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Aristide Briand

Aristide Briand

The Nobel Peace Prize 1926
Nobel Co-recipient: Gustav Stresemann

Role: Foreign Minister, Part-originator of Locarno Pact and Briand-Kellogg Pact

Nobel Prize Cash and Philanthropy

Aristide Briand’s Nobel Prize Medal was auctioned for 12,200 euros in 2008.

Photo PD Wiki. Painting Tim Tompkins PaintHistory.com

Name: Aristide Briand
Birth: 28 March 1862, Nantes, France
Death: 7 March 1932, Paris, France
Residence: France
Role: Foreign Minister, Part-originator of Locarno Pact and Briand-Kellogg Pact
Portion of Cash: 1/2
Nobel Prize Cash and Philanthropy