bachevalier, J. and Mishkin, M. Ontogenetic development and decline of memory functions in nonhuman primates. In I. Kostovic, S. Knezevic, and G. Spilich (eds.): Neurodevelopment, Aging, and Cognition. Birkhauser-Boston Press, Boston, 37-59, 1992.
- Mishkin, M. Cerebral memory circuits. In T.A. Poggio and D.A. Glaser (eds.): Exploring Brain Functions: Models in Neuroscience. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 113-126, 1993.
- Desimone, R., Moran, J., Schein, S.J., and Mishkin, M. A role for the corpus callosum in visual area V4 of the macaque. Visual Neurosci. 10: 159-171, 1993.
- Aigner, T. and Mishkin, M. Scopolamine impairs recall of one-trial stimulus-reward association in rhesus monkeys. Behav. Brain Res. 54: 133-136, 1993.
- Savaki, H.E., Kennedy, C., Sokoloff, L., and Mishkin, M. Visually guided reaching with the arm contralateral to a "blind" hemisphere: A metabolic mapping study in monkeys. J. Neurosci. 13: 2772-2789, 1993.
- Haxby, J.V., Grady, C.L., Horwitz, B., Salerno, J., Ungerleider, L.G., Mishkin, M., and Schapiro, M.B. Dissociation of object and spatial visual processing pathways in human extrastriate cortex. In B. Gulyas and P. Roland (eds.): Functional Organization of Human Visual Cortex. Pergamon Press, London, pp. 329-340, 1993.
- Schneider, R.J., Friedman, D.P., and Mishkin, M. A modality-specific somatosensory area within the insula of the rhesus monkey. Brain Res. 621: 116-120, 1993.
- Angeli, S.J., Murray, E.A., and Mishkin, M. Hippocampectomized monkeys can remember one place but not two. Neuropsychologia 31: 1021-1030, 1993.
- Murray, E.A., Gaffan, D., and Mishkin, M. Neural substrates of visual stimulus-stimulus association in rhesus monkeys. J. Neurosci. 13: 4549-4561, 1993.
- Mishkin, M. Neural circuitry underlying behavioral deficits in aging. Neurobiology of Aging 14: 615-617, 1993.
- Meunier, M., Bachevalier, J., Mishkin, M., and Murray, E.A. Effects on visual recognition of combined and separate ablations of the entorhinal and perirhinal cortex in rhesus monkeys. J. Neurosci. 13: 5418-5432, 1993.
- Petri, H.L. and Mishkin, M. Behaviorism, cognitivism and the neuropsychology of memory. Amer. Sci. 82: 30-37, 1994.
- Mishkin, M. and Murray, E.A. Stimulus recognition. Current Opinion in Neurobiol. 4: 200-206, 1994.
- Bachevalier, J. and Mishkin, M. Effects of selective neonatal temporal lobe lesions on visual recognition in rhesus monkeys. J. Neurosci. 14: 2128-2139, 1994.
- Meunier, M., Bachevalier, J., and Mishkin, M. L'anatomie De La Memoire. La Recherche 25: 760-766, 1994.
- Vargha-Khadem, F., Isaacs, E., and Mishkin, M. Agnosia, alexia, and a remarkable form of amnesia in an adolescent boy. Brain 117: 683-703, 1994.
- Incisa della Rocchetta, A., Gadian, D.G., Connelly, A., Polkey, C.E., Jackson, G.D., Watkins, K., Johnson, C.L., Mishkin, M., and Vargha-Khadem, F. Verbal memory impairment after right temporal-lobe surgery: role of contralateral damage as revealed by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and T2 relaxometry. Neurology 45: 797-802, 1995.
- Málková, L., Mishkin, M., and Bachevalier, J. Long-term effects of selective neonatal temporal lobe lesions on learning and memory in monkeys. Behav. Neurosci. 109: 212-226, 1995.
- Golski, S., Olds, J.L., Mishkin, M., Olton, D.S., and Alkon, D.L. Protein kinase C in the hippocampus is altered by spatial but not cued discriminations: a component task analysis. Brain Res. 676: 53-62, 1995. ;
- Brown, V.J., Desimone, R., and Mishkin, M. Responses of cells in the tail of the caudate nucleus during visual discrimination learning. J. Neurophysiol. 74: 1083-1094, 1995.
- Isaacs, E., Christie, D., Vargha-Khadem, F., and Mishkin, M. Effects of hemispheric side of injury, age at injury, and presence of seizure disorder on functional ear and hand asymmetries in hemiplegic children. Neuropsychologia 34: 127-137, 1996.
- Distler, C., Bachevalier, J., Kennedy, C., Mishkin, M., and Ungerleider, L.G. Functional development of the corticocortical pathway for motion analysis in the macaque monkey: A 14C-2-deoxyglucose study. Cerebral Cortex 6: 184-195, 1996.
- Savaki, H.E., Kennedy, C., Sokoloff, L., and Mishkin, M. Visually guided reaching with the forelimb contralateral to a "blind" hemisphere: Contributions of the cerebellum. Neuroscience 75: 143-159, 1996.
- Vargha-Khadem, F., Carr, L.J., Isaacs, E., Brett, E., Adams, C., and Mishkin, M. Onset of speech after left hemispherectomy in a nine-year-old boy. Brain 119: 101-124, 1997.
- Nakanishi, H., Sun, Y., Nakamura, R.K., Mori, K., Ito, M., Suda, S., Namba, H., Storch, F.I., Dang, T.P., Mendelson, W., Mishkin, M., Kennedy, C., Gillin, J.C., Smith, C.B., and Sokoloff, L. Positive correlations between cerebral protein synthesis rates and deep sleep in Macaca mulatta. European J. Neurosci. 9: 271-279, 1997.
- Málková, Mishkin, M., Suomi, SJ., and Bachevalier, J. Socioemotional behavior in adult rhesus monkeys after early versus late lesions of the medial temporal lobe. Annals of the New York Academy of Sci. 807: 538-540, 1997.
- Gattass, R., Sousa, A.P.B., Mishkin, M., and Ungerleider, L.G. Cortical projections of area V2 in the macaque. Cerebral Cortex 7: 110-129, 1997.
- Rauschecker, J.P., Tian, B., Pons, T.P., and Mishkin, M. Serial and parallel processing in rhesus monkey auditory cortex. J. Comp. Neurol. 382: 89-103, 1997.
- Meunier, M., Bachevalier, J, and Mishkin, M. Effects of orbital frontal and anterior cingulate lesions on object and spatial memory in rhesus monkeys. Neuropsychologia 35: 999-1015, 1997.
- Vargha-Khadem, F., Gadian, D.G., Watkins, K.E., Connelly, A., Van Paesschen, W., and Mishkin, M. Differential effects of early hippocampal pathology on episodic and semantic memory. Science 277: 376-380, 1997.
- Mishkin, M., Suzuki, W., Gadian, D.G., and Vargha-Khadem, F. Hierarchical organization of cognitive memory. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 352: 1461-1467, 1997.
- Tang, Y., Mishkin, M., and Aigner, T.G. Effects of muscarinic blockade in perirhinal cortex during visual recognition. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 94: 12667-12669, 1997.
- Vargha-Khadem, F. and Mishkin, M. Speech and language outcome after hemispherectomy in childhood. In I. Tuxhorn, H. Holthausen, and H. Boenigk (eds.) Pediatric epilepsy syndromes and their surgical treatment. John Libbey and Co., London, pp. 774-784, 1997.
- Bentivoglio, M., Aggleton, J., and Mishkin, M. The thalamus and memory formation. In M. Steriade, E.G. Jones, D.A. McCormick (eds.): Thalamus, Vol. II. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 689-720, 1997.
- Mishkin, M., Vargha-Khadem, F., and Gadian, D.G. Amnesia and the organization of the hippocampal system. Hippocampus 8: 212-216, 1998.
- Murray, E.A. and Mishkin, M. Object recognition and location memory in monkeys with excitotoxic lesions of the amygdala and hippocampus. J. Neurosci. 18: 6568-6582, 1998.
- Vargha-Khadem, F., Watkins, K.E., Price, C.J., Ashburner, J., Alcock, K.J., Connelly, A., Frackowiak, R.S.J., Friston, K.J., Pembrey, M.E., Mishkin, M., Gadian, D.G., and Passingham, R.E. Neural basis of an inherited speech and language disorder. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 12695-12700, 1998.
- Newman, J.D., Bachevalier, J, and Mishkin, M. Inferotemporal cortical ablations affect vocal expression in infant rhesus macaques. On-line Proceedings of the 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences '98, McMaster University, Canada (available from URL,1998.
- Gadian, D.G., Mishkin, M., and Vargha-Khadem, F. Early brain pathology and its relationship to cognitive impairment: The role of quantitative magnetic resonance techniques. In H. Stefan, F. Andermann, P. Chauvel , and S. Shorvon (eds.): Advances in Neurology, Volume 81, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp. 307-315, 1999.
- Romanski, L.M., Tian, B., Fritz, J., Mishkin, M., Goldman-Rakic, P.S., and Rauschecker, J.P. Dual streams of auditory afferents target multiple domains in the primate prefrontal cortex. Nature Neurosci. 2: 1131-1136, 1999.
- Meunier, M., Bachevalier, J., Murray, E.A., Málková, L., and Mishkin, M. Effects of aspiration versus neurotoxic lesions of the amygdala on emotional responses in monkeys. European J. Neurosci. 11: 4403-4418, 1999.
- Gadian, D.G., Aicardi, J., Watkins, K.E., Porter, D.A., Mishkin, M., and Vargha-Khadem, F. Developmental amnesia associated with early hypoxic-ischaemic injury. Brain 123: 499-507, 2000.
- Vargha-Khadem, F., Isaacs, E., Watkins, K., and Mishkin, M. Ontogenetic specialization of hemispheric functions. In J. Oxbury, C.E. Polkey and M. Duchowney (eds.): Intractable Focal Epilepsy: Medical and Surgical Treatment. W.B. Saunders Co., Ltd, London, pp. 405-418, 2000.
- Málková, L., Bachevalier, J., Webster, M., and Mishkin, M. Effects of neonatal inferior prefrontal and medial temporal lesions on learning the rule for delayed nonmatching-to-sample. Develop. Neuropsychol. 18: 399-421, 2000.
- Fernandez-Ruiz, J., Wang, J., Aigner T.G., and Mishkin, M. Visual habit formation in monkeys with neurotoxic lesions of the ventrocaudal neostriatum. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98: 4196-4201, 2001.
- Baddeley, A., Vargha-Khadem, F., and Mishkin, M. Preserved recognition in a case of developmental amnesia: Implications for the acquisition of semantic memory? J. Cog. Neurosci. 13: 357-369, 2001.
- Maguire, E.A., Vargha-Khadem, F., and Mishkin, M. The effect of bilateral hippocampal damage on fMRI regional activations and interactions during memory retrieval. Brain, 124: 1156-1170, 2001.
- Kowalska, D.M., Kusmierek P., Kosmal, A., and Mishkin, M. Neither perirhinal/entorhinal nor hippocampal lesions impair short-term auditory recognition memory in dogs. Neuroscience 104: 965-978, 2001.
- Málková, L., Bachevalier, J., Mishkin, M. and Saunders, R. C. Neurotoxic lesions of perirhinal cortex impair visual recognition memory in rhesus monkeys. NeuroReport 12: 1913-1917, 2001.
- Düzel, E., Vargha-Khadem, F., Heinze, H.J., and Mishkin, M. Brain activity evidence for recognition without recollection after early hippocampal damage. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 8101-8106, 2001.
- Bachevalier, J., Málková, L. and Mishkin, M. Effects of selective neonatal temporal lobe lesions on socioemotional behavior in infant rhesus monkeys. Behav. Neurosci. 115, 545-559, 2001.
- Málková, L., Lex, C.K., Mishkin, M., and Saunders, R.C. MRI-based evaluation of the locus and extent of neurotoxic lesions in monkeys. Hippocampus 1l: 361-370, 2001.
- Jagadeesh, B., Chelazzi, L., Mishkin, M. and Desimone, R. Learning increases stimulus salience in anterior inferior temporal cortex of the macaque. J. Neurophysiol. 86: 290-303, 2001.
- Vargha-Khadem, F., Gadian, D.G., and Mishkin, M. Dissociations in cognitive memory: The syndrome of developmental amnesia. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 356: 1435-1440, 2001.
- Watkins, K. E., Vargha-Khadem, F., Ashburner, J., Passingham, R.E., Connelly A., Friston, K.J., Frackowiak, R.S.J., Mishkin, M., and Gadian D.G. MRI analysis of an inherited speech and language disorder: structural brain abnormalities. Brain 125: 465-478, 2002.
- Devan, B.D., Petri, H.L., Mishkin, M., Stouffer, E.M., Bowker, J.M., Yin, P.B., Buffalari, D.M., and Olds, J.L. A room with a view and a polarizing cue: Individual differences in the stimulus control of place navigation and passive latent learning in the water maze. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 78: 79-99, 2002.
- Poremba, A., Saunders, R.C., Crane, A.M., Cook, M., Sokoloff, L., and Mishkin, M. Functional mapping of the primate auditory system. Science 299: 568-572, 2003.
- Málková and Mishkin, M. One-trial memory for object-place associations after separate lesions of hippocampus and posterior parahippocampal region in the monkey. J. Neurosci. 23: 1956-1965, 2003.
- Vargha-Khadem, F., Salmond, C.H., Watkins, K.E., Friston, K.J., Gadian, D.G., and Mishkin, M. Developmental amnesia: Effect of age at injury. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100: 10055-10060, 2003.
- Isaacs, E.B., Vargha-Khadem, F., Watkins. K.E., Lucas, A., Mishkin, M., and Gadian, D.G. Developmental amnesia and its relationship to degree of hippocampal atrophy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100: 13060-13063, 2003.
- Liegeois, F., Baldeweg T., Connelly, A., Gadian, D.G., Mishkin, M., and Vargha-Khadem, F. Language fMRI abnormalities associated with FOXP2 gene mutation. Nature Neurosci. 6: 1230-1237, 2003.
- Poremba, A., Malloy M., Saunders, R.C., Carson, R.E., Herscovitch, P., and Mishkin, M. Species-specific calls evoke asymmetric activity in the monkey's temporal poles. Nature 427: 448-451, 2004.
- Rämä, P., Poremba, A., Yee, L., Malloy, M., Mishkin, M., and Courtney, S.M. Dissociable functional cortical topographies for working memory maintenance of voice identity and location. Cereb. Cortex 14:768-80, 2004. (Epub 2004 Apr 14.)
- Vargha-Khadem, F., Gadian, D.G., Copp, A., and Mishkin, M. FOXP2 and the neuroanatomy of speech and language. Nature Reviews Neurosci. 6:131-138, 2005.
- Turchi, J., Saunders, R.C., and Mishkin, M. Effects of cholinergic deafferentation of the rhinal cortex on visual recognition in monkeys. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:2158-2161, 2005.
- Adlam, A.-L. R.,Vargha-Khadem, F., Mishkin, M., and de Haan, M. Deferred imitation in developmental amnesia. J. Cog. Neurosci. 17:240-248, 2005.
- Okujava, V., Natishvili, T., Mishkin, M., Gurashvili, T., Chipashvili, S., Bagashvili, T. Andronikashvili, G., Kvernadze, G. One-trial visual recognition in cats. Acta Neurobiol. Exp. 65: 205-212, 2005.
- Fritz, J., Mishkin, M., and Saunders, R.C. In search of an auditory engram. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102: 9359-9364, 2005.
- Saunders, R.C., Mishkin, M., and Aggleton, J.P. Projections from the entorhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex, presubiculum, and parasubiculum to the medial thalamus in macaque monkeys: Identifying different pathways using disconnection techniques. Exp. Brain Res. 167: 1-16, 2005 [Sep 6, 2005, Epub ahead of print].
- Belcher A.M., Harrington, R.A., Malkova. L., and Mishkin, M. Effects of hippocampal lesions on the monkey's ability to learn large sets of object-place associations. Hippocampus 16: 361-367, 2006 [Dec 15, 2005; Epub ahead of print].
- Gardiner, J.M., Brandt, K.R., Vargha-Khadem, F., Baddeley, A., and Mishkin, M. Effects of level of processing but not of task enactment on recognition memory in a case of developmental amnesia. Cognitive Neuropsychol. 23: 930-948, 2006.
- de Haan, M., Mishkin, M., Baldeweg, T., and Vargha-Khadem, F. Human memory development and its dysfunction after early hippocampal injury. Trends Neurosci. 29: 374-381, 2006.
- de Haan, M., Wyatt, J.S., Roth, S., Vargha-Khadem, F., Gadian D., and Mishkin, M.
Brain and cognitive-behavioural development following asphyxia at term birth. Dev. Sci. 9: 350-358, 2006.
- Brandt, K.R., Gardiner, J.M., Vargha-Khadem F., Baddeley, A.D., and Mishkin, M. Using semantic memory to boost "epsodic" recall in a case of developmental amnesia? NeuroReport 17:1057-1060, 2006.
- Poremba, A. and Mishkin, M. Exploring the extent and function of higher-order auditory cortex in rhesus monkeys. Hearing Res. 229:14-23, 2007.
- Albus, J.S. et al. A proposal for a decade of the mind initiative. Science 317:1321, 2007.
- Gardiner, J.M., Brandt, K.R., Baddeley, A.D., Fargha-Khadem, F., and Mishkin, M. Charting the acquisition of semantic knowledge in a case of developmental amnesia. Neuropsychologia 46:2865-2868, 2008.
- Turchi, J., Buffalari D., and Mishkin, M. Double dissociation of pharmacologicall induced deficits in visual recognition and visual discrimination learning. Learning and Memory 15: 565-568, 2008.
- Yin, P., Mishkin, M., Sutter, M., and Fritz, J. Early stages of melody processing: Stimulus-sequence and task-dependent neuronal activity in monkey auditory cortical fields A1 and R. J. Neurophysiol. 100: 3009-3029, 2008.
- Brandt, K.R., Gardiner, J.M., Vargha-Khadem F., Baddeley, A.D., and Mishkin, M. Impairment of recollection but not familiarity in a case of developmental amnesia.
Neurocase 15: 60-65, 2009 [Epub 2008 Dec 17].
- Munoz, M., Mishkin, M., and Saunders, R.C. Resection of the medial temporal lobe disconnects the rostral superior temporal gyrus from some of its projection targets in the frontal lobe and thalamus. Cerebral Cortex 19:2114-2130, 2009 [Epub 2009 Jan 15].
- Adlam, A.L., Malloy, M., Mishkin, M., and Vargha-Khadem, F. Dissociation between recognition and recall in developmental amnesia. Neuropsychologia 47:2207-2210, 2009 [Epub 2009 Feb 5].
- Tanji, K., Leopold, D.A., Ye, F.Q., Zhu, C., Malloy, M., Saunders, R.C., and Mishkin, M. Effect of sound intensity on tonotopic fMRI maps in the unanesthetized monkey. NeuroImage 49:150-157, 2010 [Epub 2009 Jul 22].
- Turchi, J., Devan, B., Yin, P., Sigrist, E., and Mishkin, M. Pharmacological evidence that both cognitive memory and habit formation contribute to within-session learning of concurrent visual discriminations. Neuropsychologia 48(8):2245-50, 2010. [Epub 2010 Feb 6].
- Wilke, M., Turchi, J. Smith, K., Mishkin, M., and Leopold, D. Pulvinar inactivation disrupts selection of movement plans. J. Neurosci 30(25):8650-9, 2010.
- Kikuchi, Y., Horwitz, B., Mishkin, M. Hierarchical auditory processing directed rostrally along the monkey's supratemporal plane. J. Neurosci. 30: 13021-13030, 2010.
- Malkova, L., Mishkin, M., Suomi, S., Bachevalier, J. Long-term effects of neonatal medial temporal ablations on socioemotional behavior in monkeys. Behav. Neurosci. 124:742-760, 2010.
- Munoz, M., Chadwick, M., Perez-Hernandez, E., Vargha-Khadem, F. and Mishkin, M. Novelty preference in patients with developmental amnesia. Hippocampus 21:1268-1276, 2011 [Epub 2010 Sep 29].
- Kravitz, D.J., Saleem, K.S., Baker, C.I., and Mishkin, M. A new neural framework for visuospatial processing. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 12: 217-230, 2011.
- Guderian, S., Brigham, D., and Mishkin, M. Two processes support visual recognition memory in rhesus monkeys. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108:19425-19430, 2011.
- Schulze, K., Vargha-Khadem, F., and Mishkin, M. Test of a motor theory of long-term auditory memory. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109:19425-19430, 2012.
- Wu, W., Saunders, R.C., Mishkin, M., and Turchi, J. Differential effects of m1 and m2 receptor antagonists on visual recognition memory in monkeys. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 98: 41-46. 2012.
- Fukushima, M., Saunders, R.C., Leopold, D.A., Mishkin, M., and Averbeck, B.B. Spontaneous high-gamma band activity reflects functional organization of auditory cortex in th awake macaque. Neuron 74:899-910, 2012.
- Scott, B.H., Mishkin, M. and Yin P. Monkeys have a limited form of short-term memory in audition. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109:12237-12241, 2012.
- Kravitz, D.J., Saleem, K.S., Baker, C.I., Ungerleider, L.G., and Mishkin, M. The ventral visual pathway: An expanded neural framework for the processing of object quality. Trends in Cogn. Sci., In press.
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Photo: LN, NIMH
Name: Mortimer Mishkin
Birth: 13 December, 1926., Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Title: Senior Investigator
Affiliation: National Institute of Health, USA
Citation: "For his contributions to understanding the neural basis of perception and memory in primates, notably the delineation of sensory neocortical processing systems especially for vision, audition, and somatic sensation, and the organization of memory systems in the brain." Presented by President Barack H. Obama in the East Room of the White House on November 17, 2010.
History of Discovery
Humor:"Looking at my own behavior through a scientific lens is a habit, not that it leads to anything."
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